Chapter 6

Ryan came downstairs after his shower fully ready for the day he knew there was more out there now but he wasn't even the slightest bit concerned and wouldn't do anything about that until later. As he walked into the kitchen his family was stunned to see his smiling face although he was a happy person his face only showed two emotions a smirk or an emotionless face, they didn't know what to say so they just ate slowly looking at him. After he sat down for his meal they quickly ate since they needed to go pick up Issac and Boyd, Savannah was tugging at his arm insistent on getting Issac first.

He saw a slight blush on her face and teased her a little about it she had never dated before seeing no one could catch her interest but he had caught them yesterday talking to each other in hushed whispers but didn't ease drop so she could have some privacy. Instead of his Mustang they took her SUV so everyone could actually fit in the car, hearing her little growls he smiled and went to get Issac first who rushed out the house jumping in the back joined by Savannah. Ryan noticed the slight fear in his eyes but didn't bring it up he planned to deal with that by the end of the day, after getting Boyd who also smirked at the two in the back they went to school.

(Yeah I never intended for Ryan and Savannah to be together it's just from the pack bond that they are so close nothing more.)

When they pulled up to the school Allison was already waiting with Lydia who was ignoring Jackson asking her about where she was last night, "Hey Pinkie." Ryan called out to Allison who blushed swatting his arm in shyness.

Lydia noticing their closeness frowned a little and walked over standing in front of the two, "What does Pinkie mean?"

Ryan smirked while looking at the blushing Allison, "Should I tell her or are you going to?"

"Humph!" She punched his arm moving away, "It's nothing but him being an idiot."

Ryan laughed at the increasing blush on her face while Lydia looked between the two but didn't say anything else, she did roll her eyes when Jackson walked behind her holding her waist scowling at Ryan. It also didn't escape his notice that the little beta fro yesterday was growling at him too making Savannah chuckle just to piss him off more he walked over to Allison and hugged her side surprising her. "Hope you don't mind Pinkie, wouldn't want you to get lost into the hall."

"Please you are just being a perv." But she didn't remove his arm instead leaning in a little. After having no secrets between the group everyone was a lot closer some might say who would tell all their secrets meeting someone for the first time but when there is a homicidal Alpha going around what's to hide. You would have to be an idiot to believe in random mountain lion attacks when they came so close to humans.

The group walked into the school splitting up with Lydia and Ryan going to Latin while the rest went to their classes. While Lydia was in advanced placement for Latin the rest took some normal classes so they didn't follow them while Ryan had a different schedule entirely since he was a Junior a year ahead of them all. When they got to class Lydia stared daggers at him making him both amused and curious about why she was doing it.

"Can I help you Lydia?" He chuckled.

"Yes you can tell me why you call Allison Pinkie and why you two are so close all of a sudden. Didn't we have a good talk last night how are we not that close." She fires off even when the class had started.

He had to hold in his laughter at her calming himself down before talking, "Well we did I really enjoyed talking to you last night I don't usually like talking to people at all. The reason me and her seem close is cause I talked with her to about the same amount, but the Pinkie thing is private unless you ask her."

She didn't like it but accepted it since she couldn't do anything about it she would talk to Allison later since they shared English together. The rest of class was spent with them both learning things they already knew so it was pretty boring. When lunch time came around Ryan had gotten a text from his mom about their club they had opened up in town.

Mom- We have everything ready first night opening is Saturday invite your friends but no hard drinking.

R- Got it mom I will invite some. Also I want to ask if you can do something for me if you don't mind.

Mom- Anything just name it.

R- Can you take in another kid?

Mom- what's going on. Hang on I'll cal you.

"Who is it?" She asked not even knowing the details but he could hear joy in her voice since after she had Savannah she was told she couldn't have children again.

"Well we have a new friend named Issac and I know for a fact that he is being abused so I want to get him out of the situation. Is there anything you can do?"

"Well yeah I can get our lawyers involved and get custody of him as long as he doesn't have any other relatives to take him. What about his mother?" She asked he voice tint with some concern.

"I don't now but from what I can tell she isn't in the picture I will find out more before we go through with this though." Ryan said glad she was his mom since she was so caring and loved almost everyone.

"Okay make sure you do we shouldn't leave him there for to long if what you are saying is true."

After hanging up Ryan made his way to the cafeteria for lunch and saw all his friends there with the addition of one more, she was a timid girl who had messy blonde hair and looked a little sickly. With a pep in his step Ryan took a seat in between Allison and Lydia he decided not to get any food since with his enhanced taste buds it tasted worse than it should. "So what's going on people? How's everyone's day?"

Everyone gave mixed answers while Boyd introduced the girl next to him, "This is Erica apparently she had an accident in Gym class and Savannah helped her out and invited her to sit with us today."

The girl in mentioned smiled a little at Savannah and Boyd before nodding at Ryan who gave her a nod back, "So guys I don't know if Savannah told you but our parents just opened a club and it will have its opening this Saturday anyone want to come?" Ryan said lookin everyone over.

"Wait your parents are the ones who opened that club I was wondering who it was I've been trying to get on the list." Lydia said bouncing in excitement.

"Yeah so does that mean you guys are in?"

Everyone nodded agreeing to come Allison was hesitant at first but when she saw everyone agreeing and Ryan egging her on she agreed to come too. Lydia then started talking about her party tonight telling everyone they couldn't be late she even invited Erica since she was now apart of our little group. After lunch when they were walking out Ryan decided to tease Allison and slapped her on the but making her yelp before playfully glaring at him running off with Lydia.

Before he could make it far someone stopped him it was someone he remembered seeing at the lacrosse tryouts yesterday, he couldn't remember but that his name was some version of Daniel. "Hey I couldn't help but over heat about the club thing. Do you think you could get me on the list?"

"Umm who are you again?" Ryan asked chuckling a bit at him for randomly asking someone he didn't even know.

"Oh sorry man names Danny I've seen you guys hanging out. I'm friends with Lydia so I just thought...." he didn't continue but actually looked embarrassed for this whole conversation.

"It's cool man yeah tell you what I'll even get you an over twenty one wrist band so you can have some real fun." Ryan said patting his shoulder before walking away.

"Hey mind making it for two people!" Danny shouted out seeing him walk away.

All he got in return was a wave of a hand from Ryan who turned the corner grumbling something about how stupid his last to classes were. The rest of school was a blur and they all met in the parking lot at the end of the day the boys in one car the girls in the other, the girls had decided to go shopping to have something to wear for tonight. While the guys went to Ryan's house to hang out and play video games along the way Ryan not so subtly asked about Issac's family.

"So Issac where is you mom?"

"She passed away a couple years ago, why?" He looked over at Ryan suspiciously but still answered.

"Any other family?"

It was obvious by now and Issac clenched his fist but didn't hide anything, "No it's just my dad and I know what you are thinking but I'm stuck okay."

Boyd was at a lost but listen to the two anyway, "Well I thought how about living with us. I already talked to my mom and she is okay with the idea as long as you want to join us." Ryan said.

By now Boyd slightly understood and smiled at Ryan he knew it was a good idea to be friends with them, even after learning about what they were he still wasn't scared of them more intrigued and hopeful. Issac was stunned a little but couldn't stop the smile that was on his face, he didn't even know it was there but a slight tear was at the corner of his eyes, "How..... how can we make that happen?"

Ryan smirked, "Well it is quite easy actually all you need to do is testify what is going on. My mom is ready to get the lawyers involved as long as you want to join the family."

Issac was happy at first but then thought about how his and Savannah's relationship was progressing and didn't know what to do because he didn't want her parents to think anything bad about him. Ryan seeing him hesitant could kinda guess what he was thinking and laughed followed by Boyd who also noticed it. Issac was embarrassed but didn't forget to say something to Boyd, "What don't think I didn't notice how you looked at Erica."

That shut him up and made Ryan laugh even harder as he pulled into the garage, "what Ryan don't think we didn't notice the love triangle between you, Lydia, and Allison." Boyd smirked thinking he had something on him but Ryan swung his keys smiling he wasn't ashamed at all.

Inside the house Ryan's mom and dad were sitting in the living room his dad talking on the phone to vendors about prices for alcohol while his mom watched some reality tv show. Hearing them enter his mom looked over putting on a wide smile seeing Ryan with new friends, "Well hello there sweetheart. And who might you two handsome men be?"

"Mom this is Vernon Boyd and Issac Lahey my friends from school. Guys my mom Veronica Matthews."

(Can't remember if I gave them names but if I did well these are the new ones)

"Please just call me Veronica or mom, but not Mrs. Matthews makes me sound like some middle aged lady." His mom said bring them both in for a hug holding Issac just a little longer than Boyd.

The two smiled instantly likening Ryan's mom it was like the family could just attract anyone with the way they behaved, "Thanks Veronica. I hope you don't mind us being here today." Boyd said.

"No problem dear you guys go have fun while I make you a snack. Oh I heard you are staying over tomorrow night correct? Well tell me if there is something you want special and I will go out and pick it up." She said before racing off to the kitchen to make them something to eat.

Ryan chuckled leading them to his room where they started a four hour long video game run before getting ready for the party, Lydia had to call them twice to tell them to hurry and come over.