

Dave got back from his work place. He waited for the delivery crew outside his apartment. It took them nearly two hours to get to his place. When they got there they were kind of doubtful that the person who ordered this expensive equipment came from an worn down apartment. It was not their business though. Dave showed them where he lived and they carefully transported the equipment to the fourth floor where Dave lived. Once they were done setting up the VR equipment, they told him what and how to maintain the equipment. It came with essential life support liquids that will be directly injected to the machine to maintain peak state body condition. Dave learned all what he needed. Without delay, he hopped right inside. He lied down and positioned himself correctly.


It was the voice command to start the process and load the system. Inside the pod it was cool and soothing making Dave very comfortable. A goggle appeared blocking Dave's view outside. He had currently locked his apartment so no one could get inside while he was here playing vulnerable. The essential liquids started pouring in and the equipment loaded pulling Dave into the Digital World. Dave found himself inside a menu with the list of current popular games and forums that exchanged information regarding anything that are allowed. Within the virtual world almost everything is found there so Dave didn't have to worry if he wanted to search for something.

"Load Gen-W."

With the voice command accepted the machine started to load Gen-W. Genetic Warriors was a long time game currently six years running and players have started to grow their own empire inside. Many have become rich because of the game and others inspired to do so as well. Dave was one of billions of current players inside this virtual reality game.

Ding.. Finishing Loading.

[Scanning Real Facial Structure.... Loading Face.. Complete]

[Scanning Real Body Structure..... Loading Body.. Complete]

The face and body of the person inside this game is imported to make sure players are comfortable playing feeling that they are truly inside the game. Though hair color could be customized.

["Please give Character Name"] A machinated voice that seemed soothing and pleasing to the ears.

Dave thought about it for a while because he might not be able to change it in the future.


[Sorry, that name has already been taken. Please choose something else.]

Dave remembered that there were currently three billion players inside if he wanted name his character then it would be definitely something unique.

"Okay. How about, "Unlimited."

[Sorry, that name has already been taken. Please choose something else.]

[Would you like to see recommended available names?]


[List of Available Names]





"F*ck." Dave curse thinking on how could get to name his character if it was this hard. Three billion players inside thinking some had already numbers beside their name.


[Name is available. Would you like to proceed?]


[Loading Data.... Complete]

[Loading Cutscene....Complete]

Then Dave's view changed and he saw a very huge planet much larger than earth. It was much larger almost ten times the size. Inside players occupied nearly 40% scattered all over. With empires which stemed from guilds that conquered cities and territories. Resources were fought all over and various Beasts were hunted for their genetic ability to enhance players of their overall strength. Dave was getting excited on what this world would bring and what heights he would reach in the future.

The cutscene explained the history of this earth on how people developed and arrived to the strengthening and alteration of genes that gave people superhuman powers. It showed the people who focused on strength, agility, and unique abilities that could made use to defeat enemies.

The starting point of players was to choose between the three empires that could be located in the middle of a continent. Players here was concentrated due to other areas being already high level. Most beginners start between the three empires. There were other empires controlled by NPCs and players. The NPCs inside the empire was very high leveled and players gave up their thoughts of conquering this domain but maybe in the future they would be able to do so.

[Genetic Federation... Focused on researching genetic abilities on how to improve human strength and capabilities.]

[Beastial Empire.... Most humans here focuses on infusing genes from animals and beasts to acquire strength and abilities.]

[M&M Alliance... Mercenaries and Merchants run this domain. It holds most of the wealth inside the game. Various genetic formula and abilties can be found here for trading.]

The three empires can be advantagous to other players if played correctly because there are advantages if you choose on how to play it out giving you the boost inside the game. The Genetic Federation gives missions and rewards those heavily if managed to accomplish it including new researched genetic formula and abilities. Bestial Empire gives exotic beasts that couldn't be found normally in other areas giving them advantages if wanting to change genes that could be advantagous in a particular scenario. M&M allaince gives quests and bounties to assasinate and accomplish tasks that reward them with credit and abilities.

"I choose M&M Alliance."

Dave picked this particular empire because on how he could generate in-game credits to financially support his endeavor inside the game.

[Transporting Player.. Loading.... Ding.. Completed.]

Dave suddenly appeared in the beginner starting point of the M&M Alliance. He saw a brand new world with realistic features seeminlgy not different in real life. He walked and saw that it was just like walking in real life. Moving his hands doesn't feel any different. Technology have made a long way since then and gaming have conquered the world.

Dave walked his way around and found players walking about minding their own business. The players here were also newbies. The average player database with levels ranging from 550-600. In Six years, they made their way pain stakingly climbing up the ladder. It was hard leveling up but it really did not grant any new abilities but rather the ability to hold more abilities and use them. If you could stumble upon a Graded SSS gene ability then a level could learn it but not use it in its full potential. There were no limits in this game on what you could fuse but on how you could produce power coming from that genetic upgrade.

[Ding.... Mission Updated. Find Stoic and talk to him]

A huge arrow for beginners slowly began to appear above the sight of Dave indicating him to follow its direction. Dave followed where it would lead to and found [Stoic].

"Welcome Traveller, I'm [Stoic] and here to give you teaching on fighting and other related useful trainings. Would you like to proceed?"

Dave found that the man was awefully realstic. The developers have carefully constructed a super advance AI that would give birth to NPCs with their own AI and integrate it into the Virtual World without them noticing it. It gave Dave a list of tutorials. Most players skipped this part as they don't want to waste their time on basic stuff. Dave wanting to thoroughly learn the basics to be able to catch up to the leading player base did not hesitate to see if he could learn any loopholes and tricks to the game. Dave was asked by [Stoic] to follow him to a Fighting Gym where they would train.

Stoic explained that the movements here inside is almost realistically similar with 95%. If he could do it outside the game then it becomes much better but it doesn't mean that he wouldn't if he didn't. Most players that dominated Gen-W were people who have played sports in the past but normal people slowly began to learn how to do it inside the game.

"Let us do and train your footwork. It is necessary in combat if you want to take advantage of your opponent. Learning this would make battles much easier. I will show you the Basic Foot Work and imitate how I did it."

[Stoic] moved around the gym in a smooth manner there were obstacles and he moved past them not too fast but not considered slow so Dave could carefully observe on what he had done.

"It's your turn now. I want you to do exactly how I did it."

"Okay." Dave focused and emitated how Stoic did it and found that it was very hard. He thought that a tutorial should be fairly easy to do. He thought that the devs had hidden something here. He tried and tried all over again until he saw notifcation that there was 56% mastery on what he was doing.

He did it again and again for 15 more minutes and received a Ding.

[Swift Footwork Mastered Lv.1

Grants 1% movement speed]

It was a huge discovery and reward for Dave. He did not know that completing such basic training would reap him a huge benefit. One percent may not be huge now but what would it become in the future. He did all the trainings Stoic gave him but didn't receive other skills. He was somehow disappointed but made a huge discovery.

[Swift Footwork Lv.1 +1% Movement Speed]

A lot of players tried the tutorial but half-way gave up because it was a waste of time or they were exhausted thinking that it wouldn't give anything.

"I'm sure that there other players like me who choose to stay and reap such rewards who may be similar to mine." Dave was looking brightly into his future thinking that this journey would be smooth.