

Dave was sure that there was something that happened to kill of the villagers and turned them into zombies. Dave explored more and found some really useful items like solutions that are used for healing. He found credits that were hidden in closets and cabinets. There were no villagers so he scoured every inch of the place until he at the center of the town. There he saw blood scattered around but in an organized way. He climb at one of the buildings to see what it was and saw that it was a giant blood of pentagram. The first thing he thought was a large ritual using the villagers.

Ding.... Discovered hidden mission... [Death of Alorria]

Find the one who massacred the people of Alorria and kill him


It was a surprise for Dave to suddenly get a mission here without talking to NPCs. Dave had already searched every inch of the town but to no avail. Suddenly, the sky grew dark and red blood clouds started appearing congregating above the center of the town. The blood pentagram on the town began glowing red. The ritual was happening and Dave knew he was here to stop this.

Ding.... [Due to your low level character. The level of the monster has been reduced to a state where you can defeat it]

"That is somehow reassuring." Dave smiled half-heartedly.

He knew he was in for a tough battle. With only beginner swords to assist him. It would be really difficult to win this. The blood on the ground began concentrating towards a single points forming a ball of blood. Loud screeches could be heard outside the town and Dave knew the zombie was here again. It gave him headaches how could he win this. Outnumbered and out gunned. He had to think of something to stop this ritual or who knows what might appear if it is done. The zombies rushed all around town from the entry points towards that ball of blood. They did not mind Dave and was recklessly rushing towards the blood ball. Dave was inwardly surprised what was happening. Being ignored by the zombies was a good thing but what was this? The zombies flesh began to rot even more and it could be seen that their bones were breaking and they were turning to ashes. The bones began to fuse with the ball of blood covering it until it slowly formed into a skeleton.

"This is the boss battle and straight into it." Dave creased his brow of what was happening. He found so many credits here if he would die here he would lose some and also all of his equipments.

The mass of bones finally formed and it was a huge skeleton with blood red eyes. The chest of the skeleton was glowing red that seemed to power it. With keen observation Dave knew that it was the skeletons weakpoint. Being low-leveled how could he possibly defeat such an oppnonent. He was currently racking his brains to have a solution. The situation was dire and he needed help but he knew that there was nobody elese.

Dave unsheathed both swords preparing for the worse to come. A large sword made of countless bones appeared and was directly slashed towards Dave. Dave ran and evaded it. The huge impact destroyed the land and the buildings. This thing was really powerful. With two swords in both hands he evaded all the attack with great difficulty because of its size. It was 15 meters tall. Dave knew that the only way to defeat it was in close quarters. He neared the foot of the giant skeleton and begun slashing his two swords. The bones in the foot of the skeleton cracked but the red light coming from the chest was repairing it. Dave knew that this was a cheat. How could he defeat it if it was always regenerating. He hacked, slashed and evaded attacks from the skeleton making him sweat inside the game. How could be this skeleton possibly defeated? It was in a reduced state because of his low level what more if it was in full power. This was a chance to get something nice if he was victorius.

Dave's tactics and stratgey were not successful he needed something more that could threaten this skeleton but needed something that would damage it that the regeneration of bones could not keep up with. How could he possibly find something that would be able to do that in this desolate town.

Seeing that trying to slash this skeleton was not useful Dave ran away fleeing thinking what could he do to salvage the situation. He knew there was only two possibilities. First, destroy its part until it cannot regenerate and second, destroy the red ball of blood enclosed in its chest area. The second one he did not know how to do it because the first one it wouldn't work with his weak damage. He ran as the huge skeleton followed him as the land rumbled with its steps. Dave thought of something he decided to do this if he would survive or not he wouldn't care anymore atleast he tried.

Dave was already inside the game for more than 10 hours but his exhaustion was clearly evident because of his mentality was being strained. The mind and the body were connected. Stress was showing in Dave. This skeleton really made him work. He decided to go up towards a tall building that would make him get near the chest of the skeleton but first he needed to get away from it. He found a very tall building as tall as the skeleton. He decided to make the skeleton lost him in the alleyways of the town. He was successful and the skeleton destroyed everything on its path. Dave finally got on top of the building. He first then tried to get the attention of the skeleton which was successful. The skeleton moved towards him inteding to slash him with giant bone sword. He knew the sword was easy to dodge. As the sword hacked into the building crashing it, he jumped into the skeletons large sword and ran towards the chest. He then jumped from the sword and landed in the sternum of the skeleton. The skeleton was huge so the ribs had a large gap between them. He slipped by and found out that the bright ball of blood was pricking his skin causing him damage. He tried thrusting his sword towards the ball of blood but it would only pass through.

The plan he carefully executed did not reach up to this point. He didn't know what to do with the ball of blood. Meta would only pass through it. It was liquid. There was no other choice he could think of and this was most probably the dumbest but thinking that this was only a game he jumped from the ribs and opened his mouth intending to swallow the ball of blood. He was successful but the pain that arrived after he did it was something that felt so real. He thought that he could never experience this kind of pain here inside the game. There was a limiter on how people would feel pain but during this time it was removed due to some unknown reason. Dave screamed and his veins bulged. His eyes became bloodshot.

Ding.... Unknown Congregation of genes detected

[Would you like to Absorb?]

Dave was shocked. "What? I can absorb this? Yes!" Without thinking too much what would happen Dave absorbed slowly the power and it was slowly reconstructing his physical structure. The genes were suddenly going a massive transformation. He did not know what he would become after this it might be a disaster or a gift. Daves bone crackled and his fleash was withering. He thought that this was like the zombies earlier. Flesh disentigrated and began being absorbed inside the bones fusing to become much harder and stronger.

"What kind of messed up game this is!" He cursed and shouted because of the intense pain. The pain didn't even let up until it was over. Dave was exhausted inside and outside the game. He survived such an ordeal he knew he currently don't have the time to check it what happened to him inside the game as he was forcefully log out because the VR equipment issued an emergency log out protecting the user.