Saffron tea

The second empire collapsed due to the betrayal of the victorious faction of "warriors", they abandoned the ideas of socialism, ceased to be communists. They probably weren't from the very beginning. And they were just careerists and hypocrites. They transferred all the wealth of the second empire and the colonies to themselves. The people of the whole empire were left with nothing. Everyone came to terms with this. The second empire has become the laughing stock of the world. But the successors of the second empire did not come to terms with imperial ambitions. They tried to restore the empire 15 years after its collapse. During the coronavirus, they wanted to oust China from the allies, Small-An, and seize it. But China did not doze and did not give offense to its allies. China was the guarantor of peace and stability in the region of the former kingdom of Tsao. China did not allow imperialism and neo-colonialism to develop. The deterrent, a great country that saw all the manifestations of human nature and the political tricks of other countries. But this is a topic for another story.

After the collapse of the second empire, the MirAli families were returned from the desert. But his rehabilitation took place only within the framework of the new state of Small-An. He became the director of the newly created Center for Strategic Initiatives and Regional Studies. At the National Security Agency Small-An. He was awarded the title of Major General. On this, he partially falls out of this story, appearing only occasionally. He had a lot of work. He left at 6 in the morning, returned home at 11 in the evening. And so every day.

Samir Ali as a child prodigy enrolled in elementary school in third grade. He will also appear occasionally in history.

Hontur mother, monitored the proper nutrition of all, her husband, two children, was engaged in remote training of new personnel, and so she became a housewife. She will appear in history more often. Since the protagonist of the story, Shir Ali will take cooking tips from his mom.


Shir Ali already forgot about that bat shit that suddenly disappeared from his palm.

Is Mumiyo a magical remedy that has come through the millennium or is it not yet fully understood? The first does not cancel the second. Numerous studies have been conducted, but there is no single answer.

What is a "mummy"? This is a natural formation, of different colors, from brown to black, with a different texture from solid to grainy. It contains plant, mineral and animal impurities. It looks like resin.

"Mummy" for example, Small-An is mined in the mountains, caves. If your stomach suddenly hurt or there were bruises, they gave this unexplored substance, diluted with milk, stirred. The taste was very specific. Local herbal grandmothers believed that this was a panacea for all ills. Doctors treated with some skepticism but did not see a big problem in this. Later in the nineties, in pharmacies, sometimes you could see pills called "mummy".

This unprecedented product, of unknown origin, scientists still do not know exactly how "mummy" is obtained. And they mine it in the former kingdom of Tsao, Altai, India, Tibet, and China.

The composition of "mummy" contains a large number of various trace elements. In medieval medicine, Avicenna indicated in his writings about him. Like the artichoke, "mummy" promotes the regeneration of liver cells.

In medical practice, "mummy" is used as a means of treatment and the fastest healing in fractures.

This shit possessed such properties in folk medicine.

Ancient bat shit just soaked into Shir Ali meridians. It was an ancient artifact that possessed one unique property.

But to activate it, another element was needed. As in a chemical reaction, in order to start the process, a catalyst was needed - a substance that accelerates a chemical reaction.

This substance was surprisingly saffron tea with crystal sugar. He launched the mechanism of the other artifact, which allowed the owner to move in space but only in the past. There used to be another substance, plant juice. In lat. Cortúsa matthióli is a perennial herbaceous, short-rhizome polycarpic (flowering and fruiting many times over a lifetime) rosette plant. it was known at the tertiary time.

Now it was almost impossible to meet him, only at the top of the small nunatak hills in Greenland, where the remains of the tertiary flora were preserved. But Shir Ali didn't know about it! This juice just could give a different effect, to travel in time but into the future.

This shit used to be everywhere, but that kind of bat died out during evolution. All over the world, there are about a hundred of such caves forgotten by everyone. And in Small An, there are only three caves, one of which Shir Ali has already found.

Nobody knew about this artifact in the world now; all records were destroyed; the cultivators who knew about them died or disappeared from this world. Having lost the ability to return to their bodies. Their astral spirit remained in other worlds. They lost the opportunity to return, they forgot about the Earth. About your body. Some of which were destroyed and other bodies, mummified, have been waiting for their masters for several thousand years, sealed in rocky caves.

Some caves collapsed over time, destroying bodies, some bodies were eaten by spiritual animals to increase their cultivation level, absorbing fertile materials from the bodies of cultivators. And the part remained intact not found by anyone.

The desert king, the great serpent, simply sensed an artifact with his special spiritual sense of smell but did not know that he would have such an unenviable end.

Previously, this artifact was used by alchemists and culinary specialists who chose their own path of DAO cultivation - some medicine and other healing culinary. They traveled through time and actually borrowed recipes from those times, learning new or forgotten old cooking methods, the name of the products and their healing properties. Were they thieves of ideas? Dastardly plagiarists? Or, nevertheless, they introduced their new ideas there and were not just thieves but thieves with creative thought! One way or another, their activity brought them good money, fame, honor. Not everyone liked it. sometimes they were killed out of envy, jealousy, fear.

Over time, their records were burned, in different eras, were lost or destroyed. So in the 20th century, no one living in 22,000 worlds knew about the properties of this ancient artifact. The remains of knowledge were the ancient volumes of works on alchemy and traditional medicine. Only the chosen one could understand the encrypted codes. But no one knew that these codes are in the books.

Only Dara's cousin, besides Shir Ali, knew about this. But if Shir Ali found out about this from the memory of a piece of bat shit and insight in a distant cave in the desert. That Dara learned everything from the system.

Such keys deciphering ancient knowledge were ancient books on cooking and medicine.

Two of which the system was able to find in Small-An, and the rest had to be searched for yourself. But thanks to the Internet it was possible not to go beyond the three seas, and nine mountains, to look for them in dusty second-hand booksellers. Everything was in electronic form, on the Internet. Pay £ 4 or $ 23 and fly. That is, get the data. Interestingly, the code was in the text and not in the books themselves. Therefore, the possession of an ancient book did not contribute to the receipt of the cipher.

One book was in Arabic and the other in ancient Armenian. Shir Ali already mentioned them before, so he talked more about them, he considered it bad form. Money like secrets loves silence!


After rehabilitation, grandfather Feruz Sage bought in the name of the 8-year-old Shir Ali his small first cafe. It was located on the line of sight from the window of Firuza.

The cafe was small. Only three tables. One rack. Three chairs each. Only 9 people. The chef was a former secret police department cook. He had to teach little Shir Ali the secrets of cooking. After all, not even a super cool chef can know all the secrets of the world's culinary heritage!

Shchir Ali himself learned a lot, learned, but he also needed to learn and learn new things about culinary affairs, different schools, cooking methods, methods of food processing, the ability to choose the best quality products.

The ability to choose the right cookware, to know the methods of cutting products, to give the products a different taste, to know which products give energy and which take away. Which products cool, and which, on the contrary, bring heat, which products are neutral. Which products can be combined with others and which are not worth it. Healing properties and their contraindications. How two healing products enhance the healing effect. how to achieve this!

And many many others.

Just talking about this, Grandpa Ferzu handed a small Amurut to his little grandson. Such a glass cup, as in Turkey, which serves tea. But it was not tea, but a saffron drink.

It is prepared just 15 saffron stamens, pour boiling water, and then add a little crystal sugar to taste.

This drink, in addition to many other beneficial properties, has an important effect, enhance immunity, in a natural way. Which during any period of infection gives an amazing result.

In ancient times, in Small An, as Grandfather Feruz, who trusted only traditional medicine, said, they treated viral infections of which they certainly did not know, but guessed it was with herbs and roots.

So tuberculosis and pneumonia were treated with infusions and decoctions of herbs and mosses, some of which came along the Great Silk Road from the south and north of the Eurasia continent.

Moss was brought from Iceland, merchants from the Great Sea of ​​Oman Empire brought. From the south, caravans brought Parmelia. Moss was washed in cold water. Then they dried. Boiled it. And then they drank the infusion for 10 days. Only 3 months. It helped a lot.

There was also a blue St. John's wort - ISSOP; it also restored lung cells and treated lung diseases.

Horse milk helped cure tuberculosis.

Ginger, Saffron, Lemon, increased immunity at a natural level.

The tea was delicious, Shir Ali drank a half teapot, listening to the grandfather's fascinating story ...