Babylonian recipe

The small world did not disappear, it even expanded, and all thanks to the fact that Shir Ali simply relieved the need. Thus, the small world received the energy that the king of the desert was seeking. Two ancient artifacts reacted. Shir Ali, unaware, moved on to the fourth stage of the desert cultivator (see cultivation levels in the Auxiliary Volume).

Now from this moment began his new path of becoming a Gourmet Dao cultivator. But he did not know any information about this. Since the materials on this ancient sect were lost, burned, destroyed. However, in some places on Earth, this knowledge is still preserved. It was just necessary to find them. If something is missing, it just means that you were looking badly!

It's hard to learn without a master, but there are also self-taught people who go to master their path. That was Shir Ali. In Tao, the main thing is simplicity, understanding the path of enlightenment. Each cultivator has his own path of comprehension of Tao. It has no form and has a form.

Tao of cooking gives happiness when cooking, happiness when food brings joy to those who eat it!Culinary Tao requires extensive knowledge, bringing to perfection the knowledge about different schools of cooking, processing methods, product properties, and their combination, spices, spices, and ignorance of them. It's hard to understand at first, but when you get involved, understanding comes simple and easy.

And you can choose another path of culinary Tao, does not become a chef, but become a gourmet, a connoisseur of food. Traveling around the country, studying the archeology of food, the history of food, how this or that food spread around the world. There are various tasty things, evaluate their taste, aroma, texture, write your notes, share impressions.

And you can ... look for lost recipes, and update them again, like lost products, put them back into culinary circulation. But in order to comprehend the way of U-Wei, he would have to switch to downshifting and not choose a public service. U-Wei, this is the path of harmony, not formalism and servility. The path of U-Wei, this is following the natural currents of energy, if you go against u-wei, it means to stray from the path of Tao. You must be able to contemplate and admire the beauty of nature, clouds, sky, water, plants, insects, animals, mountains, desert.

Comprehension of the path is the comprehension of oneself, comprehension of one's place in life, the ability to live naturally, without tension, comprehend one's inner world, understand oneself, and be honest with oneself. Do not harm your soul.

And for the soul to be strong, you need to have a strong body, strong psychic energy. This is all achieved by training and cultivation. We need techniques and knowledge. But they can be reached by observing nature yourself. This path is longer, there are mistakes on it, but there are new breakthroughs.

The happiest person, as Sri Aurobindo Ghosh said, the founder of Integral Yoga is a person who has no thoughts. The happiest person is the one who does not want anything, does not want anything, he has no passion, this means that the person has plunged into the path of knowing Tao.A man walking through enlightenment, he is not a hermit, he knows himself internal, external himself, the world around him, the biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, he cognizes the world!

He's everywhere and nowhere, if someone says that he has understood Tao, he deviated from him, if someone says that he has not reached the Tao, he approached him. As Lao Tzu said!

But this Shir Ali was yet to be explored. In the meantime ... he rushed to the camp with all his might so as not to let the guards down, because he had given them the word of a peasant!

And he was late, he came to an afternoon snack, and not to dinner. The guards at the gate were nervous, but when they saw the boy running on the horizon, they calmed down. Although they scolded him, threatening not to let him go into the desert the next time. They patted his hair and let him go to the camp.

Six months have passed. Shir Ali studied nature, exchanged recipes with nomads, they also ate snake meat, the elderly became younger, their chronic diseases disappeared, they extended their lives for another 50-100 years. Not knowing about it!

Relatives must communicate with each other, do not forget, this is the strength of family ties. So they told him the old nomads. Now, their family was larger, now there was a relative in the desert, and it became easier to live with it in the camp.

On the table in the cottage, where the Mir Ali family moved, always now, there was meat, mare's milk, bread, fruit, vegetables. The soldiers and officers who received gifts from Shir Ali smiled at them and did not create obstacles. The regime's chief himself, often dined with Mir Ali, they discussed matters that were going on in the empire. The chief of the regime consulted with Mir Ali where he could go after the collapse of the empire to his homeland or to remain in the colony. What is Mir Ali to him, said that it is better to leave for the USA or New Zealand. Since at home, he thinks, for a long time he will not be calm and capitalism with democracy will definitely not be 50 years old.

The chief of the regime realized that it was better for him to leave for Northern Europe, since his uncle lived there.

Everyone already felt that the empires remained a matter of months.

The new emperor betrayed the idea of ​​communism, having received money and status for this. He will leave to live in the Western world, with which his empire has fought for the past 80 years!The faction of "warriors" decided that communism would be enough for them, and the faction of "businessmen" ceased to exist. The balance of power was broken, the system of deterrence and balances plunged into oblivion. Now there was only one faction that no one held back. Therefore, they decided to switch all the money that was in the empire to their loved ones. Long live wild capitalism, they decided! And they created monopoly feudalism!

And Shir Ali, meanwhile, was collecting manna of camel spikes, it marked the throat, bronchi, helped remove sputum from them. Quench your thirst in the desert during long journeys.Gaining wealth, now he began to understand that in order to comprehend culinary science, money would be needed. Therefore, he began to collect coins, buttons, crystals, all that he could find in ruins.

He sold medicinal plants, roots, ointments. He exchanged money received from sales for valuable goods, exchanged them in the camp for tobacco, stew, which he then presented to the nomads.And they brought him food and clothes.

Mir Ali, his father, said that in the capital, Small-An, his younger cousin lives, his name is Dara. "He is the same as you! Greedy, loves to collect everything, loves money. But he is different from you as well. Gift and press and spender at the same time! Ahahahhahahaa! "

Shir Ali "it would be nice to meet him! We could organize a joint business in the future! Family business! "

"Yes, but he loves to buy things in advance, in an amazing way, then they are needed, and sometimes the prices go up, he has some gift of foresight"! remarked father. He would go to the analytical department of the planning department. But your brother has no desire to get involved with this counter. Alas, he is as pragmatic as you are! But besides, he is a lazy person! ""I wish you could make friends" ?! Another six months passed and the empire collapsed, the colonies were simply given freedom, they did not have to fight or shed blood for it. Empire, just did not need the colonies they were given freedom. I did not want to answer for the colonies and invest money in them, it was easier to use them as neo-colonies, pumping out all the resources at bargain prices and not investing anything in them.

The world has moved to a new stage in the exploitation of people. The era of industrialization, gave way to the era of information, so that after 30 years to move into the era of the Internet and digital technology.

A month later, even in the camp came in the form of Lieutenant General of the newly independent state, Small-An, their grandfather and relatives. They were released from the camp, all nomads joyfully shook hands with Feruz-Mirzo. And he thanked them warmly, now they all had relatives!Three months later, Mir Ali was rehabilitated in Small-An, reinstated, returned the order, and title. Hontur became a housewife. To compensate, she bought a plot, built a two-story house, planted a garden, and set up a garden. Retired. Samir Ali was placed in an elite kindergarten, and Shir Ali went to an ordinary public school, he already went along the Tao path, and did not want to become an aristocrat. The mother and father respected his choice.

Before the county, the old man, the patriarch of their clan in the desert, of the G8 clan, told Shir Ali about an ancient dish that was sometimes prepared in their desert. The dish then came from his stories during the Silk Road. Arabs brought it with them in the 7th century AD.

In a stone cauldron, lamb stew was stewed for half a day, on a pheasant broth. Onions, garlic, mint, dill, cabbage, carrots, turnips, cumin, barberry, salt, pepper, saffron were added to the pot. The meat was very soft and tasty. "So, try to do it at home!" he said.

"Grandfather come to visit us, grandmother will be very happy," said Shir Ali sincerely.Standing next to his grandfather, he confirmed the invitation! Old nomad, was glad! Now, they are officially related to a famous clan in the entire kingdom of Tsao!

When they got on the helicopter that was supposed to bring them home, Firuz Mirzo noticed that the nomad's recipe was a very ancient Babylonian recipe! It must be appreciated! Luxurious gift!To which Shir Ali only opened his mouth in surprise!