In the small world and teleportation

Shir Ali, began to slowly climb up the cliff. One arm is up, the leg rests on a ledge of a rock. Pulling up the body, and again the hand forward, the foot to the stop. Climbing up is easier than going down. During the ascent, he was focused on not getting off the cliff, since the boy had no insurance. Shir Ali, while raising loudly in the ear, recited a prayer. Because of this, all the snakes and spiders that were in the cracks and peacefully engaged in their household chores did not bite his fingers. So he was able to overcome obstacles and reach the top of the cliff.

The top was wide, there were stones on it, on one of which he crouched, to take a breath.Looking around the circle, he saw thyme bushes next to the stone, this would be a wonderful gift for mom. Thyme could be used as a cure for tonsillitis. 1 tablespoon of thyme (dry) brew a glass of boiling water. Insist, warm, rinse.

Shir Ali took a knife from the scabbard on his belt, and carefully cut grass near the root. At the same time, without damaging the roots, since who knows, maybe again you will have to return for thyme the next time. Remembering the equivalent exchange, he poured water on the roots of thyme. In nature, it cannot be otherwise. Those who forget this principle receive their retribution for their mistake.

Gently folding the grass into the canvas bag that was in the pockets of the backpack, and tightening the cord, he put it back into the pocket of the backpack. And then the scabbard knife. With a little breath, he went to the cave, which was at the back at the top.

But his attention was attracted by flowers, in the place where he discovered yesterday snake pieces. Flowers were

80 centimeters high. The stems are narrow, dark green in color, which is clearly visible against the background of purple rocks. The leaves look like the tips of short spears, ancient African warriors, the Zulu king Chakka, his mother read about this great African king for a long time, but he remembered!

With small purple and white flower corollas, like bells. It was a find for him. it was the legendary blue hypericum or bee grass! He has a strong root, similar to the spear itself! This is a spicy herb! It can also be used to prepare fresh spring salads from the stems and leaves of dandelion, therefore, for decoctions. Flowers are evaluated, dried, and stored in fabric bags for up to two years. The most important merit of Blue Hypericum in the treatment of bronchi and lungs from inflammation.Relieves inflammation, reduces pain, is able to disinfect, cleanse the lungs of mucus. In folk medicine, Blue Hypericum has successfully cured pneumonia and even cured tuberculosis! It was in the steppe. Southern peoples used Parmelia and Icelanders = Icelandic moss. Tinctures were nasty, bitter, but 10 days was enough to remove mucus from the bronchi and lungs. Better than antibiotics. Natural.

Blue St. John's wort, added quite a bit, rather as a flavoring for salads, gives the salad a tart and spicy taste. A couple of leaves are added to the soups. It makes the taste and aroma unforgettable. Well, the ancient Greeks said so. I wonder what modern doctors say? They usually strongly oppose traditional medicine. When traditional medicine is not ready to treat, people come to the rescue!

Interestingly, the nomads, like the elder of the Nyman clan in the desert of the Red Dragon, the blue hypericum, used to stew meat. In this case, only half the sheet of blue hypericum is added when the fire has already been removed. And leave for 2 minutes to reach the boiler cover.

Surprisingly, St. John's wort can speed up the repair of damaged cells!

They are usually treated by nomads in the form of decoctions, tinctures, tea, and syrup.

Decoctions are used for pneumonia.

And they drank nomadic tea with the flu or the common cold; it cured viral diseases.

But apart from the benefits, there is harm that sick kidneys, nursing mothers, and epileptics cannot!

Shir Ali is also endowed with this gift of nature.

Two plants grew there in one day! How could this happen? But Shir Ali did not think about it! He had to hurry! It was already noon! Therefore, without thinking much, he simply collected everything that could bring him money and new opportunities! But to think it will be possible along the way, now the main thing is not to waste time! Shir Ali saw an amazing picture, the plants bloomed densely, they directly sparkled with energy! There was no soil, no cracks, but only slate! Surprisingly, a little light came from the plants! But he first saw such flowers! Blue, almost purple, inside were three stamens of red color. Surprisingly there were many colors. Exactly where the body of the snake lay yesterday! Shir Ali, gathered the stamens, and they appeared again, he gathered again, and they appeared again! That was weird! But ShirAli was not against it. For what he took, he poured some water under the stems of the plants. As a tribute, an equivalent exchange.

He heard a soft whisper in his head - thank you for not uprooting, thank you for giving me water! In a surprise, he nearly fell off a cliff. It all seemed to him! Little slept! I got up early! All sorts of strange things happen! But he remembered how his mother told him that if you drink yourself, give it to another, be grateful to others for their kindness, it was such an upbringing. Therefore, he slightly pressed his right hand to his heart and nodded his head. You can only kneel before the Creator. Mountains, sky, sun, stars, seas, oceans, the moon knew about it, but sometimes people forgot about it.

Not understanding ShirAli, he became a cultivator of soul, so now he was at the level of strength with a 30-year-old commando, but spiritual and energetic. He did not know any fighting techniques, did not know how to shoot lightning, this is a different level of improvement. Before him, it was necessary to grow and grow.

Shir Ali, having eaten the meat of the king of the desert, simply gained new powers, magical powers, alien viruses that strengthened the body of his carrier. Giving them a power similar to the ancient cultivators, these forces were able to activate natural abilities, abilities, instincts, instincts. What was previously necessary for human survival in a difficult and life-threatening environment. Nature recorded all these useful skills in human DNA, but then, when a person acquired new knowledge, he changed his life. An ordinary clerk, a modern schoolboy, this knowledge was completely useless, so the DNA put them to sleep, sent them to sleep. The man completely forgot about it. Only some of them partially used their instincts, survivors, and special forces. And so a simple person was already different.

Alien viruses have long begun to conquer a third planet from the sun, the last several tens of thousands of years. It all began during the time of the ancient Holocene, 35,000 years ago, when the first meteorite fell from the sky, bringing the first viruses to the soil of the Earth. As a result, the intervention ended with protecting the Earth from other viruses. But no one wanted to get into this jungle of science. Therefore, it was easier to believe that this was a manifestation of magical powers achieved through Zen exercises and practices.

Shir Ali just felt that he was well, warm, full of strength and vitality, unknown to this!

But it was yesterday, and today, he was full of energy! Shir Ali walking towards the cave, he saw something shiny in one of the cracks, he thought, maybe this is some kind of crystal? To his surprise, it was some kind of red object, to the touch it was soft, warm, throbbing. It was a strange object. But since Shir Ali was engaged in folk medicine, all sorts of unexpected things could come in handy for him. It was always possible to exchange, it is something strange, for food, money or a useful service! So, Shir Ali wanted to send this item to the canvas bag that was in his backpack.He did not know that it was an eye, a king of the desert, a snake that had almost become a dragon! Great spiritual power was concentrated in this eye! But suddenly in his hand, under the rays of the sun, a red object dissolved, smoked and this smoke fell into his nose, eyes, mouth.

Shir Ali froze, as if he had been frozen, he was more likely even petrified! Only a moment later, enough to drink a cup of fragrant along, did he come to his senses. Looking around, he did not see a red object in his hand! Only in the air, a pleasant aroma hovered like spring flowers.But his consciousness began to be clouded, as if someone wanted to covertly control his consciousness, to subordinate his will. Gathering his spirit, Shir Ali simply said a prayer, and then said: -

"ShirAli, you are here! Yes, I'm here! Not three! " And the obsession has passed.

This is the eye of a snake who wanted to take possession of his mind! But prayer and the simplest Zen practice could dispel the obsession!

The serpent's eye was simply digested by the spiritual system of Shira Ali. In young children. not a fogged consciousness, they are pure, naive and this is their protection from black energy. The eye of a snake simply disappeared into the spiritual sea of ​​an 8-year-old boy. So the evil will of the king of the desert has disappeared! Although the king was neither evil nor good. But his desires, his ambitions, his aspirations were interrupted, and therefore his spirit simply wanted to take possession of his body, his spirit, in order to achieve his goal at any cost. The King of the Snake, lost his spirit, lost his common sense, he was swallowed by desire! But he disappeared, as he was mistaken!

Instead of just meditation, clear your mind of dirt, wash yourself with cold water, repent, and start doing good deeds. Helping people, not harming them. But the King of the Desert forgot it.

But not everyone can reject temptation and desire; they enter the protected area, the entrance to which is closed. Because their heart has died, and the soul is tormented by his weakness and cowardice.

It was these people who were caught by geniuses, genies, devas, some were bright, they sent such souls to the light, and they were black. These were bad thoughts about people, their fears, which means they are people, they apologized that it was not their fault, but the black devas told them that. But it was just cowardice, cowardice, inability to take responsibility.

But ShirAli was not like that, he believed and knew that in this world there was only one truth.

When they went into exile, his grandmother gave him and Samir Ali a small triangle of fabric, it was a talisman, inside were grains of anise, and the charter of the Communist Party was wrapped there. Their grandmother was an activist, a party worker. Surprisingly, this amulet aroused respect among security officers when they discovered it, opened it, and then it was also carefully sewn up.

Grandmother could not protect her grandchildren, but she wished them happiness. But the grandchildren were not atheists. Although they loved their grandmother.

Everyone believes in their ideals. Their grandmother sang Marseillaise instead of a lullaby.

The grandmother's amulet, at least, served as a charm that the young Shir Ali was released into the desert, the guards sympathized with him.

And he went into the desert. in addition, he needs herbs, roots, so that he can exchange with the nomads.

He looked here and there, in a lowland with a small oasis, he saw a blue cornflower, ShirAli would have been surprised to see them, these flowers should not have grown in the desert, only in the forest-steppe zone.

But he collected flowers, they were necessary to create an aqueous infusion, to collect a diuretic. He treated malaria. One spoon for 2 cups boiling water, drink in three divided doses in 30 minutes. Although traditional doctors do not approve of these methods of traditional medicine. But the fact is that this method was known even in those days when traditional medicine did not manage to penetrate the desert. therefore, old people trusted the old methods, they were retrograde and did not particularly believe in new pills.

Shir Ali thought so when he went down to the three caves that he had seen before. He decided to go into the middle cave. The Yellow Cave. Thanks to the fact that he has now become a cultivator of the third desert level of spiritual animals or a gourmet Tao, Shir Ali was not susceptible to infections of any Earth viruses, bacteria, germs, radiation.

Shir Ali, stopped at the entrance to three caves - red, yellow, green. Yesterday, he did not notice that there was a generator switch next to them. Pulling at the handle, which, he never heard the sound of starting the engine. Therefore, he jerked again, and yet, the generator worked! We used to know how to do things honestly! One shoe could be worn for 40 years! And the generator left 60 years ago, still worked! The fuel was not gas but aviation kerosene!

The whole cave was lit by large and strange lamps, they resembled the old hats of the bourgeoisie, the bowlers seemed to be called. Such Shir Ali saw on caricatures that often hung on the walls in educational institutions. The ideological propaganda of the ideas of communism in contrasting capitalism with a day nursery and kindergarten.

After scratching his nose, looking around Shir Ali, he was extremely surprised to see the height of the main arch of the cave, he was 15 meters if not 20 ?!

Some fragments of posters hung on the walls, on faded, almost whitish with yellowish tints of paper. On the floor, iron skids were visible, which were almost merged with the stone floor.But the walls near the entrance to the three caves, were replete with scratches, with chips from under which, the remains of the runic script and some images peeped out. Of the runic inscriptions, only stone tablets above the caves themselves remained untouched!

Looking into the yellow, Shir Ali was surprised that the cave itself, the floor, the walls, the ceiling were really yellow. It was not far to go, only a couple of tens of meters. The floor was littered with debris. Smudges, the sounds of "Cap-Cap-Bulk" were heard. Water flowed from the walls. When he reached the end of the cave, he was disappointed, since he had not seen any artifacts anywhere.Alas ... it seems the trip was in vain!

But then the lamps began to flash and in these blinks, Shir Ali noticed that some kind of pattern appears on the wall, between different shadows and reflections. A snake drawing was drawn ... he approached him. The lamps stopped flashing, the light became stable again. Shir Ali, touched the head of the snake, hoping to find some hidden spring ... but at that moment he felt that he was no longer in this world ...

... the den was a deep plain in the middle of the desert. There was a uranium fault nearby, so the radiation level there was higher than the natural background. Birds could not fly, ordinary people immediately fainted. The deserts already have a high level of radiation, as well as an open uranium deposit.

Cultivators could easily enter this place, they were not affected by radiation, they were not irradiated by it.

Shir Ali did not even realize that, having eaten the meat of the serpent, the king, they, together with his family, became them, cultivators.

Lowland, minus 25 meters from sea level. This place is not indicated on the topographic map of the area. In satellite imagery, this area has always been shaded by pixels. Because it was a closed platform for any research. Back in the 30s of the 20th century, uranium deposits were discovered, which were intensively developed until the beginning of the 50s of the 20th century. When uranium was depleted, they began to use this place as a testing ground for nuclear weapons.

In the distant 50s of the 20th century, this area was used for underground tests of more than a dozen megatons of powerful nuclear weapons.

But already at the end of the 60s of the 20th century, the landfill was closed, as scientists were afraid with fear that the animal and plant world began to mutate greatly. Monsters with two heads began to appear, which sometimes became cannibals.

To stop the spread of monsters, they sent two brigades of tanks, but they did not return. All of them were destroyed by a new kind of monsters.

What happened was not known for sure. Documents were classified. But the monsters began to penetrate into open spaces to solve the problem, once and for all resettle the population, saying that these were exercises. A tactical nuclear bomb was dropped on the monster's habitat. After that, the territory was closed for 20 years. Spy satellites with a spatial resolution of 1 pixel per 10 cm did not find a single monster. The question was considered closed.

But the monsters remained. Not all, but apart. Only in the vision of people were they monsters. in fact, they were ordinary animals that got the opportunity to develop. Mutates, new species appeared, spiritual animals, they appeared due to the spread of foreign viruses. But from these viruses there was no desire to destroy people, on the contrary, they wanted to live in living beings. Therefore, mutations were made by ordinary animals, plants, and people as spiritual cultivators. People were just too afraid of them, and animals, too, were not all cannibals, just everyone has their freaks.

After a nuclear strike, some of the spirit animals turned to dust, others survived and mutated again, became trickier, trickier, did not shine, came to the surface only during a cloud or sand storm, spiritual beings knew that satellite cameras would not detect them then.

Ecology itself, species that want to survive, they need to adapt, so that large predators died, and small ones survived. They were spiritual animals, so they could control their size. The man did not notice and was not afraid of a small tortoise or lizard. and large with three heads, he considered the enemy and immediately killed.

This has already happened on earth, then large species of predatory animals, starting from the Quaternary period, when Knobloch rhinoceros, reaching a height of 12 meters and a length of 90 meters, began to be replaced by nature with rhinos 3 meters high and 8 meters long. Cave lions and tigers gave way to small snow leopards and jaguars.

The primitive Bos Primigenius bulls, 10 meters high and 15 meters long, were replaced simply by wild bulls 2 meters high and 5 meters long.

Large sharks swimming in the coastal zone became extinct, giving way to sharks closer, resembling white, more compact sizes.

So, now evolution has pushed spiritual beasts to the fact that large sizes will be dangerous for them. But certain species, such as the king of heaven and the king of the desert, were able to circumvent the prohibitions of evolution, since they had direct access to magical energy. They could change the visualization of their essence, although their bodies were large, those who saw them thought they were small. The illusion of presence could only be made by advanced cultivating souls.The king of the desert was the owner of the lowlands, where a meteorite with extraterrestrial viruses fell 500 years ago, which turned the lowland into a very convenient place for the snake to live.

It was wet, cool, there was always fresh and clear water, which gave him strength. The serpent was preparing to become a dragon, since the water was fed by a living dragon, it was a powerful stream of Earth energy, possessing spiritual strength. On the other hand, the meteorite had a different force, alien viruses. The enhanced energy by activating in it the hidden mechanisms of the flowering of greater energy, which allowed the cultivator to reach new levels. Even without knowledge of new cultivation methods, energy itself increased the ability to absorb energy. Strengthened the skeleton, expanded the ability of the meridians and the source inside a person to accumulate and convert this external energy into internal.

Due to the meteorite breaking through the dragon's vein, a new oasis appeared in the lowland. After the nuclear strike, dramatic changes occurred, the evolutionary process moved to a new stage. The level of cultivation of all jumped.

The serpent hoped to receive the enlightenment of the soul in order to understand, decipher, decipher these drawings and understand where this ancient artifact is hidden, so that he can move to a new level of perfection, and with his help, he could wake the system, Then we would be these lousy little people, he would become the emperor of the lands! He could expand a small world!

However, by chance, the serpent, who wanted to become a dragon, overestimated his strength and capabilities. The serpent was too big and scary. He crawled at night, not wearing protective illusory camouflage, the serpent focused on the target, confident that his level of improvement was able to warn him in time of impending danger!