Pumpkin pilaf? No, this is pumpkin porridge!

"Pumpkin pilaf, 12th century"? Grandma grinned, how could a little boy make pilaf ?! When even people aged 50-60 years are tormented and not always they can get a good pilaf.

Earlier in Small Ahn, each head of the family had to be able to cook and make pilaf every month to feed the family. But with time, customs change. Everyone does not have enough time. On the other hand, it came to understand that pros should cook, and lovers should not get into their own business. Now it's easier to go to a famous teahouse and buy immediately ready-made portions. 1 or immediately 20. It certainly costs money, $ 40 for 20 servings. Just as the heads of families stopped cooking pilaf at home, and their wives stopped baking meat pies, they also buy them from professionals 40 Samosa* for a feast, costing $ 100.

And here the 8-year-old children volunteered to cook pilaf, and not classic but special, healing, and even pumpkin, and even a lost recipe of the 12th century! Why not doubt it, even if this is your favorite grandson!

Shir Ali was confident in himself because recently he had a dream where he had already seen cooking a similar pilaf. So he just had to repeat the recipe, with minor changes.

He boldly went into the kitchen. Now Shir Ali knew how to cook!

Grandmother followed him! Small, still get burned, you need to care with it!

Grandmother began to ask her grandson questions, and he would be glad to be alone and cook so that no one would distract. But the elders must be respected, traditions were still strong at that time!

Although the communists, they themselves were also believers, an interesting combination of the communist idea, atheism, and faith in the Creator. East, it's so familiar here, a combination of the incongruous. After gaining independence (donated by the empire), Small-An announced the principles of democracy and the pursuit of a market economy. But in fact, he returned to monopoly feudalism, the clan system of society, and the planned economy. But the scenery was the first level, there were those who believed in what they were formally talking about. Matured, who realized that the fact was different, raised their money, sold their property and left for the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada by Green Card. Although these, too, were people from the system itself, people were communists, people from superiors, and who had money. Since ordinary citizens of Small-Ahn, lived from one salary to another, without any savings.

But it seems that it began to bring Shir Ali, again to the uninteresting side of life. He just got pretty, he fell under the hammer of a totalitarian system. He was thoroughly exhausted, not broken, but bent. Therefore, he could not immediately forget the past. He kept returning to him. In a person who has not experienced the hammer of the system of suppressing consciousness, such conversations cause boredom. Well, whoever went through this, he understood well how Shir Ali felt.

"Well, tell the Granddaughter what to do with Grandma, what will you do? How do I know everything I'll see if you can leave you alone in the kitchen," she said with a sly smile.

"Grandma, everything is simple. We need to prepare a workplace! Shir Ali immediately put the kettle on the gas stove. He took out the knives that Grandma immediately took from him. He said that he was still small.

What she suggested was to just tell her the recipe itself, and Shir Ali would just look, and she would cook it herself!

Shir Ali rested, but Grandma was persistent and convincing. Even a combat senior officer, that is, his grandfather, was afraid of her!

"Come on, granddaughter, tell me what to do"? she spoke in her soft but at the same time domineering tone.

Shir Ali told grandmother a recipe for pilaf with carrots, with the only difference being that instead of carrots there was a pumpkin.

Grandmother made pilaf according to the recipe, but surprisingly it turned out not pilaf but liquid porridge, with soft rice and not hard. Since Shir Ali was young, inexperienced, and he did not take into account the factor that in the mountains, there was a different, harder variety of pumpkin. And not a Japanese pumpkin. Which of course changed the recipe itself. Nevertheless, pumpkin porridge with meat also turned out to be delicious.

Although his grandfather laughed at him for a long time. And Shir Ali realized that the path of his becoming - the Chef is still long. You need to learn a lot to become a professional!

And also for himself, Shir Ali made two conclusions that if he finds himself in such a dream again, he needs some kind of currency. There were no gold coins in the 20th century. Only numismatists, but they were expensive, and with the attention from the side, could attract extra attention to themselves. Yes, and so many coins can not be bought.

Shir Ali did not have gold and silver. All that remained was the universal currency — spices. Therefore, he decided, always with him, to carry a small purse, and there are spices in bags. From ancient times they were very valuable, even more expensive than gold. So if you again have such a dream, he will be able to pay in it for new or rather old recipes.


* https://www.shutterstock.com/ru/search/samusa