The second attempt at cooking pilaf with pumpkin!

To cook a meal according to a restored recipe, a forgotten dish, you need to know what products were used.

Just beans or wheat, don't talk about anything. What varieties were in this or that era? What was the taste like? What texture? What was the aroma?

In addition, it will not be possible to fully reproduce an authentic (original) taste. Why? Because over the centuries, the climate, the composition of the mineral water, the soil in which the beans or wheat grew, has changed. The composition of the air is different. The world has now become more polluted. Not to mention the invisible changes in the aura, earth energy, spiritual energy. She became thinner, dirtier.

Therefore, you can reproduce the cooking method, more or less determine how it could or could not be. Since only in a few economically highly developed countries, it was possible to save a seed data bank. For a couple of centuries, usually, it could be, only in world empires.

In Small-An, during the period of independence, such a data bank of seeds was destroyed, which they inherited from the empire. In addition, local varieties of garden and garden plants were replaced both during the existence of two empires and for 40 years of independent rule. Old varieties were replaced by new, foreign, from Eastern Europe and China. Since they were more productive, genetically modified, they gave a crop - three to four times a year. It was easier to transport them. And the local varieties were tastier, but the yield was low and they often were sick from pests.

Therefore, to restore 100 percent the taste of the dish itself was virtually impossible. If only? If the old varieties were not preserved at random in remote villages, in the mountains, in mountain valleys. But that would be a miracle!

Then Shir Ali thought, "Oh, it would be possible to bring not only old recipes from sleep but also seeds of those garden and horticultural crops into the 20th century!"

"This is a gold mine! A new or rather old, forgotten taste, and even know their healing properties, contraindications!"

"Chefs all over the world are looking for new tastes, but if I can launch the production of environmentally friendly, ready-to-use products, I can become a rich person! An indispensable supplier of products for these chefs. I can have delicious food myself." !

Shir Ali was inspired by his idea! He could, like learning from the best teachers, how to cook and eat delicious food. In addition, he could expand his circle of acquaintances, get more information. And information can be sold for very good money!

But he was only 8 years old. The path is long for both the gourmet and the lover of the cook!

Now Shir Ali understood where he was mistaken in the recipe for pilaf with pumpkin.

In the evening before going to bed, I went to the neighbor, Aunt Halima, and asked her for a piece of pumpkin, a local variety, promising to treat me to delicious pilaf!

That generous soul gave him half the pumpkin, which with him was barely chopped with an ax. The skin of the pumpkin was thick, greenish-gray. The thickness of about 1.5 cm. The pulp was light orange in color. He promised pilaf in two hours. Just at the beginning of Suhr.

Good wish, half the battle! Aunt Halima was glad! This is a good deal!

Shir Ali decided to cook again but already pilaf! Everyone went to bed, and he made his way to the kitchen.

The kitchen was large. About 30 square meters. A window in the south-west overlooked a closed courtyard and garden. There was a small table. He was already 50 years old. Made from oak. Dark color. With varnishing. Oilcloth was laid on top. On which lay a cutting board for vegetables and a pair of knives, together with a whetstone.

At the bottom of the table were several stools, the seats of which showed off small pillows sewn from red velvet with silver trim.

On the opposite side, there was a 6 camphor stove with a large oven. Next to it stood tall cupboards made of maple, with drawers where kitchen utensils and cutlery from cupronickel were stored.

Curbstones were located on the walls with the Russian letter "g". Shelves hung over the bollards. There lay utensils and packages of cereals, pasta, spices.

Shir Ali loved this kitchen, the walls of which were covered with white tiles, and above the stove there was a large copper hood.

His grandfather was a mean man, but for the kitchen, he did not spare money. There stood selective dishes, knives, and other kitchen utensils.

The bowler was hot. Raising his hand over him, he felt a fever! I realized that it's time to pour oil. But there was no sesame oil left in the house. But it was vegetable, sunflower. On a shelf in the kitchen, in a small porcelain jar

It was necessary to pour animal fat in the boiler, but there was no fresh fat tail of a sheep in the kitchen. And for the recipe, it was needed!

Therefore, Shir Ali began to search by the nightstands. Every self-respecting housewife in Small-An has a stock of ghee from sheep's fat tail in the kitchen. Which was used both as a treatment for inflamed joints and as a prophylactic for pneumoniaю And as a wonderful ingredient to improve the taste of dishes?

On the lower shelf, he, fortunately, found a small porcelain pot covered with a linen cloth. There he found a little grayish, melted fat. He even sniffed it, the smell was wonderful!

Pulling a spoon out of a drawer and a cupboard. Shir Ali put two tablespoons in a pot of vegetable oil. The main thing here is not to be distracted. So that your hands are not wet, water, oil, and a hot pot are a bad neighborhood.

No need to leave! Not that moment! As soon as the oil began to boil, but the whitish smoke had not yet begun, then onions should be thrown into the pot. To check whether the oil is ready, they threw a small piece of onion into it. If it began to quickly become gold, then you could start to fry!

Some recipes for cooking pilaf preferred to fry the onions first, and some started with meat.

But in the highlander's recipe, first, there was meat and then onions and carrots!