Wife, Mother burned two fools

"Well, the old people are gone, uh, how much they chatted, I love being in the kitchen alone!" Shir Ali was glad that now he can serve, without interference.

But his joy was short-lived!

"You know, I'm not an old man, I'm only 39 years old and someone will not get pocket money this month," came a stern voice from the dark corridor.

"I came to tell you that any chef would fail like a cook if he cooks food with spicy spices!"

"If he doesn't consider his client, who will eat his food. May be allergic!"

"Eat his food and he will have an attack"!

"This will mean that the best chef as a chef failed!"

"That, in fact, is all that I wanted to tell you, you are my disrespectful, stupid son!" an angry voice stretched from the corridor.

Shir Ali wanted to say, "Uh, you can keep your money for yourself! I earn more than you! Ahahahhahaha!" But he restrained himself, he did not want to offend his father, and money loves silence.

"Oh, I thought you and your grandparents went to sleep," he innocently declared.

"NO! Don't go! Well, what do you want to tell me? Don't keep in yourself! Come on like a man to a peasant, say what you want to say!" father tried to manipulate him.

"I wanted to say that you are holding me back, I like to cook in the kitchen alone, but I will put more pilaf and meat for you!" with a sweet smile said his sly, eldest son.

"That's how ?! I got scared! Do you think I don't know what you and Baraz are selling - oriental sweets, all kinds of medicinal herbs, to rich people from the clans ?! I know! And you get more than me, asshole! You have no higher education!" father was inflamed.

"But I give everything to mom, unlike you, dad! Who does nest egg for cigarettes." In the west, Shir Ali said.

"But from now on, let's take a closer look ...". There was a quiet but domineering voice.

Ali and Shir Ali have quieted in fear. A disgruntled wife, the mother, awakened by the loud voices of her husband and son, came out of the dark corridor.

At first, she got angry and then she was surprised and finally became interested. Apparently her dear husband hid part of his salary, and she wondered why the general had such a small salary?

Yes, and the son is good, he says that he gives everything to her! And he earns more than her husband! And he gives her only 50 dollars, and here is a male conspiracy.She needs to run a farm, pay for utilities, pay taxes, buy food, clothes, and other expenses. The colonel's wives live better than the general's wife!

It turns out that the husband clamps money! Yes, and his son to catch up!

She, as the assignee of her mother-in-law, in counterintelligence activities in terms of financial frauds, seems to have caught two chatty fools!

"Well! Where is the nest egg? Carry! Carry I said!" Hontur.

Ali's world began to make excuses, but under a piercing gaze, an experienced scout broke down and passed all the passwords and appearances. He trudged to show the nest egg, and Hontur followed after him.

Shir Ali began to laugh softly, so his stomach ached. But then the evil Mir Ali appeared from the corridor, who also began to smile. Behind him, shaking, his wife followed in a fist with money and three bank cards.

Shir Ali, grabbed his stomach, rolled his eyes, and ... quietly began to retreat to the window, he intended to slip out of the kitchen. But suddenly his father grabbed his hand. And Mother, affectionately said: "My dear son, your father, turned out to be a swindler, but I brought him to clean water, now it's your turn.".

"I need to cook pilaf ... let's talk about it later" he tried to save himself.

But of course, they did not let him go. I had to show part of his nest egg.

The parents went to his room. The world of Ali and Hontur did not expect the cache to be under the window. With a dexterous movement, Shir Ali removed the plastic panel. In the brick wall, a groove was made. There were neatly packs of 100 US dollars and 100,000 banknotes of Karabaks.Shir Ali reluctantly got them, all in all, he had a stash of $ 20,000 and 30 million Karabaks.Parents exchanged glances with each other. Father coughed, Mother stared at her son."You, you did not steal it?"

"NO"!!! "I sold medicinal plants and oriental sweets"! the son immediately responded.

"And also the antiques from what I found in the desert!" "Baraz, confirm everything!" Shir Ali blurted out right away.

"Wow, what kind of son are you ?! You have my salary for 1 year and almost 10 months! You are only 8 years old and more than the general's money! " the scout could restrain his emotions so as not to show his shock.

"Well well well! You give my boy! You are greedy even for your grandfather! More secretive than your father! But, you are as emotional and open at the same time as I am your mother, Ahahahhahahaa! " smiling broadly and coming closer, Hontur noticed.

"Well, now be a smart little boy and give all this money here! Little boys don't need that much money! " Hontur happily raked in the money! Now the issue of buying a new washing machine and a large refrigerator has been resolved.

"Okay, I'll go, cook, oooh!" exhaled Shir Ali.

"Wait!" mother said imperiously.

"And you, too," this appeal was to Mir Ali, who wanted to slip away into English without saying goodbye.

"So, in your eyes, I see that this is not all ... I need to run a farm, pay for my private kindergarten for Samir-Ali, a lot of expenses," she looked expectantly at the two idiots.

"But I really have nothing else," cried suddenly Mir Ali.

"Don't scream, you'll wake your parents up!" Hontur scammed evil.

"I give everything to you, I need a little for cigarettes, food, for small expenses," husband began to make excuses.

Two minutes later, the evil Mir Ali went to bed, and Hontur held two more bank cards in her hand. Ali's world was glad that his wife did not find his third stash with retirement and academics.

"Well, now it's your turn, young man" Hontur, having caught the prey, was not going to let anyone go like that. She was already amazed that such a skillful cache was in their house. It said that her son still has hiding places. She became interested!

"Mom, I need to cook pilaf ...". Shir Ali tried to hide.

"Well, dear, but first business, and then cooking." Hontur smiled broadly.

A few minutes later, Shir Ali was already in the kitchen with a subtle smile.

Hontur joyfully counted a couple more stacks of notes.

"That's what it means to keep money in different baskets!" Shir Ali thought. He lost only 40 percent of his savings. No problem!

Meanwhile, pilaf has already reached its final condition.