System obeyed

Shir Ali wanted to finally return to pilaf. But then a voice appeared in his head.

"You misunderstand the way of the Tao. You must not eat meat!"

"Damn, what a strange voice!" he thought.

"I'm not strange, I'm the system that you received by paying for an ancient artifact!"

"You do not understand the essence of the Tao!"

"So what? Everyone has their own path to enlightenment! Their own path of Tao!" objected the boy.

"You do not follow the canons of the Tao!"

"Ah, I believe that the truth is one, and Tao is a way of attaining enlightenment, and I do not need to impose my stereotypes!"

"Everyone has his own path of understanding, comprehension, the movement towards enlightenment!" Shir Ali objected again.

"What? You go against masters like Chi Yu-ji!"

"He wrote in the treatise" Comprehension of the spiritual nutrition of Tao "that there are 8 stages of nutrition of the Taoist."

"You want to know"?

"I do not want".

"Nevertheless, I'll still tell you: in the first stage they only ate grain, in the second they combined it with stalks, medicinal herbs, vegetables."

"Well, then they're like vegans, huh?" Shir Ali asked.

"No, this is your way! Do not interrupt, otherwise, you will be punished!"

"Well, how will you punish me"? began to jerk Shir Ali.

"Ah, ah ..." Shir Ali suddenly, felt a sharp pain in his knee, and then pain in his thumb, he could not move them.

"Here's a simple punishment, inflammation of the joints!"

"Well, what will you listen to?" asked the system.

"I will"! mumbled rolling in pain Shir Ali. He could not move his thumb, there was a cutting pain. And he could not straighten his leg. Unseen electricity pierced his body.

"Well then, listen:

the third stage - a week there is only a handful of grain, 8 dried dates, and a few spiritual herbs.

the fourth stage - the Taoist receives energy from different types of water, he is water!

the fifth stage - the Taoist receives energy from his life force, qi, he feeds on spiritual energy.

the sixth stage - a Taoist receives food from light - the sun, moon, stars, the reflection of the sun or moon from surfaces

seventh stage - the Taoist receives food from the air outside, through breathing exercises.

the eighth stage - the Taoist receives energy from space by eating it. "

"Yeah, and even the Taoists eat mercury - cinnabar, jade, which contains heavy metals and sometimes radiation. They eat stones, drink urine, this is not our way." The boy said with a crooked smile.

"My path of Tao is Gourmet DAO, the path of enlightenment! Healing food, delicious food I am not a monk, I have my own understanding of Tao!"

"Are you an ignoramus ?! Don't you know that Tao monks receive energy using special breathing exercises.

In spring, Taoists who have reached the 8th level turn east and inhale the blue-green power of Jupiter. They then control the energy and direct it to the liver. In summer, they breathe in the red power of Mars and direct it to the heart.Every last month of the season they collect Saturn's golden power, and he enters the spleen. In the fall - the white power of Venus into the lungs. In winter - the black power of Mercury, it enters the kidneys.

That's what Taoists eat ... "the system instructed.

Shir Ali's face was extended, his eyes stopped glowing, his shoulders were lowered, and a hump appeared on his back.

"And this is what you call the Gourmet DAO path" ???? suddenly Shir Ali asked.

"Yes! This is the way of Tao, but the gourmet of Tao, but just DAO!" noticed the system.

"I don't need such a system! I don't need such a DAO either, I have my own DAO, I repeat it to you again and again!"

The boy laughed "Ehe-ehe-ehe-gee-gee-gee!" He screamed:

"Are you completely crazy? This is the path of ascetic! This is the path of deprivation! This is not the path of the gourmet! This is the path of the immortal! And I have the path of the Gourmet DAO! This is another thing !!!! Get the system out of me!"

Shir Ali said a prayer, the truth was much more powerful than all the magic systems.

The system felt that it was being dissolved in the boy's mind, but she had still fulfilled the main mission, she couldn't just disappear!

Therefore, the system decided to make a concession to the boy ... after a series of negotiations, beliefs, concessions, all parties agreed.

The system agreed that the vision of the baby - Gourmet Dao, does not violate the basic, simplicity and each has its own way of knowing the path of enlightenment!

It also suddenly disappeared as it appeared!

Shir Ali could start serving the dishes.

He managed in time. If he had been delayed for another 5 minutes, the pilaf would have been burned.

Solving household issues always takes time. A real cook should always bear in mind that there is a risk factor. A motorist must keep a safe distance, so the cook must not forget about time and fire under the bowler.

Entering the kitchen, Shir Ali quickly removed the lid from the boiler, and white and thick steam fell from there.

The smell of saffron and rice began to spread throughout the house.

By the golden color of the rice, which was cast in oil, the texture was already clear that the dish reached the desired condition.

But in order to abide by traditions and check to the end, the readiness of rice, Shir Ali, tapped a slotted spoon on the conical shape of the rice. The sound was clear. So everything is ready!

Now it was necessary to carefully get the meat and pumpkin. Putting it separately on the dish. With a sharp knife made of Damascus steel, Shir Ali separated the meat from the bone, the fat separately. And from the bone, he knocked out the inner spinal cord. Very fat and it contained a large amount of energy, very useful for old people who had little vitality. They nourished the human body with them, making up for their shortage.

After the pieces of meat, fat and spinal cord, which looked like transparent sausages, remained on the dish.

Shir Ali carefully laid the pumpkin on another dish, it was bright orange, even rather reddish in color. From the texture it was clear that the pumpkin was elastic, it didn't boil! This is a huge plus!

Now the turn has come to put the rice itself in the dishes.

Having picked up some beautiful dishes, the boy began to spread golden rice on them, pouring oil from the cauldron. To make rice even more flavorful and delicious. Putting rice on the dishes in a small pot. Shir Ali began to spread the pumpkin, then on four sides garlic and quince. And only after pieces of meat, fat and on top of the spinal cord.

When the serving was finished, Shir Ali closed the pilaf with two nans, and on top put a small salad of greens radish in a plastic bag.

He laid one of the dishes on the table in the dining room, laid out the plates for - Grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, younger brother. As well as a fresh salad. He brewed aromatic tea, spread the nan, laid out dried fruits and nuts, some sweets, and halva on plates.

When he wanted to wake his father up, his mother and grandmother stood up, telling him that they would manage it later on, but let him take the dishes to the neighbors. After all, they did not prepare anything for the opening of the post, believing him. So it's not good to let the neighbors down!

He had two dishes. Carefully pick them up, he went to the exit. But here, from the door to the residential part, Samir-Ali jumped up and said that he would help.

Two brothers went into the courtyard, carefully putting their galoshes on their bare feet, crossed the entire courtyard, entered the corridor. Opened the gate leaf, leaving it open. In their quarter, this was the norm. All of their own over the past 80 years, no one has stolen anything.

Crossing the road, they knocked on the gate, opposite the house. After a couple of minutes, a young daughter-in-law opened the door for them. She was a little sleepy, but she smiled sweetly at them. Inviting to enter the courtyard of the house.

The brothers entered, the courtyard was beautiful, rose bushes were planted on both sides, in the center, there was a large but shallow pool covered with film, covered with small azure tiles. A little aside was the bathhouse, summer kitchen, garage. On the other hand, was a house. Which led a small but wide staircase with a railing. The house was painted white with facade paint. Before entering, the children left their shoes and entered the house. On the floor lay a luxurious Persian rug. The feet were warm and pleasant.

After about five meters they entered the kitchen, the mother of the family was bustling about there, seeing the kids, she smiled at them. And she said in relief - "well done, you didn't deceive!" Leaving her to take the dishes headed for the exit. But the hostess stopped them and gave them each a bag in which there were sweets. It is customary in Asia to give, in exchange for a gift, another.

The kids happily returned home! They looked into bags, and there were sweets, halva, oil-fried pies with powdered sugar, caramel, of different colors and shapes. The most joy for children!

And the hostess decided to try a wonderful pilaf.

"Well, let's see what kind of pilaf he brought? Maybe I confided in vain to a little boy? But I'm so tired that I decided to cheat! To facilitate my work!"

"Let's see, see what kind of pilaf!"

"But he has a pleasant aroma!"

She saw pilaf. It was an unusual orange color, rice glistened attractively with butter, it even seemed to sparkle!

The aroma came out unusual, but pleasant!

Pieces of meat, boiled garlic, sliced quince, invitingly invited to taste them.

Mistress, could not resist and took on a large spoon ...