In anticipation of delicious food

But fate decides everything in its own way. Shir-Ali, the flight was suddenly changed, announcing on the radio that a dust storm had arisen and it was not possible to fly to Seoul.

The plane turned back and was forced to land in Tehran. Shir-Ali did not want to stay at the airport, so having bought a visa for 1 day, he went to a hotel near the Shah's palace.

According to the stories of a cousin, who was in Tehran, at a seminar on the study of the history of the Silk Road, there is a cafe where they cook wonderful pilaf. It is made from green rice and grilled trout is served on top.

Delicious lavash with a fine texture and also delicious juices and parfaits. You can taste such goodies in 1 day! Shir-Ali, was amazed to see how the trees were not cut down but carefully preserved in the walls. His hotel was in the mountainous part, it is cold there, but fresh air.

Due to the fact that he communicated with his grandmother, he knew Farsi, in Small Ann, they spoke Turkic, Farsi, a mixture of Turkic, Arabic and Farsi and the language of the second northern empire.

Therefore, he more or less knew Farsi, could explain himself in a restaurant and a taxi. But unlike his cousin, he could not find a green pilaf with baked trout. Shir-Ali ate simply by folding pilaf with dry fruits and nuts, it was also delicious. But he did not find a hint of culinary dao in this city.

Apparently, this teaching was not transmitted on all sections of the Silk Road. In the evening, he returned to the airport and at night the plane flew to India, to the Indira Gandhi airport.

Already in the evening of the next day he was in Agra.