Way to Agra!

The plane landed at the Indira Gandhi airport in New Delhi. Coming off the plane, Shir-Ali felt that he was in a hurried country. Humid air, hot, new type of climate, unusual.

There were police officers at the airport with large rifles, which was not typical of the airports he had seen before.

Apparently, the British heritage flashed through his head. Leaving the building, he saw a lot of taxis, but his cousin warned that before getting into the car, you need to take a picture of the license plate of the car, ask the driver's name and take a picture of him too.

Then send this information to a friend or acquaintances and only then sit down and go.

What horrors? But it was a long time ago. Now everything is different! While he was thinking about it, three people came up to him ... immediately started talking in Farsi. It turned out that my grandfather had warned his friends, they were from the Small-An sales office.

Therefore, Shir-Ali, the issue with the car was resolved, as well as the place of stay for a day in New Delhi.

In it they gave him tea, treated him to stewed lamb, asked about the news at home. The next morning, having fed him a hearty breakfast, in which he did not feel even a gram of culinary dao, he was sent to the station.

Having warmly said goodbye, he left alone on a luxury train, rode on the top bunk in the corridor.

Lunch was not brought to him on the train, probably because he was wearing a Pashtun hat he had bought from a tourist shop at the airport. Since his head is frozen. So I ordered 7 vegetarian potato cutlets, 35 rupees each. In them, he also did not feel the culinary dao.

"Yes, only luck can help, find the thread leading to the culinary dao!"

"You probably need to visit cafes and restaurants, canteens to get on the trail of these masters"?

He remembered a conversation with Dara, who had been to India.

"You know, in India, in a small dining room in Dun, you can taste delicious momo, Tibetan cuisine, it's really nothing!

- In Hyderabad, eat delicious tandori chikin at a restaurant for 150 rupees. It will seem to you that this is the most delicious food. But then, having got into a not-so-neat cafe in Ramnagar, you can eat a kari-chikin for 55 rupees and understand that you have not eaten the food tastier.

- Having got to Almora, having tasted tandori chikin for 60 rupees, to understand that you do not know anything about what delicious food is!

"So the cousin was right?"

"Need to look in different cities, countries? Is it better in the mountains? In Himalay Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh or Kerala"? He was just thinking about going to Agra!