Seeing Mrs Donald kneeling down and thanking them make the couple feel bad and Mrs Kovacs rush forward and help her on her feet before saying. "Mrs Donald it's okay, you don't have to knee and thank us beside we are good friends and we'll feel bad if we were to sit back and watch you run around trying to raise money for your husband treatment and at the same time care for frank's need".

Hearing his wife's words Mr Kovacs nodded with approval before asking. "About his condition were you able to raise money for his treatment"

" I told the doctor to continue with his treatment while I run around and his friend is also helping out but we are still far from getting enough money requested for the treatment but tomorrow I will hand over the money at hand before looking for a way to raise more money needed to complete the treatment fee" replied Mrs Donald while wiping tears from her eyes.

"so how much was needed for the treatment" asked Mr Kovacs

"$6000 was needed for the treatment but we were able to raise $2500" replied Mrs Donald.

" Okay before going to the hospital come by I will be leaving some money with any wife to give you for the treatment" said Mr Kovacs hearing what Mr Kovacs just said, Mrs Donald once again started thanking them before sitting down on the sofa and started watching tv series while having a conversation with the couple about the series. While they were busy watching series Frank and John were also busy studying. After asking each other questions about the subject they were focus on studying and have already understand the question, they switched to another subject which they focus on studying until they find some questions which were difficult for them to understand, they will write it down on a note and when they meet the teacher that is in charge of the subject they will asked for their assistance on the subject.

They study for sometime and at the same time they also write down questions that are difficult to understand. After concluding that subject they stop studying and pack their book back into their bag before John finally asked Frank. "hey Frank let's play some game for a while before going downstairs" which Frank agreed on since his mother is not yet back on knowing to him. His mother is already back from the hospital and is even waiting for him to round up their study and come down cause its already getting really dark outside which will not be good for a woman and her son to walk all the way home on the street.

Back in John's room the desktop was turned on by John who was waiting for the desktop to complete booting before loading the game (plant vs zombie) after booting John load the game and got up from the chair for Frank down and play since he will be leaving soon. While they were playing Mrs Kovacs came in to inform Frank that his mother is waiting for him downstairs, Frank quickly stood up from the chair and followed Mrs Kovacs to the living room while John was following behind them, when they get to the living room Frank saw his mother watching movie and discussing with Mr Kovacs before walking towards her greeted her before sitting close to her. Seeing that Frank is done with study Mrs Donald stood up from the sofa and pick up Frank school bag before saying. " Mr Kovacs we'll be leaving now since it getting late"

"Okay, take care of yourself and don't forget to come tomorrow for what I promise you" said Mr Kovacs.

"How can I forget such an important matter" replied Mrs Donald.

Seeing that Frank is about to go John quickly called him to remind him about the questions they have prepared for their before bidding them goodnight and heading to his room to continue the game.

After leaving Mr and Mrs Kovacs compound, Frank and his mother were walking home since they leave close to the Kovacs they did not bother to stop a cab that will take them home. " how was study today" asked Mrs Donald

"It was okay,I learnt a lot today and even went in search of our math teacher with John concerning an equation that we could not solve" replied Frank while happily recounting the event that took place at school.

"So my little prince gain a lot at school today" said Mrs Donald

" how is father doing" asked Frank while looking at his mother.

Hearing Frank asking of his father, Mrs Donald smile before answering Frank. "your father condition is getting better. Beside he can actually talk now without having any issue"

Frank became very happy upon hearing that his father can now talk to him and quickly asked his mother when is she going to take him to go and see his father.

"Well aunty will be coming to town to check on your father, so when she gets here you can follow to the hospital to see your father if it's okay with you", said Mrs Donald

" Aunty pat is coming, when is she coming to see father" asked Frank who was happy to hear his aunt that he has not seen for 3 years is coming to check on his father.

" I was waiting to tell you this when we get home but since you insisted on seeing your father, I decided to let you know that your Aunt will be coming this weekend" replied Mrs Donald upon seeing the way Frank is laughing makes him also laughed.

They walked for sometime before finally getting home.after unlocking the door Mrs Donald turned on the light in the living room and kitchen and instructed Frank to go and take his bath before she went to the kitchen to prepare what they are going to eat for the night and at the same time she also called Mr Marcus to know if he is already at home and let him know that a friend is also helping them out with some money.