1# Changing Seasons

Long ago, the world was calm. Different types of species and creatures roamed the Earth, air, and water. From the small praying mantis to the mighty griffin that soared over the tall red wood trees. During the day, the world felt like heaven. Everything was so beautiful and peaceful..... Until the sun came down. The moons shimmered off the water. Big fish like creatures prowled the waters. Giant wolf like beasts with horns and shimmering gold eyes. Nothing small on the ground or in the water really survived the night....

Flood season came, small woodland creatures would gather food until it would start to rain. Mostly, the animals who couldn't climb trees retreated to the high grounds and mountains. The floods came in a flash tearing down trees and sending logs down the river. Lightning striked all around, some say they saw glowing eyes admist the lightning. A terrible thunder bird flew out from the lightning. He damaged trees and killed animals scurrying to avoid the flood and the storm. "Adrik, what should we do. Muka will kill everything and destroy this land!" A female unicorn said with frightened eyes. "Agrafena, what.... What is that??" The male unicorn said locking his eyes on something small and unnatural to this land was running towards Muka. The big human type creature stopped in front of Muka. Muka hissed from above and landed in front of the human. His blue feathers rippled with electricity as he flicked his purple tongue. The human ran towards Muka. "What the hell!?" Muka hissed lifting a claw. The human suddenly lunged a big wooden spear into Muka's chest. Muka cried out and flapped his wings. The blasts from Muka's mighty wings had sent the tiny human towards a pile of rocks. The human jumped to it's feet and started hurling rocks and small boulders at Muka. Muka hissed in fury, his eyes started to glow a bright yellow. Muka landed on the ground and started charging the human. "Well, nice knowing this attempt rescue of our lands." Adrik said with a snort turning away from the distruction. Agrafena snorted, her ears twitched and then lerched forward. "Adrik darling! Look." she called to Adrik. Adrik rolled his eyes slightly and hoofed over to Agrafena. Seven other humans came from the bushes and rocks. Each carrying pointed spear like sticks and rocks. Muka hissed and flapped his mighty wings. He wasn't going to let these puny creatures interfere in his distruction of the land. The humans began to throw their rocks and pebbles at Muka. Suddenly one of the rocks tore threw Muka's left wing. He sreeched and pecked at one of the humans, but missed. "Damn you!" Muka screeched once more. The humans started throwing their spears one by one. One got stuck in Muka's leg. Muka shook his head and turned to fly, but as he did, more spears got lodged in his chest and he came crashing down near the flooded low valley. Adrik and Agrafena both smiled happily as the humans dragged Muka's body away.