about yourself

okay so your at U.A. which is encredible that you somehow made it there but anyways you probably don't know your past very well so I will tell ya

so first off your quirk.... um you might feel like your over powered but seriously ya kinda have four quirks..... hear me out but there all good so the first one you got when you were 3-years-old and it's called music - any type of music you listen to it makes your performance ten times better so it's like a super power up or something. okay the next one is ..... two is ummm well your the daughter of a demon..... Perferible Satan but he has became good after finding your mom which is a super powerful warrior angle so yeah but your dad can get in a little bit of trouble sometimes but over all he's a good guy but back to the quirks so you have angle and demon powers but the only draw backs is one you don't know how to control them that well and two if you use to much of them then you will get dark Baggs under your eyes(which basically is like and battery life to how much you used of your power) and start to fanit after using at least 75%. and the last one and the one you use the most is like an every thing quirk... basically say as if you wanted to heal someone like you did with bokugo you can or as if you wanted to use a flam word or wanted cool Armor or.... just anything that you want/need you can do so with this quirk but just like the angle and demon powers you can't control it well and the draw back is if you are sexual abuse or feel like you are any way your body locks up and you can't do anything about it and the effects where of in like in hour or less... but there is a reason for that draw back tho

okay now for your back story... so as a kid you were always so nice and sweet but your dad was always out drunk and always hooking up with other women and come home late and treat you bad which meant he beat you.... to the point that any old scares should start reopening and bleed and new ones just burned and hurt and sting and everything... but when you try to tell your mom but she thought you were just messing around but after a while your dad started to get so drunk that he confessed that he was hurting you by accident and your mom heard it all so she called the police and then he went to jail for it.... but that took six years for that to happen but at least it happened so by now your like ten which is when all your other three quriks come in but with those three things stared to happen. so first off you always had a small friend group all your life but also was cool with with everyone but when your quirks come in your small friend group turned into two people you only hanged out with and one if them wasn't even your friend not that much but you only hung out with hem cause you were nice (key word was) but then she got so fake that she stared romors about you that were somewhat true but she made it words then what it really is mad that's just the tip of the ice burgur so when you got out if school to save your hard working moms energy you walked home..... you would think that cause your dads gone you wouldn't get abused anymore but with him gone the abuseing got worse so random guys would A:beat you up to see what would you do B: they would rape you cause you were a good looking girl(in some ways you hated your body and that another reason kids would beat you up at school) C;they would try to kidnap you so they can sell you for a LOT of money D;they would also try to sell you to random guys to rent you for a day so they can"have fun with you", but you always found away to get away but you would always be hurting on your way home and your mom would be at work so you were alone and that one friend left you for popularity and stopped talking to you. you also was smart but your head was thinking about how I'm suppose to get home without get robbed out of my own dignity that day so you would get b-'s and c's and your mom understanded why and somewhat your teachers too but you knew you could do better. so when it came to sixth grade you went to an honor roll school so people were very nice but you still had people that didn't like you but you still had friends two girls and one boy and the three of y'all were the best of friends and didn't act fake or turn on you or make fun of you at all there were the bestest friends anyone could have and they were very supportive. but the abusing still happened tho just not as much cause you were with your friends (witnesses) so people just stared and waited till I was alone again. so ya liked to do thing like whatch anime(cause your a weeb) sing when your alone, craft/draw, and you were a girly girl but now you are now a tomboy that like to act like a boy but dress boy but with a somewhat deep girl voice like jiro and Momo voices mixed together just a little deep)you like oversized hoodies and love you headphones which you wear all the time and your freands and you are geeks but three out of the four of you are tomboys/is a boy but the one that is a a girl geek she is also fine with that

you(Lia trutogi) :black, black curly hair with blue, purple, and pink strikes in your hair, height 5,8, style oversized hoodies with ripped jeans or a crop top with short shirts(depends on the season)