roll in

deku:so are you okay


bokugo:..(walks away)

Mr. awasiwa:hey is she-... I guess she's okay I looked in the school files and saw that the school has called her before to notify her that she was suppose to come to U.A. at least a week ago


Mr. awasiwa:the school had called you and your parent multiple times but didn't get a answer

.... what time did you call

Mr:awasiwa:around 10am through 3pm

oh well I was at school at that time and my mom works all the time and pretty sure didn't pay it any mind... WAIT MY MOM DOESN'T KNOW WHERE I AM..... where I actually am

mr. awasiwa:well you can do that after you change into your uniform..... do you have your hero license

... oh! yes sir(pulls out the license)

mr: awasiwa:thank you, you can put it away now

recovery girl:(hands you your uniforms) her you go girly your uniform and your workout one too

(takes them) thank you

{after you get changed}

Mr. awasiwa:follow izuku to your home room

and izuku

deku:yes mr. awasiwa

Mr. awasiwa:everyone is to stay in the classroom

izuku:of course but why

Mr. awasiwa:all staff have a important meeting today which is going to last all day , your short assignment are on the board

izuku:right okay.... you ready to go

... oh yes yes I am(you follow deku to class 1-A think about the fact that you actually go to this school now)

izuku:(walks in with you)

uraka:hey deku how did th-..... who's she

(everyone looks up)

(walks to the open seat which is for you to sit which is right beside bokugo)

Ida:is she a new student

denki:hey kirishima

Kiri:yeah bro

denki:you see the new girl over there


denki:she's cute right

Kiri:I guess so but looks don't matter

denki:yeah but she is hot

deku;um Mr. awasiwa said to do the work on the broad and that we won't have classes today due to the fact all staff have a meeting today

sero:no classes sweet!

Mina:the new girl seems very sh-..... huh?

(raising your hand to turn in your work) umm izuku where do you turn in your work

everyone:how did she finish that fast

izuku:I just passed them out how could you be done so soon

it's really easy to me..... by the way what do we do after were done

izuku:uhhh I guess its free time then but how did you

I told ya it's easy to me so I finished fast

izuku:umm I guess on Mr:awasiwa's desk

(turns it in and sits back down and goes listens to music)

{sometime later}

denki:hey sero


denki:I'm almost done what's the answer to number 3

sero;... uhhhh I think it's a

denki:you sure?

sero:not really

denki:ask the new girl then


denki:just do it

Sero:fine whatever.... hey new girl

(listening to music and drawing)

sero:hey new girl


sero:(taps shoulder) hey what's the answer to number three

..... (rips off a piece of paper) (hands to sero)

denki:what did she say

sero:she gave me a piece of paper

denki:what does it say

sero:uhh "look in the first paragraph"


sero:..... ohh I see it now

denki:... i-..... oh I see it too

(both turn in papers)

denki:hey new girl

.... (looks up)

denki:thanks for the answer



denki:.... so what's your name

Lia..... why

denki:so I can stop calling you new girl


denki:.... sooo how was your old school


deku:yeah I don't know what that is

froppy:anime? *ribbet*

deku:yeah do you know what that is uraka

uraka:no.... Ida

Ida:I'm not familiar with that so no

deku:maybe we should ask her

Ida:ye-..... (hears kirishima)


Mina:so who's the main character

it's deku... i mean izuku

deku;... well I guess they got to that before us

bokugo:(frowans cause he's not the main character but smiles cause you called izuku deku)

mina:so who am I in the anime

your like the nice girl who knows how to dance so that's why people call you dance queen


denki:but who are the fan favorites

jiro:she has to say if there are other main characters first

denki;she can say that later, but I know medoriya is one right maybe the top one

Kiri:pretty sure I'm a background character

okay okay let me speak.... okay so first bokugo is the second main character, the fan favorites are bokugo, kirishima, todoroki, and deku for the boys and Mina, jiro, froppy and uraka but every girl is loved by the fans, even though deku is the main character some/a lot of people say that they wish bokugo or todoroki was the main character but with that comes with ships.... which is why I will get to that later

denki:oh come on why!

cause I don't want bokugo to blow up the school

bokugo:huh! why the hell would I blow up the school for

(turns to bokugo) ya don't even know cause if I told you a certain one you will go off

kiri:is it a gay ship or something?


bokugo:(gives a death stare)

denki:is it with izuku!

.... maybe.... yes

bokugo:(ready to blow up the school

everyone:wow wow wow wow wow chill

that's why I said I'm not going to say it but y'all guesses it

bokugo:why the hell am I getting shipped with that damned nerd

don't ask. me ask the fandom


well..... (sences something) ...


(sences a villian coming)

I think we all need to get down


.... GET DOWN(makes a wall so no one gets hurt)

everyone (gets down)