miss dumb ass curvy scared up girl

bokugo:moreons I told y'all to check before we left

Kiri:I know I know but i still forgot anyways

bokugo:whatever shitty hair

Kiri:..... I just thought about it what's lias Nick name


Kiri:like how you call me shitty hair and todoroki icy-hot so what's hers you got one for all of us

bokugo:.... (thinking)

Bokugos POV

... what the hell do I call her..... (while trying to figure out what to call you he couldn't think of anything so he went to looks for the best thing he, could not come up with anything but while looking he saw feature that could not be looked over)

..... why is this girl so damn curvy..... she is kinda hot tho..... not kinda she is.... WAIT DUMB ASS STOP STARING AT HER AND JUST FUCKING THINK ALREADY..... I mean she is curvy.... but also has a lot of scares too.... well cause of her fucked up childhood soo..... this is too fucking hard how the hell am suppose to think of something(as he was deep in to his thoughts he might of slipped up and said something).... ahhh (blerts out) DUMB ASS

Kiri:what dude?


denki:your Nick name for her is dumb ass really

(giggles) I'm fine with that sometimes I can sound like a dumb ass so I can deal with that

bokugo:... no thats not what I fucking meant I didn't mean to say that

Kiri:well do you have any thing bro

bokugo:..... miss curvy scars.... (in his head) NO NO NO DUMB ASS WHAT THE HELL IS THAT(huffs)

denki:I mean it fits her well

lily:I mean that's nicer then dumb ass so

but aren't his names for people like mean or some shit.... I wouldn't care if he called me scar face or something

denki:noooo.... that's todorokis

i mean I'm used too it so it's not that bad tho and yeah you right

Kiri:well I think that's best so

Mina:how about we call her miss curvy scars and bokugo can call her dumb a

sero:okay that works

was this really nessiesary

Kiri:yes cause we all got one and you are now part of the U.A. family

aww thank you kirishima

Kiri:no prob

bokugo:well dumb ass you need help with your dorm stuff?

naw I'm all good

Kiri:you sure I mean the bed frames are really heavy so we can help

lily:(giggles) she can lift like 10 bolders on back with no problem so shes good...

Kiri:why do I have the feeling were going have to protect her

why me?

Kiri:cause look at you your hot.... not simping or anything but your fine so like guys are going to be eveywhere near you trying to shoot there shot so we need to (says in a wired funny voice) yOuR bOdY gArUdS

hhhahahahhhhahahahhahahahha why say body garuds like that

denki:hahahahhahahaha but that's the truth tho

(feels someone touching her butt) w-wha are.... who is

mineta:(touching your ass)

bokugo and sero:(about to explode or tie him up but didn't get the chance too)

(kicks him so hard you heard a slight crack from the wall he was kicked too)


Sero:well if she got this mad maybe he could finally leave the girls alone now

Kiri:yeah she just went completely off on him

denki:she did the Michael Jackson split in the air

bokugo:well at least she gots some fucking back bone

Kiri:the girls here got back bone

bokugo:really just think about it they just slap the back of his head or something then move on till the next time he does it

Kiri:well yeah but at least there not just crying for us to do something all the time

bokugo:true that but Lia really doesn't play

(all boys flinch)

(kicked him in the balls super hard) (SO DON'T FUCK MESS WITH ME YA MOTHER FUCKER

bokugo:was I the only one that fucking felt that

all(shakes head as to he was not the only one that felt that)

Kiri:that had to hurt

Sero:yeaaaah that did

(wipes hair and walks over to where the boys are) well I feel better

bokugo:your no joke to kicking ass huh(ends with a laugh)

yep! but only to people that mess with me in a bad way sooooo..... hey I like your Nike's

Kiri:i really like yours.... I never seen those before

yeah cause I made them myself

denki:?..... you make your own shoes

yeah and clothes and other pieces of clothing like jewelry and gloves and bags

Kiri.... I'm just wondering how you went from being so low and at the bottom to... now your a pro hero and also a good and well know one making your own stuff and just everything

yeah I know(rubs neck)

bokugo:I would sure hate to be someone that pissed you off or made fun of you

yeaaaaaah those people paid for those things already

sero:how exactly

(looks to the side) ya don't wanna know

denki:note to self don't piss of miss curvy

so we really going with that Nick name


okay then

(bell rings)

denki:YAY WE CAN GO TO OUR DORMS NOW(runs out the class room)

okay then (laughs)

bokugo:you sure you don't need help

I'm sure bokubro

bokugo;(glares at you)

Kiri:ayyyyye see i told you bokubro was a good Nick name

bokugo:shut it shitty hair

{after school and at the dorms)