texting and games

bokugo:.....FUUUUUUCK(swings hand to his face) ahhhhhh that shit hurt damn it!

(comes In) what happened!

bokugo:the fucking dresser fell on my damn hand

lemme see(grabs his hand)

bokugo:(in his head) what is this chicks deal with grabbing my hand for... what the hell happened to her hair... it's so messy I guess she is taking care of her room but still

there better?

bokugo:uh yeah..... you didn't have to fucking do that

I know but still

bokugo:so are you done with your room


bokugo:.... so what you said earlier was it true


bokugo when you said " I would let me do that ten times harder and worezes and don't give a damn cause people can abuse me all they want and I can still fight for them"

(flops on his bed) yeah.... cause I wouldn't want anyone else to get hurt as long as I'm around.... I don't want people to get abused like did even tho it still happens everyday all day around the world...

(just to say this next part is based of a theroy and my head and no this is not from the anime.... I mean if you know the show you should know but any way I'm saying this cause I don't want hate)

bokugo:... (huffs) wanna know something


bokugo:well I've been abused before...

... you have?

bokugo:yeah..... my mom anyways.... she isn't the most calm person but still I had been abused by my.....like if i did something small she would beat me as if it was the worst thing i could have ever done in my life , and sometimes if she was just plane angry cause someone else then me pissed her off she would still find a way to blame me and beat me and my dad just stood there and watch or just let it happen

...(leans on his shoulder)

bokugo:.....and that continued till I was like..... 14

so it stopped around two years ago

bokugo:yeah..... but..... in the "anime" did it ever showed me being kidnpped by the fucking league of villains or some shit


bokugo:well after words I got fussed out by the old hag and said it was my fault

it wasn't at all

bokugo:heh you think I know that fucker(smiles)

yeah your right

bokugo:..... (huffs) what time is it anyways

.... it's 11:39pm

..... I'm not tires but I'm fucking bored

(pulls out two controllers) wanna play 2K then

bokugo:hell yeah but ima beat you

you don't know if I'm good or bad fucker

bokugo:you look like your trash at it

you wanna bet that

bokugo:on what

if I'm good or beat you three times you gotta.... a... make me food anything I want

bokugo:and if I beat you which I will you gotta do what I want you to for a week



{four hours later)

both:DAMN IT!

bokugo:MAN FUCK THIS PIECE OF SHIT! (throws controller)

FUCK THIS STUPID DAMN THING(throws controller)

bokugo:this thing us fucking broken

wanna play something else then

bokugo:yeah like what

.... who won anyways

bokugo:.... I don't even know I forgot

same..... do we have school tomorrow

bokugo:no dumb ass its the fucking weekend

my bad damn dude ass

bokugo:stupid mother fucker

(rolls eye) so what are we going to do about the bet

bokugo:we should just do them fucking both.... when do you want your dn food huh

..... I don't know .... when do you want me to do.... whatever you want me to do

bokugo:I don't fucking know.... aholdnt you get to your dorm

I should... still wanna play

bokugo:sure fucking whatever

ight then I'm still planing on beating ya ass tho

bokugo:you wish you fucking could

make sure to put on your head set too

bokugo:I know I'm not a dumb ass like you

whatever bokubro(closes door)

bokugo:... (in his head) that was fun... she was actually fucking good..... she played better then Pikachu or shitty hair.... that's wired cause there good gamers and I lost to her a couple of times... what do I even want her to do for me any fucking ways..... I mean she can.... do my choirs..... naw I can do that..... I don't even know why I even said that for..... well I..... (hears his phone give a notification sound)

(boku squad chat)

Kiri:man why haven't you come out of your dorm all day or night

bokugo:I was movin my damn stuff

denki:why did I see you on the game then with another player🎮

Mina:I think Lia was with him or something mighta seen her comeing from your dorm bokugo💥

sero:ohhhhh he gotta girlfriend💏


bokugo:I swear to fucking god I'ma blow all y'all asses away we were just talking okay

kiri:aye chill bro

jirou:I bet if I put her in the chat he would calm down



bokugo:you wouldn't dare

denki:but like if he did date her he would be MAD LUCKY THO CAUSE LOWKEY SHE IS FINE ASS HELLLLLLLL

sero;yeah she is tho so like don't be mad if you did get her

Mina:I swear the boys in class caught feelings when she walkin instantly

jirou:yeah like I seen every boys face in class and all y'all were blushin baaaaaaaaad

denki: uh duh cause we were catchin feelings

Kiri:look mina's right but like she also seems like she don't let too many people in

yeah that true


jirou:I told y'all I would plus I'm in her dorm

why is there a problem or something

Kiri:no no no

Mina:good so denki what was that you were saying again something about she's fine as hell

denki:no I mean like she's cute well I....

Mina:what's the matter denki

jirou:you were just giving her the most beautiful compliments


bokugo:I'm done with y'all🤣

I saw the text why can't you say it now huh

sero:for real studering on the dang phone



denki:man shut up

y'all soundin like a bunch of damn Simps tho

Mina:yes like for reallllllllll tho especially denki and mineta

denki:there's nothing wrong with being a simple and HEY

Kiri:well it's like 4 something in the morning we should do to sleep


yeah okay

Mina:night then


denki:nighty night



Sero:meant night

bokugo:night extras


(the next day)