Proving Oneself

'Ugh, where am I?' thought Rei as he awoke to a room looking strangely like that of an aristocrat's.

'So, I already got adopted by Mr Yaoyorozu huh. I know my mom was going to die, I was going to be abandoned on the street, or I was going to be given to an orphanage but, come on god! Why the FUCK would you let my mom's body be stomped on and brutalized!' Sighing in reluctance, Rei relaxed slightly on his bed. Looking to his right, Rei saw wooden bars which meant he was in a crib. On the other side of the bars was another baby who he assumed to be Momo.

Even though he was a baby, Rei didn't want to let his guard down. Waving his hand, Rei got a basic understanding of the current air currents and content. Sniffing as big a breath a baby could and clicking his tongue, Rei managed to mentally create a version of the mansion and identified what it was comprised of. He also detected three people walking.

Clicking his tongue once more, Rei saw where they were now, and they were just a few seconds away from the room. 'It's the Yaoyoruzus huh?' Rei thought as footsteps could be heard approaching the room.

The door creaked open and three people entered the room. The first was a classic aristocratic butler. Opening the door, he held it open for Mr and Mrs Yaoyorozu. Walking in were two black-haired people. One of them in a black formal suit, and one of them in a red dress.

Seeing her children, Mrs Yaoyorozu squealed, "Oh my cute little babies, I love you so much! Mwah! Mwah!", and energetically picked us up. 'What the hell woman!? Aren't you supposed to be recovering from birth!?' Rei thought as he was smothered in her 'assets'.

After the shaking stopped, Rei looked into Mrs Yaoyorozu's beautiful aquamarine eyes. Seeing the warmth and care held in them which were almost comparable to his birth mother's in this world, he cried. Mr Yaoyorozu being the intuitive man he is, noticed the intelligent glint in his son's heterochromia eyes and held him along with his wife.

<-------4 years later------->

"Mr Yaoyorozu, your son has two quirks. He can make very small and insignificant world bending things such as minute gusts of wind, light trails and the like both subconsciously and conciously. His second quirk allows him to strengthen any part of his body, mind or quirk by 10 percent. The only other odd thing is that his body can regenerate faster, he has better senses and five hearts."

"W-w-what?" Toru Yaoyorozu slumped in his chair in shock from the lack of his son's powers (I gave them names. It was never said and I'll change it if the official comes out). 'I adopted him because he was powerful even as a kid. I thought that the quirk would be supplementary, but come on! They are almost useless! Even the last one is just a basic enhancement, not enough to take down stronger villans!'

Looking back at his son, Toru was stunned. Instead of the shattered, shocked, and broken face he had seen countless times before and expected to see again, he instead saw a contemplative face figuring out what to do with his life.

Getting up from his seat, the doctor spoke, "I already documented your daughter's quirk, and now we need names for your son's—"

"Special Effects, Strengthening, and let's not name the last one and call it a mutation," a voice said.

"Huh?" Toru turned to his son when he said that as the doctor wrote it down. Looking at his son, Toru saw his determined face. Remembering what he said at three, Toru decided to support his son all the way.

Walking out of the room, Saya saw her husband's face. He did his best to hide the sadness, but Saya could see through it all. Standing up, she embraced him as they hid their faces from Rei and Momo.

"What's wrong mama?" Momo asked, but got no response. Focusing her gaze on them, she saw them glance at her brother's face.

Running to Rei, Momo said, "I don't care what happened, or what the doctor said! You're still my brother, and I will always love you!" as she embraced him.

Stunned slightly, Rei silently hugged her back. He didn't have and emotional experience even though he knew people might act differently based on how they're feeling, he didn't really know how to act with people. He was, to put it simply, an introvert.

Seeing this, both of their parents smiled and burned the image of the moment in their heads.

<-------1 year later------->

"You said you want to be a hero right? Then why am I going to let you train yourself!? At least listen to expert advice!" Toru shouted.

"No! I can do it by myself!" Rei responded, "Besides, I can prove that I can do it!" He wasn't lying. Rei doesn't even need to go to school anymore as his intelligence already surpassed college level in everything. Everything!

"No! You need practical skills which you will learn with people who will supervise you! In U.A, you will learn rescue skills, so right now, you need combat training!" Toru was already scared. He knows the background of his son, and that he is adopted and not his real son, but over the years, they made a real bond.

"Hmm, alright. If I show you I can fight well enough already, will you let me train myself?" Stunned by such a question, Toru thought about it for a moment and decided to do it. However, his test would be very, very difficult.

"Alright, fine! Let's do it."

"Yay! Okay, well, good night dad!" Rei responded happily.


<-------The Next Day------->

Bringing Rei, Momo and his wife to the field, Toru said to Rei, "Alright son, if you can beat all of these people, you pass my test and I will allow you to train yourself."

"Alright!" Rei said excitedly. Walking to the middle of the field, Rei saw eight people at either side of him. They all wore different outfits. The first one wore red silk pants and a shirt with golden embroidery used in Wushu. The second one wore similar clothing to the one in red but was dressed in blue. The third was someone in a karate outfit. The fourth looked like a professional wrestler, the fifth looked like a kendo master, the sixth wore American military garb and had a knife holster at his sides, the seventh was a man dressed in black with two sticks by his sides and the last was someone Rei didn't expect to see so soon.

The one in a karate outfit stepped forward, but Rei spoke before he could get in position, "Please, all of you at once."

"Huh?" everyone blurted out.

"B-but— Mr Yaoyorozu" Toru was saying until Aizawa interrupted him, "You said this is a test for him. If he said this, this means he thinks one of us at a time is too easy. Don't worry though, I won't go easy on him because of his bravery, I think I need to knock some sense into him."

Looking at me, Mr Aizawa put on his goggles and released his tape thinking, 'What the hell. This kid has the eyes of a seasoned warrior, not an inexperienced and overconfident brat!'

Seeing Mr Aizawa's preparation, everyone else took it seriously. The men in red and blue showed pyrokinesis and aquakinesis as they flowed into poses. The man in a karate suit stepped forward and got into a stance as his eyes glowed yellow and the earth beneath him cracked and rose. The man who looked like a professional wrestler enlarged his muscles and the kendo master stood as calm as a lake. The one in an American military garb spread his hands to the sides and they started to glow with energy.

Seeing no point in arguing, Toru started the countdown as he thought, 'Rei, you did this to yourself'

Saya was equally as worried, but Momo was for some reason extremely interested. In fact, she was probably the only one with real confidence for her brother because she knew one thing about him that no one else did. He was more than just a normal genius. The night before the exam, she saw him watching videos of martial arts. It was already late, so she tried to pull him away from the screen, but when she saw his eyes, she was astonished.

Both eyes had lines of code flowing downwards as every move in the video was precisely copied and perfected, then merged into his own style. Seeing her brother in real-time combat, Momo watched with anticipation.


Everyone studied the other as best they could.


The martial artists adjusted their stances.


Closing his eyes, Rei moved his hand outwards in a circular motion and tapped his foot, then took a big breath and clicked his tongue earning intrigue from everyone.


Shaking off the oddness, everyone got ready to start.


Rei opened his eyes as the last lines of code drifted down from his irises. '…Plan Complete…Running Probability of Failure…None!'


Everyone rushed in. The water-fire duo rushed at Rei, the blue one rushing forwards in flowing footwork, staying close to the ground as the one in red jumped upwards and attempted to do a dropkick. The karate-man rushed forward with his palm outstretched and the wrestler did so, but in a shoulder bumping motion. The American shot out yellow orbs of energy and the kendo master slashed from where he stood. Aizawa held his tape ready to cover for everyone else.

'Anomalies Detected… Significance 10%…Plan Success Rate…80%… Altering Plan…Success Rate…99.9999999%' Smirking, Rei moved The two hands out to grab him missed their intended target as they grabbed nothing but air.

"Huh? Oof!" the wrestler said as he fell. Immediately after dodging the grab, Rei guided and dodged the arm of the karate-man and directed it to the wrestler's weak point. Everyone has three weak points in their bodies. The first one will knock you out you, the second will immobilize you, and the third will kill you. Rei directed the palm strike to the first point and knocked out the wrestler.

Realizing what just happened, the karate-man tried to knee-kick Rei but failed. Rei let go of the karate-man's hands and slid underneath his legs, also dodging an invisible air blade from the kendo master. Behind his foe, Rei kicked the bent leg of the man and forced him into a split.

Clicking his tongue twice, Rei figured out where the blades were and rushed at the kendo master. Seeing the man slice more, Rei started constantly clicking his tongue as Aizawa started trying to snag his limbs and the American concentrated his fire. Getting a complete idea of the kendo master's movements, Rei started thinking as code ran between his eyes.

'Calculating Pattern… Calculating Possible Variation… Calculating possible hidden factors… Calculation Finished… Dodging Pattern Calculated… 100% Success Rate!'

Rhythmically dodging all the projectiles, Rei slipped past the Kendo Master and back kicked him towards the pursuing water-fire duo. 'Strengthening!' Rei thought and he enhanced his leg power slightly. Kicking at the ground, Rei exacerbated a spatial singularity and created a high-pressure zone inside a lump of dirt. Due to the pressure, the dirt exploded, and Rei was shot straight towards the American.

Surprised at this, the American grabbed his knife and stabbed outwards, but didn't hit anything. As he was ejected from the impact, Rei saw the incoming blade and twisted his body to the left, the knife a centimetre away from his face. Still spinning to the left, Rei flipped forward and straightened his legs. Doing a double dropkick on the American's collarbone, Rei flipped backwards dodging an attempt to grab his body.


The American falling to the ground, Rei looked at the water-fire duo. Seeing them infuriated at their loss, Rei sprinted towards them with an improved version of the water guy's flowing steps.

"What! Impossible!" the duo said. Still unflinching, Rei thought, 'Experienced eh? Well, not that it matters against me.'

Getting in position, both of them started a two-pronged attack. Rei, on the other hand, revealed something everyone overlooked. A knife. Seeing the most menacing face the duo had seen in their lives, their eyes eventually turned to the knife.

The knife was a killing weapon no doubt about that, and they knew the kid wouldn't kill. Right? Realizing this, the duo all trained their eyes on the knife.

'Okay, okay. The kid is lifting the knife in a position to strike, but something seems wrong?' Those were the last thoughts of the duo before they were knocked out.


Both fighters lost control over their bodies as Rei pressed the pressure points to knock them out. Looking at them, Rei smiled at his success. 'Nekodamashi in Assassination Classroom is impossible, but only to those who can't precisely detect the frequency which will immobilize a person. I just couldn't do this before because the sound would also immobilize me!'

Looking at Aizawa, Rei said, "You are the only one who took me seriously here without having to see the results yourself first. I thank you for that. To show my respect, I will take you seriously as well."

'What! He wasn't even being serious right now!' Aizawa thought as he looked at the little monster in front of him. If someone else saw this, they would probably laugh at the prospect of a 5-year old kid confidently saying, 'I will take you seriously as well.' However, Aizawa knew just how difficult it would be to beat the kid.

Looking at Aizawa, Rei stood, left side forward and hands outstretched. Code running through his eyes, Rei stared at Aizawa, who realized that his quirk erasing abilities would be useless. He tried using it when Rei was in a tight spot, but it didn't affect his calculation, and Aizawa was shocked that the brainpower was honed, not given.

Aizawa tucked away his tape as he realized that his fighting style with the tape was probably analyzed by the kid too. Seeing his passive stance, Aizawa rushed forward with a punch which Rei skillfully deflected with his left arm. At the same time, Rei pulled Aizawa forward who had no way to resist the momentum and put his right arm in an elbowing position.

Attacking the solar plexus, Rei followed up with an 8-hit combo before kicking Aizawa away with a kick, knocking him out.

Everyone had varying expressions. The people who Rei had just mowed down had utter shock on their faces. Rei's parent's jaws fell to the floor and his sister jumped up and down saying, "I knew it! I knew my brother would beat them up! Yay!"

Looking at his dad, Rei cheekily said, "So, did I pass?"