"The Day"

"So, did I pass?"

His son's cheeky smile forcing him to let Rei do what he wanted, Toru replied, "Yes. Yes, you did."

"Yay!" Running to Momo, Rei jumped into her and hugged her tight. 'Damn, I love that smile. I might do anything to protect it.'

Looking at the adorable scene, Toru and Saya both thought in their heads, 'What an adorable little sight!' and smiled.

'Hmm, maybe I should try to set them up. They aren't blood-related anyways and, that was the original plan…'

<-----An hour later----->

Driving home in his car, Aizawa thought, 'That kid. He beat me effortlessly! I can't believe it! Me, the great Shounen Aizawa! Hmm, maybe I should teach my son my style and not go back later to fix it up for him. Who knows! Maybe we might be able to make a completely new style together! That fight showed me a lot of things I didn't notice about my style which I can now improve on. That kid though, we need to make sure he doesn't get into the dark side because if he does, he'd be like…'

Meanwhile, Rei was with Momo watching an anime with her and thinking, 'What. Is this Fª¢∫¨ß´ œ∑´®† ±— <˘˜ø‚ `¡∫ˆ ∫¨´¡!º¶ !) #% ¢ ˜¨ç˚†å®∂ ∫∆Ï^∂ ˙¨¶ ∞˜*^ «'Ú"¨ ºª¨ ¶• ˙†©˙¨ %^#*' (A/ N - Yes. It is that bad.)

<-----3 Years Later----->

'Yes! I've done it! It was hard, but I built myself a base under this house!' Rei said as he examined the last machine.

"Check is complete. Eve, get me out of here," Rei said as a robotic voice replied; "Yes Master"

The sound of gears turning echoed throughout the room as one of the corridor walls collapsed and revealed a set of stairs.

<-----1 Year Later----->

'What the hell! Rei was already gunning for Momo from the very start and I didn't even need to help him! intelligence, parental distancing from both of them, wowing her, he is slowly getting her to like him!' Looking at his son, Toru looked at him with a face showing an odd mix of surprise, pride, exasperation, encouragement and sadness.

Seeing his father's face, Rei thought, 'What the hell! Those romance and love advice books really did help!' as he gave a piece of his smoked salmon with caviar to Momo who received it with a slight blush as Rei had already given her about half the things on her plate.

<-----1 More Year Later----->

Looking at the sunset, Rei and Momo shared a beautiful experience. Sitting on the lush, green cliff with their hands intertwined, Rei and Momo looked into each other's eyes. Looking at Momo's black eyes turning into a shining gem as the final rays of the sun fell upon them, Rei played with her soft and vibrant hair which shone with an odd, yet beautiful lustre.

Not disturbed in the slightest by Rei touch, Momo looked at his reflective heterochromia eyes as his hair ruffled in the wind. Both of them looking back at the sun as it disappeared from the horizon.

"Beautiful," Momo whispered subconsciously with a small blush and beautiful smile on her face.

Standing up, Momo said, "Thank you. That was the first time I ever took the time to appreciate the sunset. It was so beautiful. The many hues and colours— they awed me to no end."

"No problem, it is your birthday after all, and this is my gift. I'm actually more surprised at the fact that you haven't seen one before. You know, and take the time to look at it," Rei replied as he lazily stood up.

Momo smiled at that remark and without knowing, blushed just a tiny bit more. "H-h-how about we do this every day, just the two of us."

"Sure," Rei replied, smiling happily at his progress.

"Come on kids! It's time for dinner!" a large voice said, echoing from the manor.

"Alright!" Momo responded before grabbing Rei's hand and skipping through the field.

'I think I know what to do to propose now.'

<-----Later That Night----->

Walking into the familiar sight of his room, Rei gingerly closed the door behind him.

"Eve, move me to the creator's lab."

"Yes Master," the A.I. replied as a set of steps appeared beside the door to the bathroom.

Walking down the staircase, it was rather well lit and looked futuristic with colour-changing lines of lights on the sides for decor. Walking through a few corridors and some more steps, Rei was greeted with a room full of contraptions.

'I have five years at maximum to design a hairband for Momo and a ring for each of us to share. Let's get started. Before anything else though, I need to make a design. I have her measurements anyways so I don't need to waste time on that! Hmm, let's see…'

<-----5 Years Later----->

"Happy Birthday Momo!" everyone said cheerfully as she got out of bed. Momo appreciated the care from everyone else, but only cared about her mom, dad and brother.

Deciding to do something special for Momo today, Rei said, "Guys, I'll cook breakfast today so Momo, just wait for me!"

Running to the kitchen, Rei thought for a bit about what he was going to cook before thinking of a certain red-haired kid. Picking a knife from the kitchen, Rei started dicing tomatoes and finely chopping garlic.

Heating some olive oil in a frying pan, Rei tossed the garlic in and sautéed it. The second its fragrance started to spread, Rei added the tomatoes in as well and continued to sautée it. Adding granulated consommé and red wine, Rei left the mixture to simmer while clicking his tongue to continuously check the sauce.

Cracking some eggs into a bowl, Rei thoroughly mixed it with an electric mixer. When it became thick enough that ripples could remain on the surface, Rei stopped mixing and melted 1 tablespoon of butter in a frying pan before adding the mixture from the bowl.

Cooking on medium heat for about a minute, Rei turned the heat off and covered the pan to let it steam for another minute. Opening the cover, Rei flipped the souffle omelette and caught it with a plate letting the bounce from the omelette fold it in half.

Seasoning it with salt and pepper, Rei poured the sauce over the omelette. Doing this seven times, with a 0.1-second interval between each, one for the butler, twice for the maids and four times for his family, Rei brought out the souffle for them to enjoy.

"Wow! This looks delicious!" Toru said as he received his plate, "I didn't know you could cook!"

"Mmf! Ua! Ahhh! What is this! It tastes so good! I-I don't know how to describe it! It's amazing!" Saya, realizing what she just said as she looked like she was orgasming (Seriously, don't they all?) blushed and ate in pleasure and silence.

Everyone else seeing her unfiltered reaction immediately took a spoonful of it and shoved the souffle in their mouths.


"So good!"

"I could die happy right now!"

"Nii-chan! I didn't know you cooked this well!"

Hearing the last comment from his sister, Rei thought in his head, 'Well, today is "the day."' Looking at his sister, Rei smiled as he ate his food.

"Hey, you want to go out with me today?" Rei asked Momo after they finished their breakfast.

Tilting her head slightly to the side, Momo replied with a smile, "Sure!"

<-----A Few Hours Later----->

Walking back to the Manor, Rei stood tall as Momo leaned on his shoulder. With a lean, yet powerful figure, Rei had the sharp gaze of an eagle. His yellow and purple eyes looking straight ahead and his short hair ruffling in the wind, Rei lovingly looked at Momo.

Admiring her beautiful figure, stunning eyes and beautiful hairstyle, Rei pulled her closer and hugged her shoulder.

Looking towards the sun, Momo said, "Come on, let's hurry up! It's almost sunset!" as she ran forward.

Seeing her so energetic, Rei didn't resist and let her drag him to their spot. Seeing the lush green grass once more, Rei smiled as he walked to the edge of the cliff, his legs dangling off its sides. Momo following suit, she took the space beside him.

Smiling at the sunset, Momo looked stunning as the many hues somehow made her shine brighter.

Looking forward, Rei saw that the sun had already descended to about half-way until it disappeared from the horizon. It's everlasting light, gone from the world as night would take over.

Opening his mouth, Rei spoke, "Momo."

"Yeah?" she replied.

Smiling, Rei said, "The sunset is a marvellous thing, isn't it. It has many meanings, but for us, I think it represents a bond which was formed a long time ago. One that marked the beginning of a bond past family relations. I remember that first time I took you here was on your birthday five years ago. Speaking of which, I think I forgot to give you your birthday present!"

Fumbling around in his pocket, Rei brought out two cases. Momo's attention had already been caught when Rei began to reminisce about the past and when she saw the two cases, she was inwardly jumping in joy.

Setting one case down on the ground, Rei opened the first one. In it was a hairband which looked like a cross between a butterfly and a bow. Its centre was made of a gem that had a colour to which Momo couldn't recognize. It was green, but not green, and gold, but not gold. It had a golden outline and was diamond-studded.

About to pick it up, Rei said, "This hairband was specially made by me. The golden outline and diamond studs are real, and the inside of it was a carefully selected blend of emerald, topaz, sapphire and many other rare minerals. I made it in memory of this sunset as it changes colour when exposed to the sun's rays in dusk. It doesn't have a scientific name, but I think I'd like to call it the Duskborn Gem. As for the name of the hairband, I already wrote it inside."

Carefully peeking at the inside portion of the band, Momo noticed a small carving inside which said the two words, "Blooming Sunset."

Smiling at the name, Momo took off her normal hairband and let he long locks of hair sway in the wind. Tying it up with the one Rei gave her, Momo fixed it up herself.

Turning to him, Momo smiled and said, "How do I look?"

"Stunning," was the reply she received.

"Thanks," Momo replied, "Though I do have to ask, why is it called—"

Her words stopped. Her heart fluttered as her mind began to race. The second case which had been on the ground left unopened was in Rei's hands. It's contents shining brightly under the rays of the setting sun, Momo saw two beautiful rings.

They were very simple. Two bands of silver and a circular gem engraved on top, both gems a fiery red. At that moment, all words were meaningless.

Carefully taking the two rings out of the case, Rei gave one of them to Momo. Taking each other's hands, they both carefully put their ring on each other's fingers.

Looking at her shocked eyes, Rei said, "Momo. You have lit the fire in my heart. I used to think of going here to just live, but that smile you have, it gave me a reason to fight. It gave me a reason to think. It gave me a reason, to truly live.

These rings not only represent my devotion to you through my blood, sweat and effort, these rings now represent an unshakable bond. No matter what happens, we will always be together and light the fire in each other's hearts.

Momo, I, Rei Yaoyorozu sincerely wish for you to be my wife. Do you accept?"

Momo's face, at this point, had turned beet red while her eyes shone with surprise. 'W-w-w-what! I-I knew he liked me. I'm not that stupid, but I didn't expect him to set the mood up like this! I-I do love him, and since we aren't blood-related, it should be fine. I've seen this story happen many times in novels, manga, anime and even in some of our family's history! B-b-but why. Why is this so hard to do!!!'

Looking once more at the sincere and loving face of Rei, Momo bit her tongue and replied, "Yes. I, Momo Yaoyorozu accept your proposal."

Hearing this, Rei smiled as he looked at Momo's face. Placing his hand on her cheek, Rei pulled her in closer. Looking at her glistening eyes once more, Rei dove in for the kiss. Their tounges intertwining, they melted into each other as the setting sun gave off its last ray of light.