"Plot"…The Plot Begins

Rei and Momo separated, a thin trail of saliva being the only proof of their kiss. Their emotional eyes locking onto each other, they connected once more, this time, Momo took the initiative. Holding each other for a few minutes, they separated once more.

The shining rays of light gone, under the gaze of moonlight, their eyes shone brightly.

"Momo…" rei started before he was interrupted by the noise of an angry mother, "Why are you guys taking so long! GET OVER HERE!!!"

A moment of awkward silence spread between the two of them before they both chuckled.

"I guess we've been here too long," Rei said as he helped Momo up. Their eyes interlocking once more, Rei smiled and said, "Let's go, my wife."

Blushing, Momo replied, "S-sure. Hubby," as she hugged Rei's arm

"Hahahahaha" Laughing slightly at her reaction, Rei and Momo slowly walked to the manor. The wind had settled slightly which left behind the soothing silent noise of nature.

"So, Rei, why did you mean by, 'you lit the fire in my heart'?" Momo asked, still cheerful from the confession.

A look of sadness arose on Rei's face. Biting his lip, Rei looked at Momo and asked, "Do you really want to know?"

Looking seriously into his face, Momo wanted to turn him down but realized he would have to say it sooner or later. Deciding to share his pain now, and not later when it would build up into something worse, Momo firmly decided to reply, "Yes."

Seeing her determined and kind gaze, Rei sighed before starting, "I had a very high intelligence since I was a baby. I can even perfectly recall anything that has happened to me in my lives. I could probably describe what being surrounded in amniotic fluid was like seeing I experienced it twice.

I was born in a dumpster. My mother was the laughingstock of my family. My guess was because of her odd condition which made her grow hair everywhere on her body except for her eyes and digestive tract. When she was pregnant, she was tortured day and night. One day, she was able to escape, but that day was also the day I was born.

A kind lady took me in afterwards, or, so I thought. She would taut I wouldn't be able to survive.ke in children who she saw had potential and taught them all kinds of things. The biggest, though, was that she was turning us into assassins. When I turned 4, I could have escaped, but I wouldn't be able to survive. On one mission, when I was eight, my friend and I were sent out on a mission and managed to fake our deaths.

I took up a new persona, and through my skills, I got us new, 'legal' identification. For the first time in my life, I saw the good side of things. Using my genius, I went to the best school in the world and broke the minds of the teachers there using pure shock as a freshman. Seeing all the good things in life, I decided to protect it, and drive away the evil in the world. When I turned 11, I think that was when I forgot all about the evil. My friend and I were already living comfortably and making the world better. I couldn't find my birth family, but that didn't matter anymore.

Unfortunately, life doesn't always go as planned. My friend was kidnapped. He wasn't the most skilled, but he was honest. Even though he could never beat me in anything, his sheer willpower brought his past many situations. This time, it failed though. When I finally tracked him down, he was tortured beyond belief.

His face reminded me of the dark, and I slaughtered. I think it was the first time I slaughtered. All the other times I killed were assassinations. When I finished them, covered in blood. I heard his voice. He told me to live. To live for him because he couldn't live with me anymore. So I did. I did do that after I killed every last person in their organization.

The most disgusting thing I discovered was that the assassin group I used to be a part of was a branch of the organization. After killing all of them, I drowned in sorrow for a few days and mourned, but I moved on. When I made the world a utopia at 12, some people still tried to kill me, but I was too tired of that. I became an otaku through and through.

On my fourteenth birthday, I was walking to a pub before a bunch of trucks ended up killing me. I became stuck in the god's realm for who knows how long, then got reincarnated here with all of my memories.

When I was reborn, my mom died in front of me once more. I could sense it since I was conceived, and prepared myself. I decided to mourn hr death before moving on as it was inevitable but, a villain stepped on my mother's dead body and broke it in half. I wasn't even done mourning.

My killing intent fell upon him and he fell to his knees. All Might beat him up but having three people I cared about die in front of me, and not even getting to mourn the last one broke me. It wasn't until your cheerfulness kind of forced me to move on. You brought me out of my shell before you, or anyone else realized it. In the end, I couldn't just keep thinking of you as my sister. After all— H-hold on! Stop crying!"

Both of them had stopped moving by now. Tears were falling down Momo's face as she listened to Rei's story. "I-I didn't know you had such a sad life. And that I did so much for you."

Crying into Rei's shirt, Momo let out her tears and shared his pain. Pain which she couldn't have even imagined previously. Looking straight into his eyes, Momo said, "I love you, and I will definitely not let that fire die out."

Rei cracked a smile as he felt Momo brush off a tear. 'Huh? I-I'm crying?' Rei touched his face and realized he was crying as well. Both of them embraced each other, as they let their emotions out.

A while later, Momo separated from Rei and said, "Come on, let's not keep mom waiting for long," as she took his hand and left towards the house.


"So, how was it you two lovebirds?" Saya said as she placed her hand over her chest.

'Damnit! It's like saying Ara~Ara~ without actually saying it!' Rei thought, completely ignoring the statement and Momo blushed fiercely.

"M-mom!!! How did you find out!?" Momo asked as she hid her face in Rei's chest.

"Huh!? Hon! You were right!" Saya replied as Toru reappeared from the side of a corridor, "I told you! My sister had something similar, so I could kind of tell. It's instinct!"

Momo buried her face deeper in Rei's chest and muttered, "I am so embarrassed."

"Don't be. This is what happened with me and your father as well!" Saya said.

Digging further into Rei's chest, Momo retorted, "That just makes it even more embarrassing! Mou~"

Chuckling at her response while thinking, 'cute' in his mind, Rei looked to his parents and said, "I'll start cooking."

<-------1 satisfying meal later------->

"So…they already made a room just for us huh?" Momo said as she looked at the red wooden door in front of her.

"It seems so," Rei said as he thought, 'Damnit! I have to make another pathway for Eve to pass through!'

Looking at each other, then again at the door, they opened it. It was a tad bigger than their parent's. There was a tv, a couch, three chairs, a circular table, two nightstands with lamps on top, two closets and another door probably leading to the bathroom. Seeing the large, white bed in front of them, Momo and Rei had many ideas floating in their heads before shutting them out of their minds.

Tired, both of them collapsed on the couch. After resting for a few minutes, Rei said, "Let's take a bath."

"Alright," Momo replied before lazily getting up as well, her, and Rei's mind still hazy from the constant teasing their parents did during dinner.

Opening the doors, both of them stepped inside. Both of them empty-mindedly took off their clothes. When the final, most restrictive articles were removed, both of them turned around to face each other, only to find their eyes focused on each other assets whilst blushes formed on their faces.


Go to Auxillary Chapter: Chapter 5.5 (R-18)


Walking to the table, Momo looked at the ramen Rei made, already knowing it was going to be delicious. Smiling, she took her chopsticks and lifted up the tempeh. Momo already knew what tempeh was as she was interested in a lot of things. Taking a bite out of it, she froze. Her legs twitched, as she blushed in happiness.

Almost squirting, Momo moaned in pleasure. 'Wha-what! I orgasmed from eating food! No, I foodgasm?' Looking at the soup once more, Momo ravenously wolfed it down, a foodgasm at every bite.

Finally finished with the delicious breakfast, Momo looked at Rei who softened his gaze at the sight of her.

"I love you," Momo said as she shakingly walking up to Rei and hugged him.

Placing his hands behind her back, Rei replied, "I know my dear. I do too."

They stayed like that for a while. Releasing themselves from each other's clutches, They both smiled before engaging in a passionate kiss. Separating from it, Rei and Momo looked into each other's loving gaze.

Taking her hand, Rei sat at the bed and started talking about how he should start training Momo and have a look at the costume. Hearing her husband's care for her, even though the training would probably be brutal as shown by the countless times he came home bruised from his own training, Momo smiled.

Without the two knowing, an hour had passed and Momo had already gone back to normal. Picking Momo up in a princess carry, Rei carried Momo as he walked to the courtyard and into the forest where he did his 'training'.

In reality, Rei went to the forest and entered his underground basement using an elevator. He would instead train in his basement.

Stopping at a certain point in the forest, Momo looked at Rei and asked, "Why are we stop—" before she got interrupted by Rei saying, "Eve, open the elevator and connect it to the training room."

About to ask who Eve was, an elevator popped up from the grass in front of them and a robotic voice said, "Please get in master."

Amazed by the tech, Momo stared incredulously at the elevator, then at her husband.

Seeing Momo's gaze, Rei ignored it and went in the elevator which almost instantly brought them to the ground.

Still carrying Momo, Rei put her down when they arrived at the training room. Moving to a machine at the far side of the room, Rei started typing things as once again, code started running down his piercing eyes.

"Hun? What did you do?" Momo asked as Rei walked over to her. Hugging her, Rei looked into her beautiful eyes.

"I'll be having Eve train you as I have other things to do today. More importantly though," Rei said as he walked to the exit, "I couldn't bear to see my wife do the things she has to do."

"H-huh?" Momo asked, unsure whether to be flattered or scared. On the one hand, Rei was too kind to want to see the things Momo was going to do, but Rei was also the one who set the activities up.

Seeing him at the entrance to the elevator, Momo started running to Rei and said, "Wait!" before being blocked off by a glass wall.

Looking behind her, she saw a humanoid machine was deployed from the wall. It's robotic eyes looking at Momo, the robot said, "The first task of the day: 100 pushups! 100 sit-ups! 100 squats! 10 kilometres of running!"

Momo let out a sigh of relief when she heard that, before hearing what came next.

"Finish this in one hour!"

"Huh?" Momo said in response whilst thinking, 'Rei, I am so going to get you back for this!'

Meanwhile, Rei sneezed as he was walking to a certain street. 'I'm sorry Momo. It had to be done.'

About an hour later, Rei felt All Might and Izuku talking to each other at the street adjacent to him. 'Found them,' Rei thought as he stealthily made his way near them.

"Young man. You too can become a hero!" All Might said, in his scrawny form.

Whilst Izuku was crying a river, Rei started examining All Might and made noises which would be almost impossible to track. 'Oh, so that's why he's still alive! His quirk is replacing the lost organ, in phantom form though, but yeah!'

Both All Might and Izuku were oblivious to the human presence very near to them.

After a few minutes of Izuku crying, and seeing no end in sight, Rei spoke up and said, "Hello All Might! I assume he's your successor."

There were a few moments of awkward silence, before All Might and Izuku dropped their jaws to the ground and said, "NANI!!!"

'Hahaha! This is priceless! I wish Momo were here to see this.'

Back at the basement…

"Achoo! Who was just talking about me!" Momo sneezed. 'Well, I can't believe I actually completed that. Ugh, I am so worn out. I couldn't even cheat because of that freaking robot! Well, Rei is going to get chewed out by me on this one!' she thought triumphantly until a monotone robotic voice broke her dreams.

"Alright. Eight more sets to go! Also, with each set, the gravity is going to double, so get ready!"

"Huh!? Ack!" Momo's body fell to the ground under the extreme pleasure. Her eyes showing a desperate look for salvation, she found none in the robot's emotionless, metal eyes.

Slowly standing up resisting the increased pressure, Momo thought, 'I'm going to die aren't I.'