
Back with Rei and All Might…

All Might and Izuku had their eyes popping waaaayyyyyyy out of their sockets as their jaws hit the concrete floor. Rei sported a triumphant smirk as his eyes showed anticipation and glee.


Izuku was the first to recover…if you call recovering bunching up into a small little ball and mumbling to yourself about escape routes and every single bad possibility 'recovered'.

All Might was second to break out of his stupor as he walked up to Rei and said, "Umm, young man, is this supposed to be some sort of joke? I'm not All Might."

"No no no no no, you can't weasel your way out of this one, I was here for the whole time and I heard every single word."

His mind short-circuited for a second before he smiled, put his hand around my shoulder and said, "Um, alright young man, how about we talk this out yeah?"

"Hahahahahahahaha!" Slapping his thighs and holding his stomach, Rei was in shock. He didn't expect All Might, of all people to do this. Then again, he is a hero and isn't allowed to hurt people, so I guess it makes sense.

Surprised at the young man's sudden outburst, All Might was about to ask again before hearing him say, "Don't worry, I won't make life difficult for you. I just want to help the next symbol of peace."

Looking at Izuku while ignoring the questioning gaze All Might was giving him, Rei said, "Izuku, meet me at Dagobah Beach tomorrow at noon. I'll have a training plan ready for you then, and it will be the last time we meet before U.A."

Not even waiting for their response, Rei overdrove his intelligence. Walking towards Izuku, he poked him in various places, examined his body, then walked away as quickly as he came. Actually, it shouldn't be called running as he was constantly finding the most elastic part of the ground and stepping off of it as he strengthened.

The two current and future symbols of peace looked at each other as they tried to comprehend what just happened.

"S-should we go with his offer?" a confused Izuku asked.

All Might just stood there as he looked where the man once was. Letting out a sigh, he replied, "He doesn't have any bad intentions as far as I can tell, so we might as well just do so. Besides, we couldn't avoid him even if we wanted to. Your training plan with me is in Daogobah Beach anyways."

'Still, what does he really want…'

Arriving back at the manor, Rei started cooking something up. 'Momo, in her words, should be, 'dead' by now, so to avoid getting chewed out by her later, I'll make a few extra large and grand milkshakes which will also give her plenty of nutrition. Hmm, what does she like again…'

A few hours later, Rei was finished with the milkshakes. Smiling at his work, Rei mentally prepared himself as he walked up to their room. "Eve. Let Momo out of her training room."

"Yes, master," a robotic voice replied as the sound of shifting gears echoed throughout the room.

A few seconds later, a separate room opened near the bed. A black-haired beauty stood inside the small room. Stumbling out with an annoyed look on her face, her body shook as she stood. Pointing her finger at Rei, with the most menacing tone she could produce in her tired state, Momo growled, "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIII—"

With a smile on his face, Rei carried 10 huge milkshakes on a tray (Milkshakes look like this, but bigger and better: https://s.abcnews.com/images/Lifestyle/HT_milkshake1_cf_160119_16x9_1600.jpg). The sight of this seemingly pacifying the black-haired girl, Momo said with a peeved look in her eyes, "I'll forgive you this time."

Setting the tray down on the nearby table, Momo shakily sat in a chair and opened her mouth. Chuckling at this, Rei took a spoonful of the goodness that is called a milkshake and put it in his lovers mouth.

Like magic, it instantly brought a smile to her face. Her annoyance and anger was somehow instantly washed away.

"Aaahh," Momo said, still too tired to actually feed herself. Happily feeding his lover, Rei got another spoonful of his creation and put it in her mouth. This went on for the rest of the milkshakes as eventually the two just did what they were doing for the heck of it.

They didn't know why, but seeing each other's caring and pleasured faces just made them lose their senses of time and the world around them. After they finished, Rei and Momo took a walk around the manor and found a tree to rest on.

Yellow lights radiated from the old lamps present in the garden they chose to stay in. A niche little groove was embedded at the side of the tree. With Momo's head on his lap, Rei caressed her smooth hair as a small breeze flew past their heads.

Their parents wanted to call them for dinner at some point but decided against it after seeing the mood. Their son was very playful, but they knew it was a mask to hide the work he does. It is rare that he would open himself up completely and be true to himself, and Momo seemed to be the key to his heart.

At that moment, the lock was open fully. Rei and Momo had relaxed expressions and gentle smiles on their faces. Without noticing, both of them had fallen asleep in the embrace of nature.

"Good morning," Momo said, covering her eyes from the glare of the sun.

"Mornin' hun," Rei replied, covering his eyes from the same glare.

Looking at each other's eyes, they both chuckled slightly before getting up and sharing a kiss. Both of them walking to the mansion, Momo practically skipping actually, they slowly made their way to the dining room.

Claiming the kitchen as his territory, Rei noted the time before making two of Tadokoro Megumi's Dorayakis. As usual, Rei's cooking would dominate all other food Momo would ever have the pleasure of eating. Momo finished up the delicious pastry and let out a cute satisfied sound.

"Soooo, um, I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Momo looked at her lover confusedly, before realizing something. "You're going to make me go through that hell again aren't you?" Her angry glare staring at Rei, he froze up, not knowing what could possibly do to pacify his beautiful princess.

"Hah~Whatever. You are going to make a bunch of cake later. Enough to reach the top of the ceiling in our room, got it?"

"Yes Ma'am" Rei responded. Looking at the clock, Rei asked, "How about a game? The servers should be up."

Smiling at the proposal, Momo said, "Sure. Let's beat some virtual ass."

"Alright," Rei said as he held Momo's chin and brought them infinitesimally close to a kiss, before releasing her and running to their room to have the game set up.

Momo wasn't completely prim and proper. She carries herself that way, but, when it comes to gaming, she can get…very expressive and determined. Once, she was playing a one on one fps game against Rei and lost as he used Sora and Shiroesque skills. She then asked for a rematch. Five-Hundred Times!!! FIVE-HUNDRED!!!!!!!! How the hell does one person do five-hundred matches in a row! In the end, Momo won because she has a seemingly unlimited amount of stamina, and Rei was left questioning the limits of the human body once again.

Arriving at their room, the monitors were already set up, and the controls were ready.

Rei and Momo didn't know what to call their team, and Rei accidentally left the name blank when he pressed enter. Somehow, the system glitched, and their name became『 』. Rei was actually surprised at this because it was the same name as Sora and Shiro's team name. Not wanting the interdimensional copyright infringement police to come knocking on their door, Rei tried to convince Momo to make a new account, but she refused, saying, 'then that just means we can't lose, right?'

Arriving at the monitor, both of them took up their respective controllers. This was the fiftieth game they played in six months, and they haven't made first place impossible to reach for other players on it yet. Thewy started on it a week ago, and currently, they were at 100 wins, 0 losses.

"Ready Rei?" asked Momo with a provocative smile.

"Always am hun, let's do this!"

<-------3 hours later------->

"Yaaaaaaaay! We won!" Contrary to normal, Rei and Momo sighed out these lines as everyone else was way to easy to beat. Rei's abilities were almost equal to that of precognition and Momo's built up skill simply allowed her to respond quickly and effectively.

It was basically like fighting both a robot, but 100,000,000,000 better than normal, and all the pro players in the world at the same time.

"Huh? I better get going!" Rei stood up and left the room.

A smug look formed on Momo's face as she thought Rei had forgotten to open the training room for her. Unfortunately, life isn't that easy, as the door opened once again.

"Eve! Get Momo started on training!" Not even waiting for the response of his AI, Rei bolted off somewhere. The smug look on Momo's face, now that of despair, she begrudgingly walked down the stairs with the robot sent by Eve, thinking, 'You better make that cake really good!'

Arriving at the beach, Rei spotted two figures, both of them having lunch.

'So, he is here.' "Izuku, it's your choice whether you want his advice. Tell me if it's worth it or not," All Might said, rather protectively of his disciple.

'Hmm, what do I know about him. He is weird but just quirky weird, not creepy or evil weird. He seems intelligent and aloof. This is probably just a whim on his part, and I don't think he is going to do something bad to me. The problem was his touch. It was like he examined me inside out! Then again, that just may be the reason his training will be super-efficient…Alright, I'll bet on the chance.' Finished with his thoughts, Izuku replied, "I'll listen to him."

Giving a nod at his disciple, All Might found the mystery man just a few meters away from them.

"Greetings! Alright, I have here some equipment for you guys to use, a plan, and a diet for you." He looked straight into Izuku's eyes, then at All Might's before continuing.

"Izuku, there are ankle and arm weights which I have calibrated to your specific body. When you feel little, or no resistance from these weights, take them to the next setting which I have calculated based on my current plan for you. Do not take them off, and I assure you, gangrene will not occur.

Next, the plan. Other than aches, this probably won't affect school, but basically, because I am too tired to say the whole thing, I wrote it in extreme detail here," Rei said as he handed the duo a sheet of paper, "The diet is also written there, and if you complete all of that, I guess you should be able to use at least 20% of OFA even if you slack off. Well, off I go then."

Running back the way he came, both All Might and MIdoriya looked at the paper and were surprised to find that there were even reasonings in the training plans. Deciding to use them, All Might and Izuku started training.

'That kid, somehow it feels like I've met him before…'

Meanwhile, back at home…

"Yes! This! Is! Paradise!" Momo said as she praised the gods of food for making this meal possible as Rei thought, 'Why are you thanking them? That took skill you know! It was hard work!'

<-------A few months later------->

"Let's go Momo! Come on!" Rei stood in front of Momo, his hands by his side, and his legs ready to move. Momo was wearing a sports bra and shorts and was carrying a staff which held years of research and construction…from her side at least. Rei made a better version in about 5 minutes after seeing it.

Charging at her lover, Momo twirled her staff before pointing one end of it at the floor. Reading her thoughts, instead of a vocal activator or button combination, the staff turned into a Gatling gun and fired at Rei as the bullets propelled her upwards.

Dodging the bullets at a hair's with and stepping backwards, Rei analysed the pattern of firing before moving in while dodging at perfect intervals, with the least amount of movement wasted.

Jumping upwards toward his lover, Rei gave out a punch, as Momo dodged it at the last minute. Creating a knife, Momo slashed at her husband, only to find that he weightlessly used her staff as a platform and was about to dropkick her.

Barely dodging the dropkick, Momo's foot was caught by Rei who slammed her into the floor.

In a panic, Momo created random spikes, bricks, ropes and many more to push Rei back. Unfortunately, Rei wasn't that easy to deal with, and gravity didn't exactly have anything to go against it.

Sifting through the debris, Rei landed on top of Momo earning a slight blush on her face.

Leaning in, he whispered in her ear, "Maybe later, in bed." Seeing her cute face blush even more, Rei chuckled before getting up and saying, "Alright, follow me, I have a surprise for you."

Over the past few months, Rei has not only been training Momo's body, mind and skills, he has also been building up her quirk. After making a little quirk booster, Rei managed to get Momo to find derivatives of her abilities.

The first, is making anything from any surface area by creating it from the atomic level, thus, releasing Momo from the fate of an exhibitionist. Unfortunately, this does take more energy and focus than normal creation, but what else can they do?

The second is the ability to deconstruct items to copy their structure and also refill on more "creation fuel". This ability is exceptionally faster on Momo's own creations and fortunately takes forever to use on living creatures. (Imagine…if she could do it faster, she could murder people if she wishes so, and may also do so if she loses control of her quirk.)

And third, is the ability to alter the structure of whatever she is touching. Her creations obviously take less time to alter too.

Walking through some silver doors, Rei led Momo to a room with a display case right in its centre. The display case held a suit. Using the original colours of the canon suit, Rei redesigned the hero suit of Momo. Based on the training clothes she usually wore, it held seamless white pads for her elbows which actually looked like armbands. They came with microscopic injections to adjust, track and moderate Momo's vitals.

There was also a red, belly showing shirt with white and black stripes running down its sides. It was capable of perfectly defending the parts it covered, and the fabric was double-layered. It provided twice the protection needed for blocking a bazooka and could handle the heat of the inside of a volcano. So, in theory, Momo could alter the fabric to stretch down to her stomach for sticky situations.

Her black pants with white stripes running down its sides allowed for accelerated movement, increased leg power, better balance and reduced the impact and possibility of injury. Her shoes could provide a magnetic force to stick itself to objects controlled by the user's thoughts. They also had redundant metal within them, so Momo could shape them into blades.

Her yellow utility belts could be filled with anything she needed, and half of them on each side was filled with a bunch of food which gave a lot of "creation fuel".

Finally, Momo's black gloves had similar functions to her shoes but also had additional functions. They greatly enhanced grip-strength and by magnifying miniature shockwaves, could create sonic blasts. They also guided Momo's quirk in creating things from the atomic level, so she didn't have to concentrate completely on doing that action.

(Suit: https://66.media.tumblr.com/a430e982ed4a7e7b42fcfcddd500c498/tumblr_orsanm3PQ01rjaspeo2_r3_500.png - Just think similar to military gloves with silver and black colour scheming for the gloves)

Momo was thrilled with the creation. It was perfectly tailored to her needs and abilities. She already read the information about it as if was in the display screen right in front of the display case.

Looking at Rei, Momo jumped at him and kissed his lips, before putting the suit on and checking its functions.

As she did so, the only thought running through Rei's mind was, 'Holy fucking shit, my goddess just got even more beautiful! Grape Kid, if you show up, I will torture you for eternity!'

<-------Two weeks later------->

"So, how was the test?" Rei didn't get a recommendation due to his 'weak' quirk. Only Momo did.

"It was fine. Even easier because of the training you gave me dear," Momo replied as she gave her husband a kiss.

"You know you're not walking tomorrow right?" Rei said with a devilish smile on his face.

Momo hugged and wrapped her legs around Rei in response while seductively whispering in his ear, "I know. I'm looking forward to being taken care of by you."

Grinning from ear to ear, Rei walked to their room as a sleepless night ensued.


I will only do one H-scene per character for all my stories unless it's a threesome or more, or they have made a serious development. If not, it will be off-camera. If you guys are passionate enough about seeing it though, I see no harm in making a little edit.


Waking up in their bed, Rei turned to his side, seeing a peaceful expression on Momo's beautiful face. Planting a kiss on her cheek, Rei got out of the bed and started cooking. He only made one serving though, as right after, he started working on his hero costume.

<-------Entrance Examination Day------->

Walking to the entrance of U.A., Rei hid in the shadows as he feared the horde of women who might impede his journey. Watching a recording from a microscopic drone, Rei watched the ever-so-famous "EAT THIS!!!" scene and almost couldn't rein his laughter in.

Stepping out of the shadow, and into the sun, Rei stood in front of the gate. Stepping through, all noise stopped, replaced by the sound of Rei's light footsteps. All eyes were on the man who seemed to have unshakeable confidence, as he walked up the steps.

Seemingly blending into the shadow of the auditorium during the entrance speech, no one could find the man who gave an unmistakable presence.

After being split into groups, in the waiting rooms, Rei looked at his groupmates. His eyes landing on a certain ball-headed boy, and no one else from any of the characters in the anime, Rei smirked slightly. 'I'm going to crush you.'

The doors opened, and a flood of light entered the room as President Mike shouted, "Start!"

For a moment one moved, then one person rushed forward followed by another, and another and another until everyone was in the area. Everyone except Rei, who had been hiding on the shadows. As he stepped out onto the exam area, the last participant to do so, he thought, 'Hmph, I was going to let you guys have some spoils, but I don't think I can hold back if the ball head is here. Take it as your bad luck.'

Setting his foot on the ground, a specific spot Rei had chosen due to it's large amounts of elasticity, Rei strengthened his leg, lines of code ran down his heterochromia eyes as a large influx of information came from the air, scent and sounds.

Bending his knee slightly, a large sound erupted from beneath his feet. Everyone looked behind them to see the spectacle, before looking back at where they were currently looking both in shock and horror at what just happened.