Chapter 7 – Within Reason

Lightning In preparation for tomorrow, was given a hand-written letter from Ozpin. Which he asked to hand to her parent directly.

Lightning: Mum, I've been accepted into Beacon also the headmaster told me to hand this you personally.

Claire: Ozpin did?

Lightning: Hmm? You know him?

Claire: Forget about it, let me see the letter.

10 minutes after Claire starts to read the letter she began to glare at it clearly reading something she didn't like.

Claire: Lightning, you know I love you right?

Lightning: Of course

Claire: Then I'll be blunt… You aren't ready for Beacon. I hoped that you would've dropped out of signal and do something else with yourself other than becoming a huntress.

An awkward silence takes over the entire room. Lightning hadn't expected her own mum would say something so disheartening when it was meant to be a happy occasion

Lightning: Do you feel the same way towards Serah?

Claire: …No. She has the talent to become a strong huntress.

Lightning: You're kidding! I was just accepted into a prestigious combat school and instead of congratulating me, you tell me everything I've done up till now is a disappointment to you!

{Instability in host mental state. Activating [Gamers Mind]}

Claire: I'm saying this for your own good. I don't want you to die a pointless death!

Lightning: It's obvious I'm not going to convince you with words. so, fight me and I'll prove myself to you.

Claire: This is exactly what I'm talking about you're too rash. You don't think I know about your sparing record at school. You're the weakest in your yea---

Lightning: SHUT UP!

{Instability in host mental state. Activating [Gamers Mind]}

"Fight. Me."

Claire: Stubbornness isn't a trait huntress should have… Fine when I win, you'll drop out of Signal and forget about Beacon.

Lightning: And if I win?

Claire: You can do whatever you want with your life.

Lightning and Claire both make their way towards their backyard in complete silence. The yard was about the same size as a professional football pitch big enough for a spar and then some.

When they are positioned about 80 meters apart both begin their preparation for their match.

Lightning: '[Observe]'

Name: Claire Farron

[Level:53] [Aura:570]


[Str:41][End:48 ][Agi:61 ][Int:57][Wis:50][Luck:10]

Summary: A mother of two daughters who she loves wholeheartedly.

Approaching the limits of human capabilities without the assistance of mana.


[Bow Proficiency] – Level 102 – The Overall ability of how well you use a Bow.

(Levelling up this skill increases your: Technique, Attack speed and Power you can exert with it)

[Invisible Arrow] – Level 138 - This Semblance can turn arrows invisible after being fired from her bowstring.

{Acquired skill: [Bow Proficiency]}

{Acquired skill: [Invisible Arrow]}

{Acquired Additional status points: 41 Str, 48 End, 61 Agi, 50 Wis, Luck 10}

{Congratulations on reaching level 72}

{Ding* Quest notification

Quest Name: independence

Quest information: Your mum believes you are too weak. Prove to her you can look after yourself

Quest Reward: Mum's approval

Failure Penalty: Unable to go to Beacon

Accept Y/N?}

Lightning: 'Yes'

Lightning draws [Rebirth] and takes her combat stance

Claire: Come at me whenever you're ready.

Before Lightning could take one step forward she halts to reflect an invisible arrow which had been fired without her noticing.

Claire seeing her daughter reflect the attack proudly smiles at her daughter for not falling into such an obvious trap by her misleading words. Little did she know Lightning could only reflect that attack thanks to her inhuman reaction time and speed. She never thought her mum would fight dirty.

Claire: Good. Keep going.

Lightning walks towards her mother while deflecting every single arrow. Even though the arrows are invisible Lightning can easily track them. Thanks to her newly acquired [Bow Proficiency]. Lightning can easily read the speed and trajectory of every arrow by just seeing the positioning and tension of the pulled bowstring.

The casual walk towards Claire is interrupted momentarily by Claire's attempt to create more distance but against her anticipation, she couldn't lift her feet something was holding her in place.

Lightning after using [Telekinesis] on her mum's footwear to keep her immobile continues to deflect the oncoming arrows with her blade before coming face to face with her. Claire's attempt to deflect Lightning's blade with her bow was fruitless. Lightning's sword skill was too quick for her to read and before she could even see the attack. The blade was already resting on her shoulder touching her neck.

Lightning only muttered 3 words to her mother who has been an idol of hers since she was young

Lightning: It's my win...

The look of disbelief was etched over Claire's face and she could only mutter

Claire: How?

Lightning: 'I don't exactly know what this 'Gamer' ability or these gifts are exactly... I guess it's my semblance?'

"I got stronger after unlocking my semblance."

Claire: I see... You don't understand how proud and terrified I am of you right now.

Claire dusts her shoulder down where the blade was resting before Lightning removed it and energetically says

"I guess we should both get packed for Beacon tomorrow"

Lightning: Huh?

Claire: Didn't I tell you? I'm going to be a teacher at Beacon starting tomorrow.

Lightning: Since when?!

Claire: Ozpin's letter was a job offer as well as your endorsement, now my two lovely daughters are leaving I should start working again. And is there any place better than where my two daughters are?

Lightning: So, you were going to let me go no matter what?

Claire: Not a chance. If you weren't strong enough, I'd keep you here by force.

While walking back to the house with all the previous tension completely gone almost like it wasn't there, to begin with. Lightning was asked if she had any regrets about leaving Signal

Lightning: It's only a shame that I won't be able to pay back the people who treated me poorly at Signal.

Claire: Forget them. Also, the letter mentioned the reason you want to become a huntress. I want you to know this. You aren't obligated to do anything. No matter what you decide to do I'll support you... Within reason.

Name: Lightning Farron

Title: Workaholic

[Level: 72] [Aura: ∞]

[HP: 125,830/125,830] [MP: ∞]

[Str:84(+62,500)] [End:83(+12,500)] [Agi:180(+62,5000)] [Int: ∞(+12,500)] [Wis:76(+12,500)] [Luck:511(+12,500)]

Summary: A beautiful girl with the intelligence level of gods. Strong for humans' standards without the use of her skills or equipment.

Status Points: 270

New Skills:

[Invisible Arrow] – Level Max - This Semblance can turn arrows invisible after being fired from her bow string.

[Bow Proficiency] – Level Max – The Overall ability of how well you use a Bow.

(Levelling up this skill increases your: Technique, Attack speed, Strength you can exert with it)