Chapter 8 – Beacon

Light/Ruby: Let go!/Please stop!

Yang/Serah: But I'm so proud of you!/Never!

Yang and Serah are currently hugging the life out of their respective little sisters as the little sisters plead for their lives

Lightning: C'mon it's not a big deal

Serah: What do you mean it's no big deal?! I wanted to drop out of school after knowing I'd be away from you for 2 years! I have to thank Yang and Mom for convincing me otherwise now I get to spend another 3 years with you!

Serah lunges forwards hugging the life out of Lightning once more. Lightning could have dodged but the last time she did that. Serah cried about how her sister entered her rebellious stage.

Lightning: Yang help me

Yang: Oh, can you see the LIGHT at the end of the tunnel?

Lightning: Did you just make a pun while I'm dying?!

Before Lightning's life could flash before her eyes she was lucky released.

Yang looks at her sister noticing the downcast expression.

Yang: C'mon Ruby. Aren't you excited?

Ruby: Of course I'm excited... I just... I got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything.

Lightning: But you are special. You should have more confidence in yourself.

Their conversation was cut short as a hologram of Glynda Goodwitch appeared welcoming the students.

Glynda: You are among a privileged few who have received the honour of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world.

Beacon appears over the horizon and many of the soon to be student cry out in joy and shock.

Ruby starts to look around and notices almost everyone is looking at their group.

Ruby: Why is everyone looking at us?

Lightning: Don't worry about it, it's not us...

Yang: Nothing attracts more attention than a pretty girl

Serah: UNFORGIVABLE! They should all know Light is mine exclusively

Lightning: Since whe-

Before Lightning couldn't finish her retort a boy with blonde hair runs past throwing up. Grabbing the attention of everyone in the room giving Lightning a little reprieve from the heated gazes.

Lightning: 'I should thank him later at least that got everyone's attention off me'

Serah: There's vomit on your shoe Light!

Lightning: Remind me to kill him later

After getting off the ship, Serah and Yang left Lightning and Ruby to speak to their friends from Signal while Yang seemed happy about seeing her old friends Serah was in tears telling Lightning that she'll be right back and how she shouldn't speak to strangers.

Ruby: There's too many new people, it's making me dizzy.

Ruby was about to fall onto someone's luggage, but Lightning caught her with [Telekinesis] and lifted her into the air and started spinning her around


Lightning places Ruby into her arms in a princess carry

When Ruby came out of her daze she looked up at Lightning's face and started blushing then looked down

Ruby: (whispers) Can you put me down please?

???: What are you doing?!

Lightning and Ruby faced the haughty voice coming from behind them (Ruby still in Lightning's arms)

The owner of the voice had pale white skin with white hair.

Lightning: Sorry do we know you?

???: Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused?

Lightning: But we didn't.

The white-haired girl looked even more annoyed from seeing the two kids in front of her talk back to her.

???: Aren't you two a little young to be attending Beacon?

Lightning: (Smirks) I guess we're just special like that Princess

???: The nerve of…Ugh!

Lightning: '[Observe]'

Name: Weiss Schnee

[Level:25] [Aura:350]



Summary: The heiress of the Schnee Dust Company she holds people at the same standards as she holds herself which is near perfection.

Has high potential and is favoured by fate


[Rapier Proficiency] – Level 61 - The Overall ability of how well you use a Rapier.

(Levelling up this skill increases your: Technique, Attack speed and the Strength you can exert with it


[Glyphs] – Level 51 - Glyphs can be used for propulsion, as they have the ability to control motion, with the basic Glyph type exerting push forces on other objects and acting as a solid surface. The appearance of said objects changes with different types of Glyphs, three examples being Time Dilation Glyphs, her Arma Gigas Summoning Glyphs, and Queen Lancer Summoning Glyphs.

{Acquired skill: [Rapier Proficiency]}

{Acquired skill: [Glyphs]}

{Acquired Additional status points: 23 Str, 26 End, 31 Agi, 38 Wis, Luck 200}

{Congratulations on reaching level 97}

Ruby: What was her problem?

Lightning: Even though she's like that trust me she has the talent to back it up. As you'd expect of a Schnee I guess.

Ruby: Schnee? As in the Schnee Dust company Schnee?

Lightning: That's the one. She's none other than the heiress Weiss Schnee.

Ruby: I hope we can make friends with her

Lightning: 'Another one with fate in their summary… Something tells me Ruby will definitely make friends with her'

Name: Lightning Farron

Title: Workaholic

[Level: 97] [Aura: ∞]

[HP: 126,090/126,090] [MP: ∞]

[Str:107(+62,500)] [End:109(+12,500)] [Agi:211(+62,5000)] [Int: ∞(+12,500)] [Wis:114(+12,500)] [Luck:711(+12,500)]

Summary: A beautiful girl with the intelligence level of gods. Strong for humans' standards without the use of her skills or equipment.

Status Points: 395

New Skills:

[Rapier Proficiency] – Level Max - The Overall ability of how well you use a Rapier.

(Levelling up this skill increases your: Technique, Attack speed, Strength you can exert with it)

[Glyphs] – Level Max - Glyphs can be used for propulsion, as they have the ability to control motion, with the basic Glyph type exerting push forces on other objects and acting as a solid surface. The appearance of said objects changes with different types of Glyphs, three examples being Time Dilation Glyphs, her Arma Gigas Summoning Glyphs, and Queen Lancer Summoning Glyphs.