Chapter 19 - Another Bird?

It's been two weeks since arriving here at the temporary Atlas outpost where Winter is commanding her team.

The daily training which is mandatory for any active soldier wasn't at a level which even without the gifts pack Lightning would struggle. Each session ended with combat training consisting of sparing against one and other.

The only person who would indulge Lightning and spar with her was Winter. The matches shocked Lightning considerably. Winter whose level was lower than Claire's was still much stronger individually. Winter's usage of Glyphs was on an entirely different level than Weiss's. Most of the spars consistent of Winter summoning numerous Beowolves to cause a distraction and using the opening created by the Wolves to attack.

This would be an effective strategy against almost anyone else but for Lightning, it didn't pose a threat. Her stats which had already surpassed a human standard wasn't something a power of a single semblance could make up for.

What made today special compared to others is today would be the first time the squad is going to have an active mission. Within these two weeks, we've managed to gather Intel on a train hired by the Schnee Dust Company is being targeted by an unknown party.

So that leads to right now, Lightning is standing side by side with Winter overlooking the transporting of cargo, they're currently out of sight from any onlookers but close enough to act when needed. The rest of the squad were standing in and between the workers acting as hired guards.

Lightning had previously created clones using her [Bilocation] skill and had them turn invisible. She ordered them to keep watch from all directions surrounding the train station. Each clone was instructed to use [Telepathy] and contact the main body if anything suspicious happened in their designated sector.

Hours passed until the stakeout bore fruit.

Somewhere between 40-50 people were making a beeline towards the train, the hired protection along with Winter's men attempted to hold them off but was immediately pushed back by the sheer numbers and aggressiveness of the attackers.

The attackers didn't have a hint of discipline or military training but that didn't mean they were ill-equipped to handle soldiers. Their almost barbaric way of fighting was proving to be effective.

They dragged the guards and soldiers into something resembling a street fight without Winter giving orders, their organisation was no better than a bunch of civilian strangers. The panic seemingly erased all the prior training they had received, leaving them in a state of distress.

Lightning: You should probably go help.

Winter: And you?

Lightning: (Looks Upwards) I have a different dance partner.

Winter's confusion was written all over her face but she doesn't have the luxury of time to inquire what Lightning meant, As her team are the receiving end of a one-sided slaughter.

Numerous pure white Glyphs appeared underneath Winter's feet, shortly after they appeared Winter had used them to increases her movement speed and glided along the glyphs at frightening speeds, quickly approaching the battlefield.

Lightning watched Winter's figure disappear into the distance until she was a suitable distance away. Then her full attention was redirected to the sky above her.

In the dead of night, flying around the pitch-black sky was a single bird, A raven to be exact. Lightning could only see the bird thanks to her improved eye-sight from the Saiki-K gift pack hence why Winter hadn't noticed its presence before leaving.

Lightning: Why does it feel like I'm weirdly popular with birds recently?

Lightning already knew that this bird was somehow related to Qrow after seeing the name indicated above her head "Raven Branwen". What Lightning wasn't expecting is that Raven is higher level than Qrow himself.

Lightning: '[Observe]'

{Acquired skill: [Spring Madien]}

{Acquired skill: [Kindred Link]}

{Acquired skill: [Transformation: Raven]}

{Acquired Additional status points: 52 Str, 61 End, 71 Agi, 50 Wis, Luck 50}

{Congratulations on reaching level 194}

Lightning: 'Wait if according to the summary she's Qrow's sister which means she should be Yang's Mum who walked out on her. Ugh even if she did walk out on her I doubt Yang would forgive the person who killed her biological mother. Just when am I going to be able to cut loose....'

Raven soars down landing 10 feet away from Lightning, transforming in mid-flight to long black-haired women with blood-red eyes. Her unrefined looks made her picturesque definition of "A diamond in the rough".

Raven: Isn't it a little late for a kid to be out?

Lightning: I've still got a couple of minutes before I need to head back. So plenty of time to deal with you.

Raven looks dumbfounded for a moment before shifting to an intimidating glare.

Raven: Final warning, leave or I won't show you any mercy even if you are a kid.

Lightning: 'If you weren't Yang's mother I'd love to show you what no mercy actually looks like'

Lightning draws [Rebirth] out of its holster and points the tip of the blade at Raven, egging her to attack.

Raven: Regret your hubris in your next life.

With that being said Raven lunges forward while unsheathing her sword imbued with red dust. The sparks of the flame emitting from the sword miss Lightning by a hair's breadth.

Lightning goes blow for blow with Raven's every attack, deflecting every attack effortlessly, this was an attempt to discourage Raven and to force her to take a step back. Possibly even retreat.

Each deflected attack made Raven more and more annoyed. After minutes of getting nowhere, Raven stops dead and stares at Lightning with a hint of admiration in her still intimidating glare.

Raven: Instead of working for Atlas why don't you join me?

Lightning: I'm working WITH not FOR, but the answer is no anyway.

Raven: Why?

Lightning: Simple... You can't offer me anything.

Raven: This world is a lot bigger than you could even fathom, you need all allies you can get.

Lightning: I already have my Team back at Beacon that's all I need.

Raven breaks out into a laugh-filled with condescension.

Raven: Hahaha. You naive fool. Do you think Ozpin and your team can stand up to her?

Lightning: "Her"?

Raven: Enough, I'll personally show you how big this world is! Then I'll take you with me. Such talent is wasted in that old fool's hands. Beacon is already on borrowed time as is, I see no point in having you rot there with him.

Raven's entire aura began to shift, after putting on the Grimm mask which had been hanging on her waist.

Much to Lightning's shock, Raven started to levitate while summoning ice shards. The ice shards were sent at high speeds at Lightning but just like all her previous attack, these too were blocked by Lightning. She skillfully cut through any and all shards shattering each projectile in the process.

Lightning: Looks like this world isn-

Before Lightning could finish her sentence she was assaulted by actual Lightning. The electrical current attacked her blindspot and for the first time since becoming a 'player' she had received damage.

Her Aura consumed most of the damage but still for the first time her HP had dropped.

Raven: You were saying?

Lightning's usual nonchalant attitude had been completely erased, the look in her eyes which normally showed indifference was replaced with a fierce glare.

For the briefest of moments, before Lightning attacked, Raven felt fear. The same level of fear that can be compared to the fear she has of Salem.

This young girl who looks like she would make a better model rather than a huntress logically should never be compared to someone like Salem but that was exactly what was happening right now.

Lightning released her pent up physic energy just like she had done on the Airship but this time Raven was able to coat herself with magic thanks to the powers granted by being the [Spring Maiden] and withstood it.

Raven: What is this?A semblance? A maiden? No, this power is different.

Lightning burst forward leaving an afterimage in her place. And swings [Rebirth] attempting to take Raven's head. Raven out of pure instincts and desperation moves her sword to block the incoming attack.

Raven managed to move her sword in time but the power behind Lightning's attack was enough to shatter Raven's blade, [Rebirth]'s momentum continued just before halting at her neck. The blade which was now rested on Raven's neck had a single drop of blood flowing down to the hilt.

Lightning in a complete emotionless tone looked Raven in her blood-red eye's which now reflected Lightning herself and declared to her...

Lightning: Next time you see Yang you should thank her. If it wasn't for her...

Lightning moves her face closer to the point they're almost touching.

Lightning: You'd be dead