Chapter 20 - Guilt

Lightning: Leave before Winter returns

Raven didn't hesitate for a moment before transforming into an actual raven and ordered the retreat of all her followers.

After the battlefield died down, the only thing which remained was the aftermath consisting of dead bodies and the sound of grieving men and woman.

Raven's side suffered the most with 23 casualties and 12 captured. While Winter's team of 14 now only had 6.

Lightning while roaming the desolate battleground came across Aaron's dead body, even though the only time Lightning had interacted with him was when he belittled her for her age. It didn't stop Lightning feeling slightly remorseful.

With all things considered there's a lot, she could have done as well as things she could do right now to prevent all these "needless" deaths. With that in mind, she couldn't help but ask herself one question.

Lightning: 'What should I do next?'

Lightning snapped out of her little trance after she saw Winter and the carnage surrounding her. You could tell just by seeing the wounds on the dead. That most of the damage done in this battle was caused by Winter and her Beowovles.

Lightning started making her way towards Winter whose face now had blood splattered up her right cheek and hair was slightly dishevelled.

Lightning: You know, you could easily pull off the yandere look if you tried.

Winter: Yandere??? Anyway, where were you when all this was happening?

Lightning: Fighting their ringleader. She was quite strong too, it surprised me.

Winter: And where is she now?

Lightning: Escaped, their group obviously had nothing to do with Roman so I didn't see much point in chasing after her.

Winter: Aren't you meant to be an aspiring huntress?

Lightning: Yea, a huntress not a cop. So it's not my job to chase criminals.

Winter feeling exasperated by how hardheaded Lightning is just sighed at her before returning to the injured to apply immediate first aid.

Lightning looks down toward the dead bodies and casts her [Mediumship] skill which enables her to see all their spirits roaming around. That's when she saw all the people who died in this battle.

One spirit caught Lightning's attention. It was Aaron's he floated towards Lightning and stopped a foot away. He and the rest of the dead soldiers looked at Lightning with pure resentment. Lightning didn't know if they knew she could see them but that wasn't important right now.

Aaron: Where were you?! You could have saved us! This wouldn't have even been a fight if you helped us! We could have returned to our families but... Now we can't....

Lightning who had already been contemplating whether she should she use her [Restoration] and revive them was feeling even more torn.

Lightning: 'What happens when people die?'

{Their souls will be cleansed then reincarnated}

Lightning: 'What do you mean by cleansed? And why are there still spirits here why haven't they been reincarnated?'

{As long as the spirit doesn't have any lingering regrets or attachment to their world all their memories will be erased and given new life.}

Lightning's expression turns melancholy and mutters lightly underneath her breath

Lightning: No wonder there are still so many people with regrets or attachments here. I can't picture anyone wanting to have their memories erased and give up on their past life.

{You'd be surprised}

Lightning deactivates her [Mediumship] skill which incites her system to inquire further.

{You aren't going to revive them?}

Lightning: ' If I hold myself accountable for every death then guilt will eventually overcome me sooner or later. I planned from the start to use these powers as I see fit and that's what I plan to do.'

{I see}

After a couple of hours, an Atlas carrier ship lands in close proximity. The ship was called to return the bodies of the dead to their respective families as well as carry the captured men from Raven's side back to Atlas.

As soon as the ships rear door opened a middle-aged man with an oppressive aura was the first to step out. Winter after seeing this man saluted on impulse.

Lightning seeing the cold beauty act so tense turns to see the man she's Saluting to. A man whose level is comparable to a top-class huntsman and just above his level the name "James Ironwood"

Lightning: 'Oh, so he's that general guy who Ozpin is friends with'

Ironwood: Report

Winter: 16 dead on our side, 8 from my team and 8 belonging to the Schnee Dust Company. We managed to push them back but their leader escaped within the commotion.

Ironwood: Good work. Where is the girl Ozpin leveraged to join this operation? Was she one of the dead?

Winter: No Sir, Lightning!

Lightning who was just watching from afar was surprised when Winter randomly called for her. Seeing no reason not to, Lightning started making her way towards the two.

While Lightning was still making her way over, Ironwood glanced at Winter and inquired further.

Ironwood: How is she?

Winter: Stronger than me, she may even be the strongest huntress of this era already.

Ironwood who had high expectations of Lightning simply for the pure fact that the one who endorsed her was none other than Ozpin was still taken back. The thought that he possibly misheard his subordinate did cross his mind but he quickly ruled that possibility out after seeing how serious Winter looked.

Just who was the one giving Lightning such a glowing review it was Winter Schnee. She was known publicly to be Ironwood's righthand and was one of the strongest of her own generation. Her opinion carried a lot of weight in Ironwood's eyes. To say Lightning had now caught his attention would be an understatement.

Ironwood: How old are you?

Lightning Turned 15 almost 2 weeks ago.

Winter: JUST 15?!

Ironwood scowls at his 'right-hand'.

Winter: Sorry

Ironwood: You're a first-year in Beacon at 15, impressive.

Lightning: I was just in the right place and right time I guess.

Ironwood: I heard the situation why you were temporarily discharged if you ever feel like Beacon isn't a good fit for yourself. I ensure you Atlas will take you in. In Atlas academy, we favour discipline so things like bullying are not taken lightly.

Lightning for the second time today had someone trying to recruit her but she took this one a lot more seriously than Raven's and began contemplating the offer in hand.

Lightning: 'If I'm being honest Atlas probably suits me a lot better. With my abilities, I could easily become a general but the idea of leaving behind all the people I know at Beacon doesn't sit well with me there's also the fact I'm a captain... Is this why Ozpin made me captain to tie me down? Whatever I also have that world quest which mentioned the destruction of Beacon that on top of Raven's remarks about Beacon being on borrowed time is troubling. I can't just leave my family and friends to potentially die'

Lighting: While the offer is very tempting, If I were to abandon my team at Beacon it would feel like I failed them and myself. So I'm sorry I'll have to decline Sir.

Ironwood: I can't say I'm not disappointed but I do understand. Just know that the offer will always be on the table.

Lightning: I should help with the transportation of the captives so I'll be on my way.

'I still need to collect my clones'

Lightning walks off leaving Ironwood and Winter alone.

Ironwood: Just how strong we talking here?

Winter: When we sparred I was going all out but it felt like I was just being toyed with. Every time I sped up so did she, every time I increased my strength so did she. Also, it felt like she understood my semblance better than I do. I don't know where Ozpin found her but she's dangerous.

Ironwood: Do you think she'll become a threat one day?

Winter: One day maybe but right now she seems to just react to things rather than being proactive. The day she starts to take matters into her own hands I truly hope she's on our side.

Ironwood: If what you said is true I hope Ozpin knows what he's doing with her.