Chapter 21 - Information Gathering

It's been an eventful two weeks since the battle against Raven. Due to the excessive amount of casualties on Winter's team, Ironwood disbanded them effective immediately.

After the disbursement of Winter's team, the operation instead of being discontinued would carry on but with just Lightning and Winter. unbeknown to Lightning, Ironwood had given Winter an additional mission to monitor and provide a detailed report of her capabilities.

The investigation brought the pair to a nightclub which according to the information they've retrieved from the local civilians had assisted Roman in his dust robbery.

Most of the sources had only known this after Lightning apprehended them the day she was invited to Beacon. The mugshot's of all criminals involved had been plastered over the local and worldwide news. So obviously, there would be people who recognised them as the nightclub's hired protection.

This is what led to Lightning and Winter standing outside of a nightclub named Junior's Club. Lightning couldn't help but muse how uncreative the name is.

Lightning: Wonder how long it took for him to come up with the name?

Winter: Focus, we're in the middle of an operation.

Lightning: Speaking of... You've never been undercover before, have you?

Winter was drawing a lot of unwanted attention thanks to her conservative clothing. She was still wearing her military attire while the surrounding women are dressed in revealing dresses and the such.

Lightning: Ya'know you kinda stand out...

Winter: You surely can't expect a Schnee to masquerade herself in such unseemly attire.

Lightning: Tch, worth a try at least...

Over the last two weeks, Winter had come to an understanding of Lightning's personality but she still couldn't tell if Lightning just liked to tease her or seriously had an interest in her.

Every time she had asked, Lightning would just respond completely deadpanned with the answer "Of course I do". This only added to her confusion because she felt like Lightning was teasing her again.

Winter while being a prodigy in combat had zero experience in anything like romance. So this was all foreign to her.

After entering the club, the pair of girls made their way to the bar in search for the club owner Junior. Winter was the first to speak after approaching the bartender.

Winter: We're looking for the owner of this establishment.

The Bartender who seemed unfazed and most importantly prepared for this type of question responded swiftly.

Bartender: If you don't have a permit come back with one. You're getting in the way.

Lightning: We aren't cops

Bartender: You think I'd believe that? look how she's dressed(Points at Winter).

Lightning: Ignore her, just consider us potential business partners.

Bartender: I don't think the club needs 'investors' like you two.

Lightning: But that isn't for you to decide now is it?

Bartender: (sigh) follow me...

The bartender brought the two to the inside of an office overlooking the club's dance-floor. There was a giant one-way glass-pane window. It allowed the people inside the office to look out but the people outside weren't able to see in.

After entering the room, the sight of a man sitting behind a desk with two girls standing either side of him was the only thing of note. The man cut an impressive figure standing at around 6'11. Whereas the girls either side are average height for their gender.

The man was none other than Junior Xiong the owner of this establishment. The two girls are Melanie Malachite and Miltia Malachite. The two twins are near identical except for the choice of colour in their makeup and dresses.

Junior: I'm a busy man so make it quick.

Lightning: A little birdie told us you had a dealing with Roman Torchwick

Junior: And?

Lightning went into this knowing that both Winter and herself lacked any leverage to make Junior speak. So, left with limited options decided to read his mind to attack any insecurities which pop up.

Junior: 'That white-haired girl is definitely Winter Schnee, so these two must be part of that Atlas attack force I was hearing whispers off. Do they think I helped brake Roman out? Having Atlas sniffing around my business would be a pain the ass.'

Lightning: Annnd Atlas has reason to believe you're still in cahoots with him

Junior: WHA-

Lightning: But if you were to give us some information, Atlas will have their suspicion completely erased.

Junior: Is that a threat, little girl?!

Lightning breaks out into a fit of laughter and releases enough psychic energy to make everyone in the room feel like they were being suffocated by it.

The energy wasn't directed at anyone like on the airship but was just left in the air. To everyone not accustomed to said energy, it felt like the air had become unbearably thin.

Junior: S-sstop

Lightning withdrew her energy and the room returned to normal except for now everyone but her was gasping for air. Lightning 'innocently' smiles sending shivers down the spin of the 3 in front of her.

Junior: A-alright, all I know is Roman has teamed up with the White Fang and they have something planned involving a shipyard here in Vale nothing more.

Winter: Which shipyard?

Junior: And why would I tell you that?

Lightning: Which shipyard?!

Junior without a second thought pulls a map outside of his draw and points to the shipyard.

Lightning: When?

Junior: Tomorrow, around 3 pm.

Lightning: Thanks, just so you know if I find out you're lying to us...


Lightning: It was nice doing business with you.

Lightning and Winter left the room shortly after but while they were about to close the door behind them. The sound of Junior shouting at the top of his lungs stopped them.


Lightning just continued to close the door bemused by the situation.