Chapter 22 -Shipyard

Lightning: Just what is she doing here?!

Lightning wearing an aggrieved expression stared down from the top of the building she currently stood on. Below her is a shipyard and just as Junior said Roman is here personally but the time given couldn't have been more off.

Lightning and Winter had been waiting here for long enough for the sun to completely set and now it's in the dead of night. They would have left much sooner, but with no other leads, they decided to wait and see.

The wait wasn't what made Lightning's mood turn sour, it was the appearance of one of her team members. Blake and from Lightning's respective a random Faunus were laying on top of a shipping container watching over the shipyard.

She had wanted to teleport down there and get answers but decided against it. She'd rather see for herself what her teammate was here for. Lightning knew since the day they met Blake was a Faunus. A cat Faunus to be precise.

The numerous clues given was enough for anybody to figure it out, but it seems like out of Team Light and Team Ruby she was the only one who had done so.

The clues she gave consisted of her persistent meowing in her sleep, the way she spoke about Faunus discrimination and the most damning one... The ribbon she wore on her head only partially covered her cat ears especially while sleeping at night. Of course, the ribbon would become loose after rolling around in her sleep. It was just a small piece of fabric after all.

Lightning had mentally prepared herself in case Blake was part of the White Fang and in turn an enemy. Even though Lightning had grown fond of Blake over their short time together. That didn't mean if she had betrayed her and her team any mercy would be given.

The White Fang had once been a peace-seeking Faunus faction their only goal was for Faunus and Humans to coexist in harmony but now that was all in the past. The White Fang of today represents a violent terrorist organization hellbent on toppling human society and putting a Faunus-ruled dominion in its place with humanity enslaved.

If Blake is truly one of them, in Lightning's eyes the Blake she had known was simply a well-executed facade. Nothing more, nothing less.

After the appearance of Roman, Blake drew out her blades and jumped down from the container. She dashed towards Roman, seizing him by the arm and pulling her blade to his neck. This was all done without Roman noticing her presence.

Seeing this Lightning smiles and all her previous tension is completely erased almost like it hadn't been there mere moments ago. Shortly after she turns to Winter standing next to her.

Lightning: Let's move closer, we can't hear them from here.

Winter reluctantly agrees, after all the person she is meant to capture has finally shown up and all Lightning wants to do is listen to him instead of apprehending him. The only reason she agreed was due to the complete faith she has in her own abilities. So, even if Roman tried to run she'll be able to manage the situation somehow.

Blake: Nobody move!

The White Fang soldiers ready their guns and equip their swords in response. Roman with a blade pushed against his neck doesn't at all seem fazed by it and confidently jest.

Roman: Whoa! Take it easy there, little lady.

Roman's men who are all wearing face masks and white vest with an engraved sigil on their backs pointed their guns at Blake. The sigil was of a blood-red wolf with 3 claw marks intersecting it. The sign of them being members of the White Fang.

Blake: Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum?

Lightning: 'Brothers? So, she is part of the white fang or at least was...'

Roman: Oh, kid, didn't you get the memo?

Blake: What are you talking about?

Roman: The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together!

Blake: Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation.

Blake strengths her grip on the blade and pushes it closer to his neck.

After doing so an airship invades the airspace above the docks, the scene of having an enormous airship seemingly appear out of nowhere is enough of a distraction for Roman to fire his cane-shaped cannon directly at the floor. Catching both him and Blake in the explosion. Thanks to their Aura's this attack weren't lethal for either side but the explosion was enough to push Blake back several feet creating space for Roman.

Roman swiftly attempts to capitalise on his previous attack by relentlessly firing the same cannon at Blake. Fortunately for Blake, her attack style relied on speed and with the help of her semblance, she was able to evade all attacks.

Blake's Faunus accomplice joins the fray in order to help Blake who was now being pushed onto the back foot. Roman promptly sends his henchmen at him but they only managed to keep him distracted for the matter of seconds before being beaten.

The boy went on to attack Roman and after a few exchanges Blake joined in and the two worked together to assault Roman.

Roman using his battle experience, took advantage of the surrounding environment and fired his cane at the container located above the two Faunas. the container which was being held in the air by a crane was sent plummeting to the ground.

The two Faunus panicked while evading the container, Blake dove forwards leaving her on the floor in front of Roman. Roman anticipating this was now pointing his cane at her. After the previous explosion it's unlikely that Blake's Aura can withstand another blow leaving her in a vulnerable state.

The Faunus boy jumped on top of the container which was now blocking his view of Roman and Blake. That's when he saw Blake helplessly laying on the floor mere moments away from certain death.

Knowing he wouldn't be able to cover the distance in time, he falls to his knees and screamed with an outstretched hand in Blake's direction


Roman ignoring the cries of despair playfully retorts.

Roman: Goodbye Kitty.

Roman fired his cannon, Blake could only close her eyes and silently pray for a miracle. The explosion hit exactly where Blake was, the same attack left a layer of smoke covering Blake completely.

The mere seconds felt like minutes for all parties, once the smokescreen dissipated the scene in front Roman baffled him. He expected to at least see a dead cat Faunus lying motionlessly on the floor assuming her body withstood the explosion but in her place was a pink-haired girl. The same girl who captured him before, she was condescendingly smiling at him.

Moments before Roman's attack Lightning had seen enough to discern that Blake wasn't an enemy and witnessing that she didn't have the situation under control used her [Apport] skill and had herself and Blake swap positions.

This did mean Lightning took the full force of the attack but after using [Observe] on Roman's cane Lightning knew that it didn't carry nearly enough attack power to get through her Aura.

Blake who was now sitting on top of the container with an equally confused looking Winter by her side. Nearly snapped her neck to look down towards her captain who was now conversing with Roman.

Roman: YOU?!

Lightning: Oh, you remember me?

Roman: Hahaha and she said I was being overly cautious!

Lightning: Have you lost your mind?

Roman: I just knew you would show up! So, I hired some extra security just in case you did. NOW I CAN ERASE THAT EMBARRASSMENT YOU PUT ME THROUGH!

Soon as Roman finished talking, 4 different containers opened and inside each one was one person. All 4 people walked out of their respective container and stood in front of Roman facing Lightning.

Roman: What you see in front of you are the four most accomplished assassins across all the Kingdoms and you wanna know what each has in common right now?

Lightning: They're freezing cold from being held in a container for god knows how long just so they could make a cool entrance?

Roman: Keep joking while you can! These four all have been contracted to kill you.

Lightning: You should have brought more.

Lightning drew her [Rebirth] and lunged forward similar as she did against Raven but this time she had no reason to hold back.

Before any of the assassins could react, Lightning had already passed the one who had the highest level and decapitated him. As soon as the remaining 3 assassins knew what was happening, the man's head had already fallen to the ground.

Lightning whimsically remarked to Roman before attacking again.

Lightning: I'm curious what rank was he?

While this was indeed Lightning's first time taking a life but it wasn't the first time seeing someone die in front of her. Plus Lightning had been training since she was 7 to become a huntress therefore overcoming the impact killing can do to one's sense of morality was just another part of becoming a warrior. Not to mention the world of Remnant didn't hold much value in a single life in the first place. This was why Lightning wasn't fazed at all by the fact she had technically become a murder.

Roman seeing how much he had underestimated Lightning began to run away in panic. Before all else Roman was a survivor.

Lightning: Winter, capture him I'll deal with these 3!

Winter who had been waiting for this moment, wasted no time and intercepted Roman trying to enter an Airship and easily apprehended the panic-stricken man. He would only shout that he would cooperate if she didn't kill him not even putting up a fight.

The 3 remaining assassins attempted to fight back but the 2 women and 1 man were just delaying the inevitable. All 4 world-renown assassins lost their lives that day and once the information broke that all 4 took the same contract to kill a 'young girl' named Lightning and failed. The name Lightning became infamous within the dark side of society.