The Adeloduns

"Audrey, Audrey... What's taking you so long. Nanny Grace go and check her room, also check the toy room and under the bed. That child has a habit of

keeping things carelessly"

Karen checks her watch for the time as nanny Grace rushes upstairs.

Audrey her little daughter can't find her friend's present. Today is Bambi's birthday party and the Wesley's are throwing a big party as she turns six. They've invited all their friends and business partners to come with their children.

Despite the fact that it's a little girl's birthday party, most of the big families in L state will be attending the party with their children, as gatherings like this can help create new connections in the elite society.

5:30 pm

"Oh heavens, we are running late".

" Karen relax. The birthday party starts by 6pm. We'll make it in time" Albert stated

"It won't be good if we get there late. Wesley is an old friend of ours and I promised Lana we'll be there in time. If only Audrey hadn't insisted on keeping the gift in her room, we would have already left. She has been searching for it for almost an hour now" Karen looked frustrated.

"Mama I've found it. It was hiding under the table" Audrey runs down the stairs with a beautiful pink gift box.

"Honey you placed it there" Albert says indulgingly

Karen glares at him "Audrey make sure you keep your things properly. You kept your father and I waiting for an hour".

Audrey looks at the floor and fiddle with her nails "l'm sorry mum"

"Alright now... let's go" Albert puts his hand around Karen's waist and with his other hand, he reaches out for Audrey.

The Adelodun's enter their Mercedes brabus G700. Albert and Karen are dressed in a traditional attire while Audrey is wearing a metallic lace dress with golden sandals. Albert is wearing a white buba and sokoto with navy blue agbada, navy blue fila on his head and black leather shoes. Karen on the other hand is seen clad in white buba and navy blue iro. On her head sits an elegantly tied navy blue gele. Merely looking at the gele, one can tell it took her stylist a long time to tie it.

Over her shoulder is an ipele that matches her iro. She has an embellish clutch bag in her hand and white sandals.

The Adeloduns owns a business empire, Lodun corporation, well known in N country and with a few branches in other countries in A continent. It is a family business that has been passed down for three generations.

Albert took over from his late father as CEO of Lodun corporation after his 27years birthday where his father had named him heir of Lodun corporation. The family head died from cardiac arrest when his younger brother Hon. Lade Adelodun raised an opposing faction among members of the board,to over throw the head of the family and take over the company.

When Albert replaced his father in the company, he not only made his uncle give him half of his shares but also degraded all those who took side with his uncle in the hostile take over. The company expanded to other countries in the A continent and has been growing steadily under his leadership.

Albert Adelodun is a known fierce and ruthless businessman but he is very doting towards his family. Especially his five year old daughter Audrey.

Four years after his marriage to Karen, they had no issue. His late father and his mother keep on pressuring him to marry another wife who will bear him a son to continue the family's bloodline.

The members of the family home at that time was very hostile towards Karen as they blamed her for their son's childlessness. Despite the family pressure, Albert stuck to his wife. Five years after his father's death his wife gave birth to Audrey.

Despite the arrival of the child the family members still expected more from Karen. As a male child is preferable to a female child. Female children according to the traditional customs are said to guests in their parents home, since once they come of age, they are married into another family. Male children are the ones that remain in their Father's house and carry on the family's bloodline.

Due to the ruthless manner Albert dealt with his uncle, members of the family tend to treat him with respect. Not only him but also his wife Karen as no one wants to incur his wrath. Although the disapproval is still shows, no one dares to use foul words on Karen.

Audrey however is the joy of the family, including the extended family. Her grandmother Madam Lola Adelodun adores her as she is her only grandchild. Anytime she returns from A country to visit the family, as she resides outside the country since her husband died, she never fails to spoil Audrey with presents.

Some of the toys she bought Audrey during her last visit has not yet be used.

She and Audrey's four aunts from both parents are the reason why Audrey has a separate room specially meant to house her toys.

Perhaps when Madam Lola's two daughters have a family of their own and give her more grandchildren, her presents will reduce...maybe not.

Audrey's maternal family is not left out in the spoiling. Her maternal grandmother Prof. Helen Unutayere, is an academician, a professor of Spectroscopy and currently the Vice Chancellor in one of the government owned universities in the country. She on the other hand showers the young child with books. According to her, Audrey will grow up to become a professor.

Hence the mini library in the toy room.

Audrey is a sweet beautiful little girl, hence everyone around her can't help but love her.