The family arrives at the Wesley mansion. The mansion is filled with influential and wealthy families in L state.
It is true to say that in gatherings like this, there is usually a hierarchy of class as lower families brown-nose higher families in hope of forming allies and gaining benefits. Higher families introduce their children to families they hope to benefit from in one way or the other. Some even go as far as forming marriages for their children. The Wesley's are not left out as some business tycoons introduce their sons to the family, singing their praises to the heavens.
Such sycophantic behaviors has always displeased Wesley. Hence he was more than happy to see The Adeloduns walk in.
"Please excuse me Mr and Mrs Alika. Enjoy the party" Wesley walks towards Albert. "What's up big man" he pulls Albert into a big bear hug since he has huge appearance compared to Albert.
"Oh am strong and still standing. keeping my enemies at bay"
"Happy birthday Bambi you are now a big girl" Bambi's cheeks grow a faint stain of red as Albert pulls her nose fondly. Karen and Audrey greets the family fondly.
"You look beautiful as always Lana"
"Thank you Albert"
"Well, since we are all here lets get the party started" Wesley informs the organizers " bring the cake".
"Audrey you need to see my cake. it's huge" Bambi pops her eyes
"Really, I bet it's delicious"
Bambi nods.
"Well you two will have a lot of cake and sweets to eat today" Lana smiles at the kids.
A servant wheels in a huge birthday cake into the center of the hall
"WOW" Audrey's eyes turn into saucers
And the celebration continues....
As they usually do every year, Bambi and Audrey ran to the garden to get a way from the party that has turned into something else as everyone was now talking about some business plans or proposals.
"Give me my doll, give it back to me.....sobs don't hurt Mary, give her back"
"Why should i give you this ugly doll, it is so ugly"
"Mary is not ugly, you are a mean bad boy Ryan" Brenda stretches her hands to take the doll but Ryan pulls it high above his head.
Somewhere still close to the mansion,
"Bambi that boy is a bully. Let us help the little girl".
"Audrey, his a big boy what if he bully both of us too"
"He won't, I have a plan" Audrey whispers something in Bambi's ear "....then say ARGHHHH..." Bambi chuckles in excitement.
Audrey walks up to the other duo while Bambi sneaks into the bushes.
"Hey you meanie are you not afraid of the Boogeyman"
"Whose the Boogeyman"
"He's an ugly monster that takes away bullies like you"
"Where does he take them"
"He takes them to his cave"
"Little girl you're lying. There is no Boogeyman, there are no caves around"
"The Boogeyman is real. He has a hidden underground cave with many tunnels in it leading to different parts of the world".
"When he hears little girls crying, the moves super fast and grabs the bully"
"Y....You are lying" a cold sweat breaks on Ryan's forehead.
"Am not lying, the Boogeyman has sharp teeth and long sharp fingernails. One time a 10 years old boy tore a little girl's doll and throw it in the mud. The Boogeyman caught him and grabbed him with his long nails that pierced the big boy's skin"
"He used his sharp teeth to bite the boy's neck and used his finger to pull his eyes out.
Ryan drops the doll on the floor, trembling with fear. Brenda picks the doll. " Does the Boogeyman really exist?"
"Yes he does and when he is coming he says..... ARGHHHHH"
"ARGHHHHHHH" the flowers behind them begins to shake.
" The Boogeyman is here" Audrey shouted. Brenda shrieks in fear
"Mummy!!!!!!" Ryan runs back towards the mansion like he has seen a snake. Bambi steps out of the the flower bush with a scary face
"ARGHHHH" she screams in a scary voice
Then she bursts out laughing so hard and the other girls joined her.
"Audrey where did you see a Boogeyman?" Bambi asked after they all sat on the stairs leading to the mansion.
"I saw him in one of the books grandma Helen gave me" Audrey puts a piece of cake in her mouth.
" Is he real" Brenda asked.
"I don't know. I've never seen him" She shrugs
"Thank you both for helping me. My name as Brenda. What is your name"
" I am Bambi and she is Audrey. She's my friend".
"Can I be your friend too"
" Sure you can be our friend" Audrey replies as she stuffs another big piece of cake in her mouth. Brenda and Bambi smile at each other as they continue eating their sweets.
"What's the name of your school Brenda ?" Bambi asked
"Hogwarts International School"
Audrey's eyes go as wide.
"That's the same school Audrey attends"
"Which class are you in?" Audrey asked
"I'm in basic One"
"Ohh i see. Bambi and I are in basic Two"
"That's cool. Bambi do you also attend H.I.S?"
"No I attend Queens International. It's a girl's school".
" Brenda we can play together during break session" Audrey smiles while Brenda nods.
"sighs..... now I feel left out" Bambi sulks
"Miss Audrey, miss Bambi your parents are looking for you. I will take you to them" a maid informs them.
"I guess it's time to return to your birthday party Bambi" Audrey straightens her dress.
"It's so boring"
"It is always boring Bambi" Audrey stated as they walk back into the mansion.
"I wish on my next birthday, all these old people won't be invited".
"And their mean kids won't come too"