Nine years later....
On a sunny Tuesday morning, Mr Wesley and his family arrives at the JHN Residential Rehabilitation Center along with his in-laws who arrived in a separate car which was parked beside his. As everyone alighted from the car Lana grabs her husband's arm as she stares at the big signboard.
"Wesley why have you brought us here? This is not the Chinese restaurant" Lana asked her husband in fear.
Wesley had no choice but to tell a lie as that was the only way he could make his wife get help. Lana has been showing symptoms of coccain-induced-psychosis due to her prolonged use of coccain. He had no idea that his wife fell back to her vices after they had their son George. She had managed to hide it from him and her parents for a long time until the hallucinations began. At first, she started to behaving strangely, getting easily provoke, being on edge most of the time and being extremely paranoid. Then they had ruled it out as stress but when the hallucinations began and Wesley found the small bottle containing a white powder, everyone then knew it was something else.
She promised to change, to stop taking coke as she did not want to be separated from her family, but she only got worst. All she did was try to be more discreet about her deeds. Giving her husband and parents the idea that she had put an end to the abuse. But her condition kept deteriorating. She started having delusions, her thoughts were mostly disorganized, yet the the last straw was one Friday morning.
The children where already in school and her husband has gone to the office. Lana found herself surrounded by tall trees in a green forest and soon after she was chased by an enormous hippotamus. She ran through the forest screaming her husband's name until she was hit by taxi driver. Her family was so worried about wellbeing. They knew they had to take the appropriate actions.
"Lana please come down. Kids say good bye to your mummy she will be staying here for a while and we will visit her regularly" Wesley stated as he helped Lana alight the vehicle.
As her feet landed on the ground, she flung his hands away. "Wesley no! You can do this, you can't leave me here." Wesley tries to hold her again. "Don't touch me, I'm warning you, don't get me angry. Get in the car and get me out of here now" she yelled.
"Lana dear, don't make things hard. You need help" her mother tried to reason with her.
"No mum. I don't need help. I just want to go home" she argued stubbornly as she continued to resist her husband.
"Lana! Stop this at once. You need help. You are losing your mind" her father bellowed.
"Why are you all shouting at me, making it seem like I am the bad person. You all decieved me and brought me here against my will" she points at all of them.
"I am not going, I'm not going, I'm not crazy" she whispered like a manic.
"Mum please go with them so you can get better" Bambi pleaded in tears. She and George are outside the car watching their mum act crazy.
"I'm fine! I'm not crazy" she grabed her hair, her eyes looking around in suspicion. "They are going to hurt me in there, they are going to hurt me, Leave me alone, don't touch me" she whispers to herself.
"Lana you are safe here" by this time three professional staffs from the center including their boss a dark-skined short stout woman arrived. "Mrs Oyibo, you and your staff can take her now. We'll leave her in your care" Wesley stated as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
As if she had a moment of clarity Lana screamed as the three staffs approach her. "Wesley don't do this, don't separate me from my children".
"The kids and I will always visit you. Its only for a short while" her husband reassured her.
"Mother, father I promise i'll stay away from coke. Don't let them take me" Lana desperately turned to her parents. "Lana we all want what's best for you. We can't watch you keep on hurting your self" her mother told in tears.
Lana calms down a bit as the staff leads her towards the rehab's entrance. She looked back at her family and then her children who were crying. She wriggles her self free from their grip and rushes towards her children. She pulls Bambi into a tight hug. "My little girl, you must be a good girl OK.... Mummy will come back soon. George...." She hugs her son. "Don't cry baby....mummy will come back soon". They both wrap their arms around her.
"Mummy get well soon OK. So you can come back home" Bambi said to her mother in tears.
After Lana was checked in, the family went back to the Wesley villa. As soon as Bambi entered her room, her cellphone rang. She looked at the caller's ID, it read "Drey bestie". She answered the call and broke down in tears.
"Oh cheeseballs, don't cry everything will be fine". Audrey consoled her. Bambi shakes her head and sniffs as mucus was already running down her nostrills. "My mum is now in the rehab center, she didn't want to go in. She was so different Drey. I've never seen mum like that before. I couldn't bear to see her like that". She replied in a hoarse voice. "Don't worry Bambi, aunty will get better in no time. Your dad took her to that center because they are the best at what they do. Don't worry she will be out and back home soon OK. Don't cry any more. You need to be strong. If you keep crying uncle Wesley will worry and so will Brenda and I and everyone who loves you....OK. Not to mention you'll get a headache". Audrey consoled her. "Ok I'll be fine and I'll stop crying. Mum will be back and I can always visit her" Bambi calmed down. "That's more like it. I'll come see you tomorrow. Brenda and I will visit you tomorrow so rest now OK. Bye bye cheeseballs. I love you OK".
"Bye Drey thanks for calling me. See you tomorrow."Bambi ended the call.