During break session, Brenda and Audrey were strolling towards Bambi's classroom.
When the three girls entered secondary school, Bambi's parents decided to enroll her in H.I.S. So the three friends will always be together. Over the years the three families were able to maintain a good relationship with one another.
"Brenda I was thinking, let's organize a sleepover, just the three of us. Bambi needs to take her mind away from her mother's condition". Audrey suggested.
"You are right, she hardly smiles much less laugh these days" Brenda paused her steps. "Let's hold it at my place. The maids will prepare all of Bambi's favorites dishes and snacks and we can play games just like old times". Brenda suggested. She rests her back against the rail by the corridor on the Second floor of the building and smiled as she recalled a fond memory.
Audrey on the other hand wasn't smiling, she had a worried look on her face. "Brenda stop resting there. You could fall over" Audrey stated as she pulled Brenda to the wall on the Opposite side. Brenda rolled her eyes. "You know, you can be such a worrywart sometimes, like a mother hen. Whose gonna fall over a rail that high".
Audrey didn't mind the statement as she was used to it. She was fond of her friends and cares deeply for them and as Brenda said, like a mother hen if anyone tries to harm them they will have to face her.
"Whatever, let's go" Audrey pulls her friend into Bambi's classroom.
"What's up cheeseballs"
By weekend Audrey and Bambi arrived at Brenda's house. Each of them with their night suits packed. Audrey arrived first then soon after Bambi's driver dropped her off.
"Cheeseballs" the girls screamed as they rushed to their friend who just arrived with her driver. "Why do you guys call her cheeseballs" they heard a boyish voice. "GEORGE!!!!!" The two girls screamed in surprise with their eyes almost touching the floor on seeing George enter the living room. "Why are you here?" Brenda questioned him with a frown. Bambi was the one who answered. "You see girls, dad had to work late tonight so George told him he will tag along with us" . "To a girls sleepover" Audrey exclaimed in horror "I'm sure he did this on purpose."
'George has a habit of crashing our sleepover with one excuse or the other. At first our parents said it was because he was still a small child and wanted to play with his big sister and her friends but now he's thirteen....thirteen! Why does he keep doing this' Audrey said in her mind, and though her lips were sealed tight, her eyes said it all as she was staring daggers at George.
"Listen to me George, you are going to stay here in the sitting room and play video games. When you're done you'll sleep in the guest room OK." Brenda stated in a stern manner. "And what if I don't?" George sat on the sofa and crossed his legs acting cocky. "You think I'm playing with you? I'll smack your senses back in place". Brenda attempts to walk over and punch him but Bambi held her back. "Brenda sweetie calm down ok. He'll listen....right George?" They both look at George for confirmation but he had an evil grin on his face. "He doesn't look like he wants to listen, let me teach him a lesson Bambi" Brenda tries to pry Bambi's hands from her waist.
"Since you don't want to be obedient, I'll just tell Lisa the story of how you got scared in the zoo the other day. How you screamed like a girl and even peed in your pants over a little thing and also, how you join us every time we hold a girls sleepover and play games with us all night. How feminine is this that. I'm sure she wouldn't take you seriously anymore". Three pairs of eyes turned to Audrey. George looked at Audrey in horror, that evil grin long gone from his face as he heard Audrey's evil plan. 'This girl is truly evil. She has that innocent look on her face even at this very moment. One will look at her and think I'm the one bullying her when she's the one bullying me' George lamemted to himself. "Fine I'll leave you girls alone. And don't you say a thing to Lisa OK." Audrey shrugs her shoulders innocently "OK" she replied in her sweet voice. 'Ahhhhh look at that' he shakes his head in frustration 'she's plain evil'. He had planned to ruin this sleepover today, not for any reason in particular but it just gave him joy all the time.
Mr and Mrs Bamidele arrived in the living room. "Well since you are all here" Mr Bamidele said "let's go have dinner" he turned to George. "Up to no good again George?" George smiled "no sir.". They arrived at the table to see the fat spread before them.
Later that night with delicious snacks around them and each one in their cute night suits that had identical designs and pattern just peculiar in color, the girls played truth or dare. They sat in a circle with an empty bottle between them and by one corner close to them a half filled bottle of Alomo bitters and six short glasses with four of them filled.
"Truth or dare" Brenda asked Audrey. She thinks for a while "truth" Audrey replied. Brenda grined "OK did you ever kiss Vincent while you two were dating."
"Audrey you must say the truth remember." Brenda stated. "I'm saying the truth" Audrey deadpanned. Bambi and Brenda shared a look. "Sweetie you dated for three years" Bambi reasoned. "Two years and four months OK and so what! He turned out to be a jerk anyway" Audrey stated.
"Now I see my that slut Vera was able to seduce him"
"Brenda watch your language" Bambi corrected her. "What are you, my mother" Brenda stated with sarcasm as she placed a piece of shortbread in her mouth.
"You know what? Let's play another game. My favorite, nail spin a color" Audrey stated excitedly since she was getting tired of the truth or dare game. "I'll get the nail paint".
"But we didn't finish the Alomo bitter" Bambi stated looking at the four glasses. "Bambi those things are terribly bitter" Audrey replied.
Alomo bitters a herbal mixture, was used very time the three girls played truth or dare since they can't drink alcohol. They are still below the legal drinking age.
Whoever could not do a dare or tell the truth, will have to drink a glass of the bitter alomo bitters. But each player can only take two glasses. The bitter mixture is so bitter till the girls would rather do the dare or tell the truth than drink it.
After playing "nail spin a colour", they played one more game, then watch a movie over popcorn and fell asleep with multi- coloured nails.
The next day which was Saturday, Bambi's dad came to pick his kids. He was pleased to see Bambi laughing and joking again.
"Seems like you really enjoyed your sleepover?" Wesley asked as three of them entered the car.
"Yes Dad I had fun"