An Unknown destination (2)

**WARNING**:- The content of the chapter contains some inappropriate actions that might be disturbing to some of the readers. Kindly skip the parts if you feel uncomfortable. 


A strong wave of water hit the skin of unconscious Yang Sying which made her come back to her senses slowly. A sudden headache made her eyes twitch in pain and the cold water sent a chill down Yang Sying's spine. 

She hissed in pain before she was able to open her eyes. Slowly her eyelids opened, because of impending pain, she was not able to see anything. As Yang Sying went capable of seeing things, her eyes were hit by the sudden light, which resulted in their closure again. 

Again hissing in the annoyance of the sudden light, it took some time for her to get used to the strong light before she opened her eyes fully.