Don't judge a book by its cover

"Sir, it's Mr. Zhen. He says that the first hospital had been taken over by some foreign company, he wants to have a word with you," as the man passed the phone to the figure.

"Hello, what is it?" the figure said.

From the other side, a nervous Zhen Dong, said, "Good evening, Mr. C-"

"Cut the crap, and come to the topic," the man said cutting off Zhen Dong.

On the other side of the phone, Zhen Dong was having a hard time. He was sweating and he started to shutter. Gulping a mouthful of water from the table near him, he continued, "Sir, the thing is, a company-"

As soon as Zhen Dong started to speak, in the room in which the man was sitting someone knocked. The man behind him opened the door, and a bodyguard came in and then whispered something in the ears of the man.

The man nodded, and then approached the figure and then passed him a tablet in which some words were written, as soon as the figure read the words, he paused.