
The last four days before the exam went by in a flash.

Konoha's academy was lively, since on this particular day every year, legends were born.

Students that would participate in the exam all walked into the academy with their hopes high. Some were nervous, while others were confident. After all, If they failed, they'd have to stay for one more year.

In time, they all gathered inside the classroom, filling it with noise.

In a corner of the class, Jun sat with his arms crossed. Looking around, he tried to find anyone worth noting… After all, two of these kids would become his partners for a while.

Suddenly, he heard two girls gossipping in front of him.

"Hey, do you think that I'll be in Minato's team? Kyaaa! That would be so perfect! It's only his first year in the academy, yet he's already about to graduate!"

"No way… He's just ten! I'd much rather be put in a team with Usele- Ahem! I mean Jun… Even though he's weak, he's so dreamy!"

"That useless junk? There's no way he'll pass the exam."

'Are they even whispering...? Kids these days…'

Ignoring them, Jun followed in their line of sight and noticed a particular youth. His blonde hair and blue eyes immediately reminded him of someone.

"It's him… Interesting."

From what he recalled, that boy would become a legendary war figure in the village. Namikaze Minato, also known as Konohagakure's yellow flash.

Although Jun didn't know about it, the conversation he had heard earlier perfectly encapsulated the girls in this class. They were divided, with one half admiring Minato, while the other half lusted after him. Although Jun was better looking, his talent was nowhere near Minato's.

Immersing himself in his memories, Jun recalled his fight against the shinobi alliance. Minato had been one of the few who caused him trouble, having integrated with one of the Nine-tails' halves and wielding the power to teleport.

Snapping him out of his trance, the teacher walked into the classroom. He was just a lowly Chūnin, so Jun decided to not pay him any extra attention.

Clearing his throat, the teacher looked up to the whole class and checked if everyone was present. Seeing Jun, he couldn't help but look disappointed. This kid hadn't come to his classes for so long, yet he still dared to come and take the exam?

Deciding to not call him out on it, he scratched his head and spoke up.

"All of you... Lets quickly get this over and done with. Line up!"

Following the students, Jun got in the back of the line and waited for his turn. One by one, all students attempted to perform the clone technique, receiving a forehead-protector if they managed to.

So far, a total of eight students out of the original twenty had passed. Now, he was the only one left.

Of course, the whole class dismissed him, thinking he would fail again. Even the teacher looked impatient.

"Uchiha Jun, second attempt. Please come up and perform the clone technique."

Hearing the teacher's words, some students started whispering.

"He's definitely gonna fail."

"Yeah, no doubt about it. Even though he's an Uchiha…"

Ignoring their words, Jun walked up to the front and performed a hand-seal.


With one word from him, everyone shut up. Next to him, an exact copy of himself stood for everyone to see.


"Oh my god…"

"Am I seeing it right?!"

Seeing Jun's clone, most of the class had their mouths wide open... They couldn't believe what just happened. Even the teacher was flabbergasted.

"U-Uchiha Jun… Pass… Come and get your forehead protector..."

Acting as if though all the other students didn't exist, Jun walked over to the table and picked his protector. Looking at it, the corners of his mouth rose.