
After the exam was finally over, all of the students were dismissed. Those who graduated were all smiles, while the ones who failed could only accept their fate.

As for the teams, they would be announced the next day.

Jun went back home, ready to continue training. Passing the exam was nothing... He could've easily done so on the first day he was brought back. His top priority at the moment was just to get stronger.

Knowing the nature of ninja villages and their people, he knew he wasn't completely safe. At any moment, someone might consider him a threat and decide to target him, especially because of the blood flowing through his veins.

He had to stay under the radar until he grew stronger. Even though he feared no one, he had a brain and knew when and how to use it.

'They say geniuses die early… In my previous life, I overcame countless trials, rising up over corpses and gaining power. Even though I fought adults while still a child, I always came out victorious…'

Back when he was just a child, Madara could beat adult Uchiha and Senju. Once he awakened his Sharingan, only Hashirama could stop him.

No one else could hold him. If he wanted something, he would get it… That was the way Uchiha Madara operated.

Exuding pure, unadulterated confidence, Jun walked through the streets of the Uchiha complex until he finally reached the cabin. Going straight to the lake, he stopped at the bay and removed his sandals, dipping his feet into the water.

Feeling the energy around him, Jun closed his eyes. Suddenly, the chakra around him became agitated, as he performed multiple hand seals.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!"

Following his words, he filled his lungs with air, mixing it with the fire he had kneaded from his chakra.

The result was a big fireball, almost perfectly spherical. Although it wasn't that big, its shape was close to perfect, indicating masterful chakra control.

It flew across the lake, causing some of the surface water to evaporate before dying down. Seeing this, Jun looked somewhat dissatisfied.

"If it wasn't for my chakra reserves being this low… Well, I guess I just need to train some more. No big deal."

Thinking this far, he continued practicing this technique until it gained some size and became perfectly circular. This took him approximately an hour.

Content with the result, Jun decided to stop. In the past few days, he had perfected all of the basic, elementary ninjutsu and through that, completely acclimated to his new body.

Judging from the nature of his fire-release, he was almost convinced that he had a fire affinity, like most Uchiha.

Although his head was filled with a monstrous arsenal of various Jutsu, he wanted to focus on two or three for the time being. There was no use trying to teach himself everything at once.

'For now, I should perfect both the great fireball and the flicker... As well as the surface merging technique.'

The latter was a technique he developed after studying Hashirama's wood-release. It gave him a similar ability to Zetsu's mayfly[1] but was less versatile. Although he could merge with any surface and erase his presence, his movement speed suffered greatly.

After all, he didn't have wood-release.

These three techniques would be a perfect starting point for him. All of them required high-levels of chakra control, serving as training methods as well.

In terms of close-combat, he was already confident. Since he had already become one with his new body, all of his combat experience and knowledge had come right back. Then again, once he awakened his Sharingan, his opponents could only resign themselves to their fates.

"Well, you're certainly diligent!"

Somewhat startled the sudden comment, Jun turned around and noticed an old man wearing traditional clothes, from the warring states era. This man was none other than Uchiha Masaki, the head of the Uchiha clan.


[1] Mayfly Is Zetsu's ability to phase through surfaces undetected.