
Sipping on his tea, Sarutobi smiled. He knew that Jiraiya had been wanting a team of his own, so he allowed him to become a sensei. Judging by his good mood, he could already guess the answer.

"Old man… I think I hit the jackpot! Those three are so good I can't believe they're straight out of the academy!"

"Really? What did they do to impress you this much?"

Now, Hiruzen was interested. If Jiraiya spoke this much praise about something other than a woman, it had to be good.

Clearing his throat, Jiraiya explained how he technically lost in the bell test. He didn't miss out any detail, from how overpowered Jun was to Minato's impressive intellect.

Sarutobi couldn't help but rejoice. If the Genin were already this strong, Konoha was in for prosperous times.

"The best thing is those two's personalities. Like any Uchiha, Jun is arrogant, but not in an overbearing way. He knows how to admit defeat, and even sees the bigger picture. Even though he's just fourteen, his reasoning is on par with mine!"

"Then there's Minato. His love for the village runs deep, and I've never seen someone as smart as him, apart from Orochimaru. In fact, I think he's smarter than him when he was at that age!"

"Heavens… If that's true, then we have a few diamonds in the rough this generation!"

Hiruzen gasped. If Jiraiya wasn't exaggerating, these three were very promising indeed.


The next morning, team Jiraiya gathered up at the third training ground. Greeting each other, they patiently waited for their sensei to arrive.

"What do you think our first mission will be guys? I sure hope its an easy one."

Nozomi took a rare break from her book as she asked this question. Since it was their first mission, she expected it to be simple.

Smiling, Minato chuckled.

"I hope its at least challenging."


Jun agreed with Minato, as he nonchalantly lied down to nap.

"You two…"

Nozomi couldn't help but look at them with frustration. Why were they ganging up on her?


Ignoring them, she found a secluded corner and continued reading, in hopes of calming down.

After a while, Jiraiya finally arrived. He carried a thick scent of perfume that permeated across the area. Feeling it, Nozomi recognized the smell of a woman...

Looking at her sensei with disgusted eyes, she lost all hope in men.

"Ah, sorry for being late guys. I was busy with some… Important matters."

"Yeah, important matters he says…"

Closing her book, Nozomi joined the group and Jiraiya cleared his throat.

"As I said, today we will go on our first mission! Aren't you guys excited?"

Nozomi ignored him and Jun looked bored. The only one who seemed interested was Minato, as he raised his hand.

"Jiraiya-sensei, may I ask what our mission is?"

"You'll find out soon enough! For now, just follow me."

Smiling, Jiraiya led the way as they headed towards the Inuzuka complex. Being one of the village's major clans, they occupied a massive plot of land, similar to the Uchiha's.

Once there, they noticed the guard standing by the gate. He was wearing traditional Chūnin clothing and had the typical face-paint of the Inuzuka.

Seeing Jiraiya, the guard walked over and greeted him with respect.

"Jiraiya-san, welcome! Are you here for kennel duty?"


"If that's so, then please go on. Thank you kindly for your help!"

Noticing where they were, and the casual use of the words 'kennels' and 'duty', the three members of team Jiraiya got a very, very bad feeling.


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