
"Alright! You heard the man. Let's go!"

Swaggering into the Inuzuka's territory as if it were his own, Jiraiya signaled for his students to follow behind him, which they reluctantly did.

A while later, they reached a building with a huge sign.

"Inuzuka Kennels…"

Reading it out loud, Nozomi felt a chill run down her spine. Ever since they'd entered this place, it already smelled like dogs... But she felt like it got worse, the closer they got to this place.


As veins appeared near her eyes, she activated her Byakugan and looked right into the building. A second later, her face became drained of all color.

Noticing this change, both Jun and Minato turned to her. They also had some theories but were hoping they weren't correct.

"Jiraiya-sensei… What is the meaning of this…"

"Hehehe… It seems like the cat's out of the bag... Welcome to your first, humbling D-rank mission! Today, we'll be cleaning the Inuzuka Kennels!"


As if all her worst fears had come true, Nozomi quickly turned around, trying to escape. As soon as she faced the opposite direction, Jiraiya had already appeared right before her.

"Where are you going...? Could you be running from our first mission?"

"So what if I am! Get out of the way!"

"Tsk Tsk… Kids these days. What's some dog waste to a ninja? We go on life-or-death missions, yet we're unable to clean a dog's kennel? Tell me… Do you think that's right?"

Jiraiya was having the time of his life. Seeing his cute little Genin suffer like this, brought him tremendous joy, as he enjoyed his new role as a teacher.

'Me? Cleaning dog crap…?'

Jun was unable to compute this information. The great Madara would have to clean dog kennels?

'Hashirama… I didn't know you had such a dark side… Who would make kids undergo such a vulgar mission as their initiation!'

Unable to accept reality, Jun short-circuited. He stood there, with a lifeless look in his eyes, mumbling to himself. If one were to listen closely, they'd hear Hashirama's name being repeated with countless curses.

The only one that was left fully-functioning was Minato, who smiled awkwardly.

"I… I guess there are no shortcuts on the road to become Hokage…"

Grabbing Nozomi from the back of her blouse, Jiraiya dragged her into the building, whether she wanted to or not.

Following behind him, Minato and a barely-functioning Jun also entered.

Once inside, a gentle old lady walked over to them. Next to her, a seasoned dog with thick fur was wagging its tail.

"Welcome! We were just waiting for you... The dogs are right this way, follow me!"

"After you, madam."

Talking to her politely, Jiraiya took his students and followed the old lady until they reached what seemed like the interior of a bathhouse.

Inside, there were hundreds of dogs, all lined up. Watching Jiraiya's squad walk in, they wagged their tails expectantly.

Pointing at a corner that was full of cleaning material, the old lady spoke with a smile.

"The cleaning supplies are in that corner, and the water hoses are over there. Once you're done washing them all, make sure to dry them off using the blow-dryers!"


Hearing the lady's words, a lightning bolt seemed to strike all three Genin. Looking at Jiraiya with shocked faces, they thought they heard wrongly.

Seeing their reactions, Jiraiya burst out laughing.

"Gahahaha! You guys really thought that we'd be cleaning the kennels? I got you good! Ahahaha!"

"Wait… Does that mean… We won't be cleaning dog shit...?"


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