
As he pretended to fall asleep, Jun sensed all of the chakra signatures inside the room. Noticing Ren's, a smile appeared on his face.

'So he's here… I wonder how strong he's gotten since then…'

Jun hadn't heard anything from Ren in the past month. He couldn't help but wonder if he had made any progress in the utilization of his eyes.

Deciding to keep an eye on him, Jun continued scrutinizing all of the people present. Out of fifty contestants gathered in the room, only two caught his attention.

One was an abnormally tall mist ninja. He had small round eyes and long, orange hair that reached into his back with some pinned up at the top. He also had six green stripes on his face.

Jun could tell that he had killed quite a few people before, judging by his demeanor and presence.

The next one was from the sand. He had auburn hair, dark eyes, and featured a stern look on his face. He also carried a small canister strapped to his hip.

Although he didn't have the killing aura of the last one, this guy wasn't weak. Jun could just feel it.

'Well, I hope that they don't bore me too much…'

As Jun was trying to take a nap, the speakers inside the room turned on, producing static noise. Suddenly, the proctor's voice could be heard.

"Good day to you all. My name is Shigeo Nara, and I'm the head proctor for the first round of today's exam. First of all, I want you to each take one of the papers from the table at the front of the room."

"So, it's a written test…"

Following the voice's order, everyone picked up one of the test papers and found a seat for themselves. Once they were done, the voice spoke again.

"Is everyone seated? Good, now read the questions carefully."


Jun checked the sheet of paper. On it, there were three questions with increasing difficulty.

"From the top, the questions are worth thirty, forty, and fifty points each."

In room one, Minato was carefully analyzing the proctor's words. If it were like that, then the total score would be one-hundred and twenty points. Twenty more points than they were used to.

As he thought about how odd it was, the proctor continued.

"Each of you will answer just one question, and your team's total points will determine whether you pass or not… If a team's total exceeds one-hundred points, they'll be automatically disqualified."

"That's crazy!"

"Yeah! What the hell!?"

Inside the three rooms, people started making a ruckus. To them, this sounded extremely unfair.

Watching everyone get angry, Nozomi sighed.

'So the bad combinations are thirty-thirty-fifty, for one-hundred and ten points, thirty-forty-forty, also for one-hundred and ten, and forty-forty-forty, also for one-hundred and twenty points…'

Interrupting her thoughts, the proctor continued.

"Once the exam is over, we'll take the average score of the teams that remain, and whichever team scores below it... Will be disqualified. Teams with an average or over the average score will pass unless that average is one-hundred... The exam starts now."

"What… How're we meant to..."

"Wait a minute! I don't-"

Ignoring the people who had any questions, the speakers turned off, and a timer started, counting down thirty minutes.

'How am I going to know which question Jun and Nozomi will go for… Are they trying to see how well we know our teammates…? This promises to be difficult…'

Sighing, Minato got to thinking. He had to find a way for them to score one-hundred points.


Don't forget to drop some stones!


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