
Placing his hands behind his neck, Jun smiled.

'Either we can predict our teammate's choices... Or we communicate.'

The proctor hadn't prohibited communication between candidates, so there was no problem.

'Well, let's get to it."

While no one was paying attention, Jun performed the shadow-clone jutsu. Suddenly, an identical copy sat right by him.

Closing his eyes, he gave orders to the clone. Getting up, it merged with the ground and silently made its way to room one, where Minato was currently waiting.

Once it made it there, the clone crept under Minato's feet, poking out its head from the ground, slightly startling Minato.

"Jun..! How did you make it here…? Were you even allowed to leave?"

In a hushed voice, Minato stared at Jun in disbelief. He didn't want to get disqualified.

"Don't worry. The real me is still in room three."

"Oh, I see…"

"Minato, you and Nozomi will solve question one, for thirty points. I'll do the fourty point question so that we get the highest possible score."

"Alright, you can count on me."

Nodding, Minato got to work. Confirming this, Jun's clone disappeared once again, this time on its way to room two, repeating the process.


Seeing Jun's head poking out of the ground, Nozomi screamed in terror, attracting glares from the other participants. Looking around, she bowed a few times in an attempt to apologize.

Sitting back down, she wiped the sweat from her forehead.

'I must be dreaming… Did I see Jun's face on the ground…?'

"Psst! Nozomi…!"

'I must be hearing things…'

"Nozomi… You little..."

Losing his patience, Jun's hand emerged from the ground and grabbed hold of her ankle, making her jump in fright. Looking down, she immediately got caught in his Sharingan's Genjutsu.

Through it, Jun explained everything in a split second. Once he was done, he disappeared underground.

Regaining her senses, Nozomi finally understood what happened. Feeling stupid, she hit her head and decided to solve the question.

'I'll just forget about this... Yeah.'


While team Jiraiya were doing their thing, the other teams were also finding ways to pass the exam.

Sitting with his arms crossed, the boy with auburn hair closed his eyes. He was none other than Sabaku Rasa, the direct disciple of the Third Kazekage.

As he closed his eyes, black markings appeared around them. Concentrating, he controlled some Golden-dust that he had left outside, directing it towards the windows of both rooms one and two.

Once there, the gold started squirming around, taking on the shape of a three and a zero on each widow. Noticing this, his two teammates understood and got to work.

On the other side of Room three, the huge guy with green face-paint got serious. His name was Fuguki Suikazan, an eminent genin from the mist. Forming a 'dog' hand-seal, he also closed his eyes.[1]

Outside, a small pond left by yesterday's rain vibrated, forming two numbers. Inside room two, Kushimaru Kuriarare, another eminent ninja from the mist, read the numbers, and laughed eerily.[2]

As his laugh came from under his mask, the Genin around shot glances at him, but never rested their eyes on him for too long, getting a disturbing feeling.

Back in room three, Ren rose his hand up with one finger sticking out, attracting some people's attention.

Inside room two, Hizashi activated his eyes as he looked for his teammates through the walls. Seeing that they had both only raised one finger, he nodded and deactivated his Byakugan.

Ren was smiling. Both he and their other teammate knew that Hiyashi would look for them with his eyes, so he decided to announce that he would do the thirty-point question.

If both of them showed him the same thing, he would do the second question, and they would easily score one-hundred.

'Piece of cake!"


[1] For those wondering why I chose 'dog' here, it's because water-style Jutsu tend to be associated with this particular hand-seal.

[2] If you don't recognize Fuguki and Kushimaru, they were both part of the seven swordsmen of the mist. Of course, they're not part of that team right now, being mere Genin.


Don't forget to drop some stones!


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