
Note: So I uploaded the last chapter with the wrong order... Here's the real chapter 67


"Aniki!" Aito ran towards the three Genin with a wide grin plastered on his face. In his hand, a small document fluttered with every movement he made. Noticing his innocent smile, the stress that remained from the examination lessened quite a bit, improving their overall mood.

"Aito, I see that you're excited about your holidays." Jun smiled, noticing his glaring excitement. The term was finally over, and the academy's students were probably rushing back to their houses, excited to no end.

With that said, he wasn't going to allow his brother a moment of peace. While the others were playing, he would be training.

"No, Aniki. Although I'm happy about that, there's something even more important that I want you to see!" Aito gripped the document in his hand, giving it to Jun with a hopeful expression.

Under his teammate's gaze, Jun accepted the document and carefully checked its contents. As he read out the information, Nozomi's face grew more and more astounded.

"Let's see … End of year report, Uchiha Aito. First in the academy for ninjutsu, taijutsu, mindset, teamwork, and tactical thinking. Expected to graduate early, as next year's valedictorian …"

"Oh my god!" Nozomi's mouth opened so wide it could fit an entire apple. Snatching the document from Jun's hands, she also read through it in disbelief. Apparently, the academy's staff hadn't seen anyone this gifted since Minato.

In a month or so, Aito's development had been nothing short of transcendental.

"Aito, you're a genius!"

"Hehehe …"

'Seems like the training is finally bearing fruit.' The corner of Jun's lips curled into a small smile as he rose to his feet. Opening his arms in an inviting gesture, he took his younger brother in them, congratulating him for his achievements. "Aito, you did well."

Feeling his older brother's embrace, Aito overcame his shock and reciprocated, resulting in a heart-warming scene. Watching them both Nozomi and Minato couldn't help but smile.

"I got one!" Akane screamed, interrupting the warm moment between the two brothers. She was holding a massive fish in her hands, raising it for everyone to appreciate. Seeing her like this, the rest couldn't help but chuckle, tinging her face with red from the embarrassment.

Hidden away in the nearby woods, Ren watched them with longing eyes. Ever since that night, his closest friends --Who he once considered to be loyal-- had distanced themselves from him, for fear of being targeted by Jun. Those friends that used to send ingratiating looks his way had all scurried off at first sight of trouble.

Rumors of Jun's talent were already spreading. The notion that he would one day lead the Uchiha clan seamlessly settled in the hearts of the masses, and because of this, Ren feared that they would forget him completely.

He felt like he had no place in the clan anymore. Even though he had awakened his Sharingan, even though he was the clan head's son, none of these things seemed to matter. Sometimes, when he came back home from a mission, he would hear his father speak about Jun with a smile on his face. In all their years of living together, never once had he seen his father make such enthusiastic expressions. "Am I destined for a life of mediocrity…?"

"No, son."

Hearing these callous words, Ren jolted in fright. Because of his sudden movement, the injury on his shoulder started emitting a stinging pain, forcing him to squint his eyes.

In front of him, an apathetic Masaki also watched Jun and the others. Placing his hands behind his back, he sighed.

"Son, when will you finally let go of this useless vanity? Arrogance is good, but it shouldn't be mistaken for an inflated ego. There is a thin line between these things, and I hope that you will one day be mature enough to realize it." Ren was the perfect example of what could happen to an Uchiha should the right circumstances occur. Masaki feared that one day, his clan would fall into an endless cycle of hate and end up destroying itself from the inside.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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