
That same night, as Jun was cleaning up the cabin, he heard a minute knock on the door. Walking over, he slid it open. In front of him was a young man with narrow eyes and closely cropped grey hair. Recognizing the traditional Uchiha attire on him, Jun politely smiled. "Good afternoon. What's the matter?"

Nodding, the man spoke clear, concise words. "My name is Yashiro. I was sent here by lord Masaki, to warn you about the clan's secret meetings. Since it's your first time, I shall accompany you."

'The clan's meetings ... Huh?' Jun vaguely recalled this tradition. Every so often, the Uchiha clan's most prominent members would meet inside the Naka shrine to discuss politics, affairs, and the like. In these gatherings, decisions were taken for the future of the clan.

Making sure that Aito was asleep, Jun nodded and followed the man across the Uchiha compound, until they reached the shrine in question. Walking in, Yashiro systematically walked over to the far right side, reaching the seventh tatami mat. Underneath it lay a set of stairs that led to their destination.

Motioning for Jun to enter, he waited until the genin was inside to enter it himself, closing the entry behind him.

'How nostalgic.' Jun skimmed his hand across the wall, feeling its rugged texture as he strolled down the narrow steps. The hall, fifteen or so tatami mats large, was filled to capacity. In the light's absence, the figures silhouetted.

"Sorry for the wait." Gesturing Jun into the room, Yashiro also walked in and slid the door shut. Some figures rose and lit candles in four corners of the room, creating a dim light that allowed for limited vision.

"Sit over there." Yashiro pointed at a small opening in the crowd, where Jun quietly sat, surrounded by his clansmen.

At the forefront of the claustrophobic space, Masaki sat down, legs tucked underneath him. His face was emotionless as he stared at his brethren.

"We shall now begin our regular meeting." Fugaku, who sat behind him, momentarily rose to deliver a few words. "Jun shall be attending the meetings from now on."

In response, everyone else in the room bowed their heads simultaneously. Although Jun used to be talentless, his recent exploits had already reached their ears. That, coupled with the fact that Masaki had personally pushed for him to partake in the meetings, led the rest of the group to accept him quickly.

"Now then, to pick up where we left off last time, I'd like to discuss the recent developments within the police force." Fugaku spoke calmly. Just before his death, the second Hokage had formed Konoha's police, led by the Uchiha. Hearing this, Jun smiled wryly. 'That cunning Tobirama.' He had fooled the Uchiha with a false sense of power, ever so slightly pushing them away from the other villagers by turning them into a law-enforcement force.

In a few years, the village's people would develop ill feelings towards their clan, marking them as a public enemy, like any police force. Blinded by their pride, the Uchiha quickly fell victim to this ploy. If he wanted to achieve peace, he'd have to fix this situation before it was too late.

As the others debated over daily affairs, Jun patiently waited for his turn. Noticing a small window of opportunity, he raised his hand, drawing everyone's attention.

"You're too young. Since it's your first time, you should quietly listen." Fugaku sighed. Even he hadn't been this eager to participate when he first joined.

"Let him speak. I'm interested ..." Masaki raised his hand, signaling for Fugaku to remain silent. Confused, the Jōnin furrowed his brows. "But Lord, he's just fourteen ..."

"I said, let him speak. Fugaku, do my words mean nothing to you?" As he spoke, Masaki's colossal aura permeated the room, prompting the others to lower their heads. Regaining control, the older man nodded in Jun's direction, his lips curling into a small smile. "Speak."


Don't forget to drop some stones!


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