
"I think our clan should resign from the police force." Jun cut straight to the point, ignoring any repercussions. As his words trailed off, an uncanny silence befell the room.

"What did this kid just say?"

"Is he alright in the head?"

Laughter filled the small room, replacing the previous stillness. The rest of the clansmen couldn't believe what they'd just heard. As Fugaku sighed, Masaki had a barely noticeable look of shock on his face. 'Could he ...'

"Continue." Clenching his fists tightly, Masaki ordered the young man to continue his speech. At his words, the rest of the Uchiha stared in disbelief.

"We may not be noticing its effects just yet, but us holding this position in the village will only lead to the ostracisation of our clan." Jun's words were spoken calmly but generated fluctuations amongst the other Uchiha. Some of them had astonished expressions, while others seemed to deny his statement outright.

The most affected were Masaki and a middle-aged senior, both of whom were clenching their fists tightly.

"The boy is right... Lord Madara warned us of the Senju, stating that they would soon drive us to extinction. The second Hokage offered us an ostensibly powerful position, but it was merely the sweetening of his poison!" Moved by Jun's words, the man rose. His name was Setsuna, and he had once served under the second Hokage. Fed up Tobirama's misgivings of their clan, he could do nothing but watch. Until now.

"Is that true ...?" The clansmen didn't know how to react. Too much information was being hurled at them, as they struggled to understand it.

Noticing the commotion, Jun proceeded with a severe face. "We must step down from our law-enforcement duties. If the second Hokage truly wanted to give us a higher position, why are all the important cases sent straight to the Anbu? Are we any weaker than them?"

"That's ..." Jun's words hit home, causing the room to become mute once again. The police force's main rival was the Anbu, as they fought for supremacy. Still, the Anbu always had an edge, led by the Hokage himself.

"Even now, the Uchiha clan is feared, more than it is respected. Unlike other clans, like the Hyūga or Senju, we are seen as a threat. All because of the poor propaganda spread by the brass." Jun knew that because of their clan's reputation, even when they did something honest, it would never be acknowledged.

In his previous life, this drove him insane. That same rivalry between the Uchiha and Senju led him to push away Hashirama, all those years back. It then snowballed into the loss of his little brother, and eventually the downfall of his entire clan.

'But this time ... There's a chance.' The Senju were close to extinction. Only a few of them remained due to the bloodline not being kept where it should be. The Uchiha had to seize this opportunity and become the village's leading clan.[1]

"And how do you plan to change that ...?" Masaki urged in a sharp tone. He ultimately agreed with everything Jun said, but up until now, he was too cowardly to act on it. Masaki didn't know if his clan would fall apart because of this, but for some reason, he had a feeling... A feeling that this boy--Who he had merely known for a month--could change everything.


[1] Through extensive research, I have come to my very own conclusion. In my opinion, the Senju clan was lost, partially because of war and death, but mainly because of inter-clan marriage. They were known to have many marriages outside their clan, the First Hokage's case being the most recognized; Even Tsunade, the only remaining Senju, wasn't pure-blooded. Nagato can also be taken as an example since he was previously confirmed to have had a faint Senju lineage.

Anyways, this is just my theory. A game- I mean... A fan theory.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins and God Erebos!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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