
AN: Don't forget to drop some stones! Its what keeps this author motivated!


"Our clan must gain the village's favor." Jun closed his eyes, quickly coming up with a concise answer. At his words, the rest all shot dissatisfied looks towards him, with some even gnashing their teeth in anger.

"What do you mean... Brat, do you think that our clan would try to curry other's favor? It should be the other way round!" One of the more feisty clansmen got up, roaring furiously, taking the lead. With the first one coming out, the rest quickly piled on, until half of the room was condemning Jun.

Angered by his clansmen's behavior, Masaki once again let his chakra flood the entire secret room, shutting everyone up and putting an end to the cacophony of raging voices.

"Let the boy finish what he has to say!" Masaki had to be heavy-handed here. Although he never treated his people like this, the situation called for it. Taking this as his queue, Jun continued.

"It's this ego... This vanity will lead to the downfall of our clan. Instead of believing ourselves to be better than others, why don't we become the pillar they can rely on? Isn't strength meant to protect?" On the surface, his words were that, mere words. But the Uchiha couldn't distinguish them from bullets. Everything he said had meaning, a meaning that made them rethink their way of life.

As Madara Uchiha, Jun had lived many decades and had thus witnessed many different scenarios. He understood human psychology and knew what led to the Uchiha becoming this overbearing.

'It's not just the curse ...' It was wore than that... A situation could play a huge part in human behavior. Seen as the Senju's enemy, and by extension, the village's enemy, they began to behave in ways they would not usually act. Underneath this carapace they built, their clan was loving like no other.

But this was also a curse. The more love you felt, the deeper you would fall into the darkness once that love was extinguished. That was an Uchiha's bane. He knew that better than anyone.

"We must demonstrate that we're part of the hidden leaf. Not to its higher-ups, but the people instead. We shall fill the vacancy left by the Senju, and become the village's main pillar. To that end, I'm willing to do anything."

Jun's words were filled with deep resolve, lighting a fire in his clansmen's stomachs. Filled with mixed feelings of admiration and resolution, they all clenched their fists.

'So young, yet so wise ...' Masaki was left speechless. Jun's words had done what he was never able to do, Which was to unify the clan. He could feel it through the blood pulsating in his veins. They had become one. But when Masaki thought it couldn't get any better, Jun's words left him --The great tree of the Uchiha-- With his mouth wide open.

"My goal is to achieve true peace. To reach it, there is only one way. A force so strong, an ideal so threatening, that others fear war. That is where I, Jun Uchiha, am willing to take our clan. Other countries shall quiver at the mention of our name, thinking twice about warmongering." The Uchiha would become a symbol of peace that will last for generations, and their name only shall stop war from being waged. That was what he truly believed in before black Zetsu fooled him. [1]

The others stared, unable to speak. Although what the boy in front of them said sounded like pure blasphemy to them, they still believed it. Something in their blood led them to bow before this person. It was like an instinct... As if their leader had arrived.

"Ma- Madara-sama ..." Masaki dropped all composure. The image of their clan's legendary ninja overlapped Jun's, making him unable to discern the two.


[1] Madara was once obsessed with peace, and when I say obsessed, I'm not just throwing the term out there. I mean it.

To him, Konoha was the perfect 'ideal' of peace. Anything that threatened it, or didn't serve under it, was not meant to exist. Ironically, this ideology resembles Sasuke's (Before the final fight) but is way more simplistic. He would go out of his way to force villages like Iwagakure under submission, without following orders. For the peace of the village, he would make everyone submit.

Well, that was until the stone tablet came into the picture. Obsessed as he was, when he read about the 'Infinite Tsukuyomi', and how it could lead to a world of true 'peace', Madara lost it. He tried to tell his clan, but they immediately denied it, and he was forced to desert them because they didn't understand his ideas.

Konoha, or the village hidden in the leaves --As he named it himself-- Was the place he had built for his brother, yet was unable to gift to him. His goal was to create a space where children could grow without knowing the threat of war and the sadness it could cause.

"I think it was the fact that he had the mindset and the outlook of a villain. The intelligence to justify his cynicism, but the same, naive stubbornness and unwillingness to give up, present in somebody like Naruto, that made Madara one of the most dangerous characters in the verse and at the same time, such a great villain." -Swagkage

Anyways, he now wants to make every other village subservient to the leaf, with him and his clan as their leaders. He will elevate the clan's strength so much that they wouldn't ever be challenged.

I hope you understood all that!

P.S. If you haven't yet, check out Swagkage's video on youtube: 'Dissecting Madara.' It truly hits all bases with his character.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins and God Erebos!


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