
The very next day, inside the Hokage's office.

"On behalf of the entire Uchiha clan, I have come to announce our resignation from the Konohagakure police force."

Hiruzen, Homura, and Koharu's eyes all dumbfoundedly stared at Fugaku's bowing figure. His words -- Seemingly tranquil -- Sounded like thunder to them, leaving them in a paralyzed state. The implications of such a statement were too profound and required for them to think it through before thoroughly regaining their composure.[1]

"A-are you sure about this?" Caught off guard, Hiruzen struggled even to word his sentence. Never in his four decades of life had he expected this sort of development. It had come too abruptly, and with no build-up whatsoever. "I think you should reconsider-"

"Lord Hokage. I've already handed in the document with all of our signatures. We have no intention of going back on our decision." Fugaku bowed his head further, his words cutting through the council like a sharpened blade. Even Homura and Koharu, both of whom boasted decades of experience, couldn't come up with a reply.

"Our clan has decided to step down from law-enforcement duties. From this day on, we shall operate on the same level as the other noble clans of the leaf. We hope that you can show some understanding." Fugaku stood firmly, unwavering when faced with the village's brass.

'Show some understanding, you say. When I can't even understand what you're saying...' Hiruzen let out a desolate sigh, massaging his forehead in an attempt to calm himself down. In his mind, he was desperately looking for the right thing to do. Of course, he was happy to let them go, but he didn't know if it was the right way to go.

With a smile that was not a smile, Fugaku continued."Besides, every clan member that held a position of a commanding officer or above shall willingly join the Anbu. That is, only if they aren't put under Danzo-sama's direct supervision."

"That's ..." Koharu and Homura both rejoiced, this would be a great boon to their military strength. Both of them shared an aggressive mentality, so the Uchiha's proposition sounded quite lucrative to them. Their clan tended to produce strong-willed, powerful ninja, which were a perfect fit for the black ops.

How many times did they scout a potential Anbu member, only to be rejected because they were part of the police force? Smiling, Koharu spoke with a satisfied tone. "Saru, listen to the young man's words. That old man Masaki seems to have finally sided with the village."

"I can't believe that Masaki has finally decided to offer his brethren to the Anbu organization... Hiruzen, if we don't seize this opportunity, we might end up regretting it afterward." Homura was convinced. Both he and Koharu didn't know of Tobirama's true plan, so separating Danzo from them was but a minute price to pay in their eyes.[2]

Startled by his peers' immediate agreement, Hiruzen breathed another sigh. Was this the right thing to do? He really couldn't decide.

"Sigh... Alright. Your request has been approved. Tell your clansmen to come over tomorrow morning, we'll induct them into the Anbu. As for your other request, we'll make sure they don't fall under Danzo's jurisdiction. Is that all?" Hiruzen sounded defeated. He didn't know what this decision would lead to in the future, but he could only go with the flow of things.

Hearing his words, Fugaku could hardly stop a smile from showing on his face. By joining the Anbu, their clan could start gaining more recognition for the work they did. Instead of dealing with small criminals and hanging over others like cops, they would now actively defend the leaf.

"My thanks, Lord Hokage. I shall relay your message to the clan-head. If you'll excuse me." Bowing one last time, Fugaku turned around and left through the door. The job was done.

Watching the young man's back disappear, Hiruzen let out a wry smile. Did they figure out the second's plan? He couldn't understand what was happening.


[1] At this point, Danzo was busy with his duties as an Anbu and building up the 'root' organization. Therefore, he wasn't yet part of the Leaf village's council.

[2] Remember, Koharu and Homura have always acted for the village's benefit, like Danzo. But they weren't against the Uchiha until the nine tails' incident and the rebellion case, which led them to support the assassination of the entire clan.

Right now, the deal that Fugaku is offering sounds like gold to them. By strengthening the Anbu, the village's power also increases, so it's win-win in THEIR opinion. As for Hiruzen, he never had misgivings against the clan. In fact, he wished everything could've been settled peacefully.

In my humble opinion, I believe Hiruzen's management of the issue was deplorable. He let things escalate for so long, unable to make decisions when needed, and always succumbing to Danzo's pressure. A sad joke for a Hokage if you ask me, ignoring his combat strength.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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