
In the following week, Konoha underwent drastic changes. The Uchiha clan's sudden resignation from the police force left the organization severely underhanded and came as a surprise to many.

Although crime-rates increased in the first couple of days, the Anbu became even more active within the village, dissuading others from recklessly acting out.

Having been enemies for so long, Sarutobi expected friction to be inevitable once the Uchiha joined Anbu. But to his surprise, the previously arrogant clan joined in an almost subservient manner. They obeyed their captain's orders and didn't pose any problems, dumbfounding most of the veteran members. In this fashion, the clan quickly melded into the organization.

The Anbu's overall performance took a massive leap. With the Uchiha's innate talent and abilities, missions were carried out more effectively, a testament to their position amongst the most dominant clans in the leaf. Their skills fit the organization like a glove, capable of reading the memory of important targets, cast genjutsu, and silently take them out.

All looked good and well, but in the shadows, someone was cursing this turn of events, wishing he had been able to prevent it. Sitting on his veranda, Danzo seemed calm. But if one were to look carefully, his enraged expression would come to light. Danzo watched his bamboo fountain as thoughts raced within his head.

'Why did they request not to be put under my supervision... Could they know about 'root'?' Danzo gnashed his teeth, unable to make sense of the situation. Up until now, everything was going according to his plans, but out of nowhere, everything had changed. If this went on, the Uchiha would undoubtedly gain recognition within the village, and soon rise into a higher position. Once they did, he feared they would become uncontrollable.

"Gozu! Mezu! Tell me, what is going on in the Uchiha clan?" Danzo roared, his voice reverberating across the expansive courtyard. At his words, two figures flickered into his residence, with only the sliding doors separating them from Danzo.

"My lord, the Uchiha seem to have completely changed their attitudes. Although they remain prideful, their arrogance isn't as overbearing as it used to be. It's almost like they've become different people." Gozu wore a red-marked mask resembling a monkey, as his emotionless voice reached Danzo's ears.

Beside him, Mezu's wore an identical mask, with the only notable difference being its blue color.

"Masaki, what are you plotting?" Danzo was furious. This geezer had half a foot into the grave already, yet he still dared to foil his plans? Despicable! Couldn't he just quietly pass away and let him exterminate his entire clan?

"I have to fix this..." He couldn't just sit back and watch this happen. Something needed to be done. Rising to his feet, he noticed some documents lying on the wooden floor.

"Uchiha Jun... Ever since his appearance, strange things came about..." Picking the papers up, Danzo narrowed his eyes.


Jun sat on the water, at the center of the lake. Right now, Aito, Akane, and Nozomi were all training by themselves, meaning Jun was finally able to enjoy some peace.

Ever since he'd become a genin, these tranquil moments were few and far between. Enjoying the sounds of nature around him, Jun got to thinking.

'Right now, I need a sure-kill technique...' With the Sharingan, fireball, surface merging, and body-flicker techniques, his arsenal was already quite good. Then again, he felt like he was missing that 'finishing' move. Scouring through his memories, he tried to find the perfect jutsu.

A finishing move. To be described in such a way, it had to be quick, precise, and lethal. If he wanted a technique like that, the most suitable element would be lightning. In his past life, he had quite a few of these techniques in his arsenal. Some of them were so powerful that he even used them as a Jinchuriki.

'Maybe this one could do the trick ...' Staring at his palm, Jun finally settled on one.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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