
A/N: First of all, I want to thank all of my readers who have supported me up until now! I wouldn't be where I am without your continued support!

The positive comments on the last chapter made me feel real good, The support I received from you guys when I was clearly annoyed meant a lot. There will always be people that will nitpick, but as long as I have you guys, I know I'll be fine!

With renewed vigor, I shall strive to keep you guys satisfied with this story! Thank you so much!



Directing chakra into his palm, Jun watched as small sparks of electricity flew around. After a while, he managed to create a small current that wrapped his right hand.

'Okay, on to the next step.' Activating the Sharingan, Jun lifted his other hand and formed a 'rat' seal. Bit by bit, the electricity started taking on a purple tone, until it completely changed colors. Jun had essentially molded Yin-natured chakra, combining it with the lightning. Although he had done it countless times in his past life, it was a struggle.[1]

As time went on, the electricity covering his hand grew in size, and sounds akin to birds chirping resounded across the calm lake. Placing his hand on the water, he controlled the electricity as it spread across the water, frying every fish in a three-meter radius.

This technique was an application of his past life's purple lightning, but condensed and better suited for assassination. If he used it in conjunction with his flicker or surface-merging technique, enemies would drop like flies.

'I should be able to kill a weaker Jonin with this level of power ...' The corners of Jun's mouth rose in a confident smile. 'I should also develop a defensive move while I'm at it, let's see.'

Jun concentrated, and the purple lightning appeared once again. This time, instead of directing it into his hand, he let it surround his body, creating an electrical exoskeleton around him. A nearby insect flew too close, and as soon as it entered the electrical-field, it disintegrated completely.

Pleased with the result, Jun felt his chakra reserves plummet. De-activating the jutsu, he caught his breath.

"I should name these two... Let's see. How about 'Raijin no Yari' for the first one, and 'Raijin no Fuku' for the second one." These meant 'thunder god's' spear and clothes, respectively. The Yin chakra infused within the technique would allow him to mold it to his liking. Although others would've needed time to practice nature transformation, he was Madara Uchiha. Now that he was used to his new body, as long as he had the chakra, there weren't many things he couldn't teach himself.

"Now, let's see what happens if I infuse yang chakra instead..." This was something he hadn't tried in his past life. Forming a one-handed 'dragon' seal, he watched as electricity gathered around his palm.

To his surprise, it took on a red shade, gaining a destructive nature. The electricity's power was so concentrated it started burning off his skin.

Taken aback by the raw power of this technique, Jun immediately canceled it, leaving his hand with multiple burns.

"So the yang chakra increased the physical nature of the electricity, granting it more vitality and thus increasing its power ..." It made sense. After all, when he infused yin chakra, it allowed him to mold the electricity in different shapes and forms. This was just the complete opposite, sacrificing control for raw power.

If he used this technique, it would quickly consume his reserves. But as a last resort, it wasn't that bad. Jun decided to name it 'Raijin no Shokei,' which meant the thunder god's execution.

"This is interesting..." Jun couldn't wait to test it in battle as his lips curled into an eager smile.


[1] Raijin no Yari (Thunder god's spear)-- Similar to Kakashi's purple lightning, the user builds up lightning energy in their hand. By infusing Yin-chakra into it, the electricity takes on a purple hue and becomes much easier to control/shape. It has a vast range of possibilities, like Sasuke's Chidori. Short name: 'Yari.'

Raijin no Fuku -- (Thunder god's garbs) Thanks to the yin energy infused within the electricity, Jun can shape it to his heart's content. Needing a defensive jutsu, he decided to project the electricity around his body, creating a purple exoskeleton. Anything that comes into contact with it will be left severely shocked and paralyzed. Short name: 'Fuku.'

Raijin no Shokei (Thunder god's execution) -- Instead of infusing yin energy into the lightning, Jun decided to use Yang energy. The result was a high powered red Chidori. Even with the Sharingan, it is hard to control and can burn the user's arm. Short name: 'Shokei.'

[2] Back when he was fighting Naruto and Sasuke, Madara used two 'Raiton' techniques. The first one was the Yin Release Lightning Dispatch, with the second one being the storm release: Light Fang. Both of these techniques were sage jutsu, meaning he infused nature energy in them, but that's beside the point.

You see, when he uses the lightning dispatch, he mentions the use of yin release. This technique is seemingly just electricity being directed at opponents, so where does the yin nature play in? I believe that it gives it its color.

Now, you may ask, why is the light fang not yin release but still purple? Well, I believe that it does have yin chakra, but it was labeled as storm release because of the fluid-like properties it takes on. When Darui uses storm release -- Which is electricity with water-like features -- he creates things that look like light beams.

Now, because this is what storm release does, I've concluded that it did not cause the color.

You may also ask yourselves, could it be the natural energy? And to that, I say Kakashi. He had purple lightning, yet it was never mentioned that he used Senjutsu.

In my opinion, Kakashi added yin release to his Chidori to create a technique that is not only stronger and more versatile, but it also doesn't have the drawbacks of the original. All of that thanks to yin chakra, which gives form to nothing.

Keep in mind this is MY OPINION. By no means is this proved or anything. It's my fic, so I guess I can get jiggy with it! Ehehe.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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