
The shop had masks, flak-jackets, armor, weapons, and many other things. Surprised by the variety, Jun perused through the merchandise with a curious expression.

As he checked everything out, Jun came across something that immediately got his attention. Resting on a mannequin, were a set of shoulder and arm guards, made of crimson metal plates. It looked exactly like what he used to wear in his past life.

'A shame that they don't have a full set... There's just the shoulder and arm guards.' Sighing, he caressed the red metal with his hand, reminiscing.

"Has this armor caught your interest, young man?" Suddenly an old woman slowly walked out of the depths of the shop. Using a stick to keep her balance, she smiled warmly.

"This armor was inspired by the one's shinobi used back in my era. During the warring states, this was the norm." As she got closer, Jun noticed her prominent wrinkles; This woman was half dead.

"If you want it, I can give you a discount...After all, these sorts of armor are no longer popular." the woman smiled, pointing at the armor. Finally, someone had taken an interest in it, and she wouldn't let him leave without buying. "So? What will you do?"

Turning to the armor, Jun felt the nostalgia creep in. Making up his mind, he placed the envelopes down and picked up one of the shoulder guards before examining it closely.

"Good material... How much for the whole set?"

"Fifty thousand." Raising her fingers, the old woman smiled. "It normally would've cost you three hundred, but I made an exception since I like you."

Not falling for the old woman's lies, Jun smiled wryly. It wasn't that expensive, considering the amount of money he had just received. Opening one envelope, he ran his fingers through the bills before taking out the right amount and handing it to the old lady.

"Thank you for your patronage!" Quickly counting the money, the old lady smiled. "Do you want me to wrap it up for you?"

"Yeah, also, give me a backpack to put everything in."

"That's on the house!"


Walking through the streets of Konoha with a grey backpack, Jun had his hands in his pockets as he looked around.

'To think that the childish idea we had would one day become a reality...' The streets were bursting with vitality as everyone went about their business. This sort of peace would've been impossible to see back in the warring states.

'And yet, I let myself get fooled by a black mass of chakra...' Feeling remorseful, Jun vowed to keep this village, and its people safe.

As he was walking, Jun came across a taiyaki stand. Drawn by the advertisement, he couldn't help but take a look. "Since I've been away for a few days, maybe I should bring back something for Aito..."

The shop owner had a long strip of cloth tied around his head. Seeing Jun arrive, he smiled and pointed at the selection of snacks.

"You have chosen well, dear customer! There's red bean paste Taiyaki, green tea-flavored Taiyaki, black bean-"

"Just give me one of each." Already bored by the man's exaggerated display, Jun gestured for him to get on with it. Saluting, the man quickly got to packaging.

"It will be one-hundred and fifty Ryo!"[1]

"Here's your money."

Handing Jun a cardboard box with the shop's logo engraved on it, the shop owner accepted his money and bowed in thanks.

"Come again!"


[1] I checked, and the average Japanese specialized shop sells Taiyaki for around 300 yen. The Ryo to Yen conversion is 1 to 10, so for five Taiyaki, he had to pay 150 Ryo or 1500 Yen.

As for the 150000 armor, that's like 5000 dollars.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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