
Uzushiogakure's fire embassy. A large, green building, with cylindrical sections that interconnected, serving as a base for the upper floor, which was a large, flame-like sculpture.

The building itself was quite large, with people frequently walking in and out for various reasons, after all, travel between the two villages was commonplace.

It mainly served as a medium between the two nations, namely the land of fire and the land of whirlpools. When ninja from the leaf came to this village on missions, they would usually rest in this establishment, where their needs would be taken care of.

There were only two such embassies, and they were only possible because of the relationship between the land of fire and the land of whirlpools.

Entering the building, a spacious hall greeted the team, at the end of which lay a large reception office. Walking up to it, the brown-haired receptionists slightly bowed, welcoming them with a smile.

Seeing their forehead protectors, she seemed to recognize them, taking out two sets of keys. Placing them on the table, she also produced some lanyards with small identification badges strapped to them.

"Here's your room keys and proof of status as visitors from the leaf. We were expecting six people, could you specify where those two currently are?"

"They're in a meeting with the Uzukage." Accepting all of the stuff, Tsunade distributed the lanyards amongst the three Chunin and kept the last three. "Have you received the news of our meeting with the ambassador?"

"Indeed. Follow me; I'll take you to his office." Nodding her head, the receptionist rose to her feet and gestured for the three ninja to follow her.

After a while of walking around, they went up to the second floor. There, the receptionist took then to a fancy-looking door, with the kanji for fire engraved on it.

"I'm afraid this is as far as I can take you. The ambassador lies behind this door, so just knock and wait for his approval." Bowing once again, the receptionist smiled. "Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

"We're good, thank you." Smiling, Tsunade watched as she left before knocking three times on the large door. After a few seconds, a slightly nasal voice sounded from the inside. "Come in!"

The door gave way to a spacious room, decorated with expensive-looking memorabilia. The green floor, seemingly made of valuable materials, had intricate golden designs painted on it. The room itself looked like a work of art, leaving Nozomi and Minato speechless.

At the end of the room, in front of a giant wall of glass panes, a man reclined on his chair, sitting behind his large desk. He was a little overweight, with slick back hair and clothes of high-quality. His name was Tetsuo Okimoto, one of the wealthiest businessmen in the world, and a diplomat from the land of fire.

Okimoto had a good head for business since childhood. The daimyo's team scouted him from a young age, and he trained to become a diplomat. His skill and intelligence took him far, leading to him having the position as the main bridge between the fire and whirlpool daimyos.

"Hahaha! Welcome!" Laughing heartily, Okimoto took out a plate of pastry, placing it on his desk. "Fancy some food? You must be tired from the trip!"

Smiling wryly, Tsunade shook her head. "Not hank you, Okimoto-sama. We have something important to report."

"Hm?" Noticing Tsunade's serious demeanor, the ambassador got a bad feeling. Placing his elbows on the desk and intertwining his fingers, he spoke in a curious tone. "Does it concern the upcoming war?"

"Indeed." Nodding, Tsunade began explaining. Standing by her side, Jun absentmindedly stared at the village through the large windows.

Seeing him like this, both Nozomi and Minato felt something was up. Although Jun was usually quiet, he gave off the wrong vibe since the beginning of the mission.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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