
Uzukage's Mansion.

Ashina Uzumaki, otherwise known as the Uzukage and leader of the Uzumaki clan. Has was an elderly man with long white hair, a mustache, and a long goatee. He wore a traditional kimono with long sleeves, the shoulders of which bore the crest of Uzushiogakure.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru were both on one knee, with their heads down. This man --Seemingly too old to be alive-- Was someone even their master and Kage respected. A man gifted with his lineage's longevity, Ashina was the founder of Uzugakure and a close friend of the first Hokage.

Because of his age, he could be considered the weakest out of all the village leaders, but Uzugakure was not a warmongering power. They valued knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom more than they did strength.

Ashina was well into his sixties when he founded the village, and even then, he was still an active shinobi. Now, just over a hundred years old, he could still operate as the village's leader and shot-caller, a feat that no one could rival to this day.

"I see... They have finally let their greed blind them..." Closing his eyes, Ashina slowly reached for his brush and dipped it in ink, performing slow, masterful strokes on a large scroll. Lazily opening his eyes, his voice came out flat. "What has Hiruzen decided...?"

"If you'll allow me..." Raising his head, Jiraiya performed hand seals and bit into his lip, placing his palm on the ground. With a puff of smoke, the same toad from earlier made an appearance. In its mouth was a small, red scroll with the leaf's symbol engraved on it.

Retrieving it, Jiraiya handed it over to Ashina, who accepted it with his old hands. Untying the small knot, he rolled it open and carefully checked it's contents.

"I see. This was most definitely not thought up by Hiruzen... A Nara, perhaps?" Closing the scroll, he passed it on to Jiraiya once again and gestured for both he and Orochimaru to read it.

"This..." After checking its contents, both of them seemed shocked. "How do you feel about this, Lord Ashina...?"

Closing his eyes, the Kage took his time to answer, as if he was weighing the possibilities. Nodding, he responded to their question.

"Considering our history, I am not so opposed to the idea of merging our villages. My clan is not blinded by something like pride... We're capable of understanding when a situation is not in our favor." Sighing, he continued. "I never thought it would come to this... People are truly blinded by greed and will use any means to get what they want. When have my people ever wronged them?"

Hearing the old man's words, Jiraiya and Orochimaru were both speechless. Nodding, they listened attentively.

"I respect the hidden leaf village's decision to stay their hand, for fear of losing manpower before the war." Nodding, he continued. "As you said, it will take anywhere between two weeks and a month for the other villages to reach this land, given their need for preparation."

"Send this message to Hiruzen... Tell him that my clan agrees and that he is to send enough vessels for us to cross the sea and reach the land of fire. Through Fuinjutsu, we shall carry our most important belongings and structures with us."

Ashina's words left both of the leaf's Jonin perplexed. If a village could be transported, it would be Uzushiogakure. Through their sealing prowess, they could easily carry entire buildings with them.

"Tell Hiruzen that the construction of an Uzumaki compound will rest in the hands of the leaf. We shall bring our most important structures, but not everything can be moved. We shall depart in a week."


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


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